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Mainstreaming migratory bird requirements into wind energy development Maxim Vergeichik UNDP Bulgaria COP Meeting, September 2005, Bratislava.

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Presentation on theme: "Mainstreaming migratory bird requirements into wind energy development Maxim Vergeichik UNDP Bulgaria COP Meeting, September 2005, Bratislava."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mainstreaming migratory bird requirements into wind energy development Maxim Vergeichik UNDP Bulgaria COP Meeting, September 2005, Bratislava

2 Mainstreaming per GEF, SP-2 §Spatial: internalizing into spatial planning for an ecoregion, country, province R.4.Inf.6_Biodiversity_Strategy.pdf §Sectoral: improving productive behavior through demonstrations, policy adjustment, capacity building §Institutional: internalizing into entire government or a particular institution §Markets: creation of new markets, environmental payments, etc.

3 What is the problem/biological impact? §Loss of globally significant migratory birds through collisions with power generators; §Loss of habitat for globally significant migratory and wintering birds

4 Where is the problem? §Bulgarian Coast of the Black Sea - area of concentration of migratory and wintering birds

5 Threats §Wind energy farms placed wrong §Tourist infrastructure expansion destroys habitats Sectoral mainstreaming blended with spatial. Blending is allowed!

6 Birds and wind energy: why? §Cape Kaliakra studies: 40% migrants fly below 150 m. Balchik: 23%, etc. §E.g. White Storks: 414,000 ind. – 40% of the European population fly along Bulgarian coast

7 Wind energy development to date §Greenpeace: Bulgaria has highest wind power potential in Eastern and Central Europe §11% of energy from renewables by 2010 – very liberal market expansion opportunities §3 projects approved (72 turnbins). 2005 - 30 permissions expected (1-80 turbines) §80 turbines can be erected in less than 12 months

8 Conflicts §How long can this last without proper reconciliation (mainstreaming efforts)? §Cape Kaliakra wind farm proposal: complete overlap with important bird areas §Action : court-cases filed by NGOs, appeals to CMS convention

9 Barriers Wind development incentives inconsistent with biodiversity requirements Precautions not communicated to wind developers Information is not tailored well for decision makers Revise and improve EIA principles and scorecards Institutional / voluntary agreements between energy producers and NGOs Guidebook and training for EIA evaluators on turbine scoping assessment, etc. Information production and sharing system Round the clock Help Desk for guidance on wind farm placement, risk evaluation and mitigation measures Barrier removal – sectoral aspects

10 Barriers Municipalities do not care about birds in spatial planning Barrier removal – spatial aspects Regional inspectorates have weak enforcement capacity capacity Mechanisms for public participation in land use decision making nascent Edit spatial plans – make use of most advanced municipalities Capacity building NGO networking and public involvement

11 Peer Review Waders, water birds, soaring birds, even monk seal mentioned – what are you really after? Project Tips Focus your proposal species or habitat-wise “Increasingly serious threat” masks no threat Get your problem statement right right: Is your project remedial or precautionary? Don’t jump to concluding wind energy and tourism are key threats. There may be others Add as much evidence as possible To qualify for BD-2 need to focus on few threats with common approaches and linked biological impact It seems you want to change people’s behavior. It is hardly possible. True in most cases. Find and Use existent change drivers

12 Thank you

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