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Oslo University College Norway’s largest State University College Updated Nov 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Oslo University College Norway’s largest State University College Updated Nov 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oslo University College Norway’s largest State University College Updated Nov 2010

2 Approximately 12,000 students More than 1,200 employees Established in 1994 when 13 different state colleges merged Located in downtown Oslo Provides the largest range of professional education in Norway Norway’s fourth largest state-owned higher education institution Oslo University College

3 Faculty of Art, Design and Drama Faculty of Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Journalism, Library and Information Science Faculty of Education and International Studies Seven Faculties

4 Organisational Chart Dept. of Academic and Student Affairs Executive Director Prorector Prorector R&D Department of Financial and Operation Services Deptartment of Organisation and Human Resources R&D Administration Learning Center Information and Technology Services Staff Head of Executive Staff Rektor Centre for the Study of Professions Centre for Staff and Learning Development Board Communication Services Faculty of Fine Art and Drama Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Journalism, Library and Information Science Faculty of Education and International Studies Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Nursing Rector

5 Bachelor Programmes Art and Design Auditing Biomedical Laboratory Sciences Business Administration - Specialisation in : - International Business Programme - Information and Communication Technology - Organization and Management - Economics Child Care and Welfare Dental Technology Development Studies Drama and Theater Communications Early Childhood Education Engineering - Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology - Civil Engineering - Computer Science - Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Information Technology Journalism Library and Information Service Media and Communication Mensendieck Physiotherapy Nursing Occupational Therapy Medical Laboratory Science Pharmacy Physiotherapy Photo Journalism Prosthetics and Orthotics Public Management Radiography Social Work Sports, Outdoor Life and Health Welfare Studies Teacher Education in Art and Design Professional Education Teacher Education

6 Engineering Dental Technology Photojournalism Nursing Pictures from some of our studies: Art and Design

7 Rectorate Rector Sissel Østberg (in front) is elected rector for four years (from August 1st 2007). Behind: Pro-Rector R&D Trine B. Haugen and Pro-Rector Per- Arne Olsen.

8 Master Programmes Programmes taught in English: International Master in Digital Library Learning (DILL) (Joint Erasmus Mundus Programme in collaboration with Tallinn University, Estonia, and Parma University, Italy) European Masters in Early Childhood Education & Care (EMEC) (in collaboration with several European universities) Master Programme in Global Journalism (in collaboration with Örebro University, Sweden, University of Helsinki, Finland, and University of Tampere, Finland) (Örebro University's presentation in English ) Master of International Education and Development (in collaboration with Afhad University for Women, Sudan, and University of Zambia, Zambia) Master Programme in International Social Welfare and Health Policy Master Programme in Multicultural and International Education Master Programme in Network and System Administration (in collaboration with the University of Oslo, Department of Informatics)

9 Master Programmes Programmes taught in Norwegian: Master Programme in Art and Design Education Master Programme in Biomedicine Master Programme in Business Administration (in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences) Master Programme in Clinical Nursing Science Master Programme in Didactics for Compulsory Education Master Programme in Duodji (Traditional Sami Handicraft) Master Programme in Early Childhood Education Master Programme in Indoor Environment and Energy (in collaboration with Aalborg University, Denmark) Master Programme in Family Therapy Master Programme in Journalism (in collaboration with Oslo University) Master Programme in Library and Information Science Master Programme in Public Health Sciences (in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences) Master Programme in Public Management Master Programme in Rehabilitation - Specialities Children and Elderly People Master Programme in Social Work

10 Ph.D. Programmes Ph.D. Programme in the Study of Professions Ph.D. Programme in Social Work and Social Policy

11 Income 2009 (in millions) Ministry of Education and Research 1 061,0 Other ministries or state agencies 18,6 The Research Council of Norway 17,7 Sales, Rent, Student payments etc 39,5 External financed activity (courses, R&D) 17,7

12 Oslo University College has two levels of management 1.The Oslo University College Board is the supreme governing body of the university college (11 members - four external members, seven internal members. The Rector is head of the Board) 2.The Faculty Board is the faculty’s supreme governing body. Each faculty has a dean and a faculty director. Organization Organisation

13 The Rector and Pro-Rectors The Director of University College Seven Deans of Faculties Head of Studies Professional Management

14 Development work within pedagogics and and the study of professions are two important areas in which OUC has developed special expertise: Centre for Education Research and Development Centre for the Study of Professions Other units: National Centre for Multicultural Education Centres

15 Centre for Education Research and Development Contributes to the improvement of learning practice Contributes to research and development work in teaching and learning Provides guidance to institutional units and bodies based on relevant and up-to-date research and development work in the field of university pedagogy Develops flexible learning and new modes of teaching with the help of information and communication technologies Provides training for teachers and other members of staff

16 Investigates how professionals become qualified, what professional practice looks like, what career trajectories professionals engage in, and what role professionals play in society at large Offers doctoral level courses: Ph.D. Programme in the Study of Professions Responsible for StudData, the most encompassing investigation of its kind in any of the Nordic countries, following students in more than 20 programmes of professional education. Centre for the Study of Professions (CSP)

17 Established January 1st 2004 on the basis of a governmental strategy plan Main objective: To assist in the development of competence for work within, and leadership of, institutions involved in the education of linguistic minorities. The centre will at the same time work for the development of inclusive multicultural learning communities at all levels. National Centre for Multicultural Education

18 A multi-professional meeting place, mainly involving library, ICT and pedagogics Populated by Audio-Visual and ICT staff, librarians, students and pedagogues Requires pedagogical involvement by using the resources of the Learning Centres in a competent way both in studies and in tuition Learning Centres

19 Learning Centre P48 (main campus) Learning Centre PP (location: Pilestredet Park) Learning Centre P35 (location: Pilestredet 35) Learning Centres

20 25 per cent of professional resources used on R&D activities OUC currently hosts over 40 professorships An annual prize is awarded for good work in R&D Three research programmes: 1.Technology, Design and Environment 2.Care, Health and Welfare 3.Communication, Education and Culture Research and Development

21 A multi-cultural and international study environment key topic of OUC’s strategic plan 2008 - 2011 International collaboration on study programmes and research Three master programmes taught in English and six international joint master programmes More than 50 courses taught in English (undergraduate level) Student access to study abroad of 1 - 2 semesters Increasing mobility for students and staff Internationalisation

22 Special teacher training courses for new employees An external evaluation of a degree course or faculty is conducted annually An annual prize is awarded for good learning environment Quality

23 Students’ assessment of the programme they attend Self evaluation performed by faculites and centres Develop and maintain procedures for administrative tasks Faculties and centres will report annually to the Board on the quality of their courses and services Quality

24 Pictures from Oslo University College: Architecture

25 Oslo, Norway

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