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Jobs To Careers Promoting Work-Based Learning for Quality Care Jobs To Careers Promoting Work-Based Learning for Quality Care.

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Presentation on theme: "Jobs To Careers Promoting Work-Based Learning for Quality Care Jobs To Careers Promoting Work-Based Learning for Quality Care."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jobs To Careers Promoting Work-Based Learning for Quality Care Jobs To Careers Promoting Work-Based Learning for Quality Care

2 In the Beginning, there was ALFTC ALFTC

3 Assisted Living Facility Training Consortium Workforce Development Grant  Cedar Sinai Park - Rose Schnitzer Manor  Avamere Assisted Living facility – Hillsboro  Portland Community College (CWT/IHP)

4 ALFTC Project Goals  Train & Promote employees  Demonstrate how to efficiently develop a skilled workforce through the use of skill standards and targeted training  Create Career Ladder & Lattices

5 Components of the Project  WorkKeys Job profiles Job profiles Assessments Assessments  Curriculum Development ESL & Adult Learning, OJT, Best Practice ESL & Adult Learning, OJT, Best Practice  Data Base Tracks time, instructor, all training Tracks time, instructor, all training  Evaluation

6 Better Jobs Better Care  19 partners  Retention of Direct Care Direct Care Workers Workers (DCW) (DCW)  RWJF funded  3 ½ years  1 of 5 projects

7 Better Jobs Better Care 8 practice sites 4 nursing homes 1 residential care facility 2 assisted living ( one on same campus as one of the nsg homes) 2 home care: 1 Home Health agency 1 Union SEIU - Home Care Workers 1 Union SEIU - Home Care Workers

8 Policy Objectives  Increase DCW access to CNA certification and advanced competencies. certification and advanced competencies.  Review regulatory activities, provider reimbursement. provider reimbursement.  Improve leadership skills of nurses. nurses. Added two goals during grant:  PCC philosophy statement  DCW core competencies

9 Practice Objectives person-centered approach part of each objective  DCW relationship with: Supervisor Supervisor Residents Residents Family Family  career advancement  diversity

10 Lessons Learned  Leadership team should: be multi departmental, all shifts be multi departmental, all shifts have authority to effect change (upper level) have authority to effect change (upper level) Implement some of suggestions that come from DCWs Implement some of suggestions that come from DCWs meet regularly (preferably more than monthly) meet regularly (preferably more than monthly) “When you’ve got a team working together there’s nothing better, and when you don’t there’s nothing worse.” DCW

11 Lessons Learned - DCW Activities  Flattening the organizational hierarchy---DCWs: Participate in interviews for DCW positions Participate in interviews for DCW positions Self schedule Self schedule Serve in leadership positions Serve in leadership positions Peer mentoring Peer mentoring Participate actively in care planning Participate actively in care planning  A new CNA, who had worked for about 3 mo. saw an ad in the paper for a job paying $11/hr (somewhat higher than we were paying her). She resigned, worked her 2 wks and left in good standing. One month later she came back and applied for rehire. “This is a better place to work”

12 Lessons Learned (con’t)  Training Sufficient dedicated time Sufficient dedicated time As a separate line item on the budget As a separate line item on the budget Beyond clinical topics Beyond clinical topics  Evaluation of efforts (PCC assessment tool, focus groups) Must be part of the work Must be part of the work User friendly tools make it inviting User friendly tools make it inviting  Need for ongoing efforts after grant is over MOVE (Making Oregon Vital for Elders) MOVE (Making Oregon Vital for Elders)


14 Still have challenges  Retention  Turn over Costs  Shortage of DCW now

15 Jobs To Careers

16 Funding from:  RWJF  Hitachi Our project one of 19 in country – (there are 2 in Oregon) - Only LTC/CBC project 3 year grant, - 1 ½ years into grant

17 10+ Partner Coalition  PCC – lead & fiscal agent (CWT, IHP, Gerontology) (CWT, IHP, Gerontology)  OHCA / Alliance  Employer providers CSP/RSM CSP/RSM PBCC/OH PBCC/OH Marquis, CCL Taft Home, Farmington Square Marquis, CCL Taft Home, Farmington Square  SPD & Board of Nursing  Worksystems Inc (WIB for Metro area)

18 Employer/provider Goals  Train entry level DCW using ALFTC curriculum – work based  Change employer policies & practices to support skill & career development for DCW  Train supervisors in coaching/mentoring for DCW career development

19 Work - Based Learning  Critical Elements of WBL Learning – done while on the job & dedicated to the task at hand Learning – done while on the job & dedicated to the task at hand Learning is everyone’s job Learning is everyone’s job Question underlying assumptions of practice Question underlying assumptions of practice

20 System Goals  Create/Implement a credentialing system for DCW ALFTC curriculum credential ALFTC curriculum credential  Entry Level and Med Aide level occupational profiles (RA I & RA II)  Voluntary, statewide standard for training

21 Community College Goals:  Create a joint education/employer system for DCW career development/career management coaching Credit for prior learning Credit for prior learning  Create new academic certificates that combine credit courses, CEU and workplace experience.  Support employer culture change through management training

22 Be a drop of water & Watch that ripple spread!

23 For more information:  Suanne Jackson  JTC program coordinator  PCC, Capital Center – SW Portland   503-533-2778/cell 503-333-8741

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