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Social work students’ perspective on group supervision Evija Apine University of Latvia Director of Social Work Professional Higher Education Study Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Social work students’ perspective on group supervision Evija Apine University of Latvia Director of Social Work Professional Higher Education Study Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social work students’ perspective on group supervision Evija Apine University of Latvia Director of Social Work Professional Higher Education Study Program NORDPLUS project partner

2 Content 1.The context of student group supervision 2.Organisation of group supervision at The University of Latvia 3.Students’ perception of the supervision 4.Supervisor’s conclusions

3 Beginnings of social work education and practice in Latvia  1991 Training in social work (SW) began  1992 Local governments establish social assistance services □In 2002 58% of Local governments’ social workers did not have diploma in SW □Since the 1st of January of 2008 only practitioners with SW diploma can work in the field

4 Students' field practice Practice I 2. semester Study excursions to different social service institutions, social action (project) Practice II 5. Semester Assistant's work in an institution, participant observation, report: analysis of institution’s functioning Practice III 7. Semester Casework; written and oral practice presentation (linking theory and practice)

5 Organization of group supervision I  The course in supervision in SW since 2004  In 2004 – 2005 offered in parallel to the Practice II (institutional focus)  Since 2006 in parallel to the Practice III (casework)

6 Organization of group supervision II  The aims of supervision study course: 1)to introduce students with supervision in SW and develop the understanding of the supervision’s role in social workers’ professional development and providing qualitative services to clients 2) to offer practical experience of supervision to students during their practical training and develop students’ self- reflection abilities.

7 Organization of group supervision III  The course is 6 ECTS  The course includes: 1.theoretical part 4 weeks 2.practical part – group supervision meetings 12 weeks Requirements for practical part:  Participate in supervision sessions  Write a letter of reflection on experience in supervision after each session  Write a final essay – analysis of experience

8 Organization of group supervision IV  Value of trust and openness in supervision  Supervisor’s authority issue Evaluation for practical part  Students receive fixed number of points: □for each supervision session they have attended (50%) □For each letter of reflection they have written after the session (25%)  1-5 points for written final essay (25%)

9 Soren Kaltoft, 1995 Supervision can be used for... Clients protection Learning process Quality control Creative space Self- awareness Supervision

10 Distribution of responsibilities Use of supervisionUniversity’s practice teacher Institution’s practice teacher University’s group supervisor 1. Leraning processxxx 2. Clients protectionx 3. Quality controlxx 4. Creative space?x 5. Self- awareness (reflection) xx

11 Students' evaluation of group supervision  Questionaires: □scales, where students are asked to evaluate different aspects of experienced supervision from 1 (negative) to 5 (positive) □open questions  The aim of the questionnaire is to give insight for the supervisor in order to be able to develop the course

12 Did you get the kind of supervision you wanted? 1= no, definitely not/ 2=More “no”, than yes/ 3=partly/ 4=more yes, than no/ 5=yes, definitely

13 How often the ideas and insights gained in supervision were practically applicable? 1= Almost never; 2=rarely; 3=sometimes 4=often; 5=almost always

14 Did supervision helped you to become more self aware? 1= no, definitely not; 2=More “no”, than yes 3=partly 4=more yes, than no; 5=yes, definitely

15 Did supervision help you to acquire new knowledge and/or skills? 1= no, definitely not; 2=no, not really; 3=sometimes; 4=yes, generally; 5=yes, definitely

16 What knowledge and skills? 2004, 2005, 2009  Communication and interviewing skills 51  Intervention (incl. situation analyzing) skills 21  Self-analysis and self-evaluation skills 12  Knowledge about possible interventions, methods in specific situations 11

17 How would you rate the role of supervision in professional development? 1=unimportant; 2=of little importance; 3=somewhat important; 4=quite important; 5=important

18 What were the most important gains from supervision? 2004  Knowledge and ideas 18  Communication skills 11 (listening skills 6, skills of expressiong one’e opinion 5)  Self-reflection/awareness 9  Possibility of self-expression 7  Experience of supervision process 7  Exchange of experience 7 (in total 80 statements)

19 What were the most important gains from supervision? 2005  Communication skills (ability to express emotions and thoughts 14; listening skills 6)  Information, suggestions and ideas for action 13  Information about other institutions 8  Experience of supervision process 6  Exchange of experience 6 (in total 64 statements)

20 What were the most important gains from supervision? 2009  Skills in self-analysis 8  Exchange of experience 6  Experience of supervision process 4 (in total 38 statements)

21 Supervisors’ conclusions  The course is meaningful in the development of professional skills, knowledge and attitudes  Supervision has to be in parallel with the casework practice III  Size of the group - not more than 10 persons  Frequency – once a week 1,5 hours or once in two weeks 3 hours  Students with similar placements are in one group  Supervisee (topic) for the next session has to be agreed beforehand

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