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Renewable Energy Scenario in Gujarat R. N. Pandya, Sr. Project Executive Gujarat Energy Development Agency Gandhinagar.

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Presentation on theme: "Renewable Energy Scenario in Gujarat R. N. Pandya, Sr. Project Executive Gujarat Energy Development Agency Gandhinagar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewable Energy Scenario in Gujarat R. N. Pandya, Sr. Project Executive Gujarat Energy Development Agency Gandhinagar

2 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad2/28 Renewable Energy An alternative energy solution for meeting increasing Energy Demand and limiting Environmental Hazards. The Clean & Green Sources of Everlasting Energy

3 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad3/28 Renewable Energy Sources Solar Wind Bio Geo Tidal

4 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad4/28 RE Potential - Gujarat SourceResourcePotential Sun Solar Radiation5.75 kWh/Sq.m./day Biomass 24 million Tonnes900 MW e Biogas 200 lakh cattle population 933 MW e Energy Plantation 67 lakh Ha. Wasteland 15000 MW e Wind Coastline & Hilly Regions 12000 MW e

5 Presuming that 1 % of wasteland, if set aside there is a potential of setting up 10000 MW Solar Power Plant 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad5/28

6 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad6/28 National Action Plan on Climate Change National Solar Mission National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency National Mission on Sustainable Habitat National Water Mission National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem National Mission for a Green India National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture National Mission for Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change

7 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad7/28 Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission Objective of the National Solar Mission is to establish India as a global leader in Solar Energy, by creating the policy conditions for its diffusion across the country as quickly as possible. The immediate aim of the Mission is to focus on setting up an enabling environment for solar technology penetration in the country both at a centralized and decentralized level. In Phase I (up to 2013) will focus on –capturing of the low hanging options in solar thermal; –on promoting off-grid systems to serve populations without access to commercial energy and –modest capacity addition in grid-based systems. In Phase 2, after taking into account the experience of the initial years, capacity will be aggressively ramped up to create conditions for up scaled and competitive solar energy penetration in the country.

8 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad8/28 Over ONE LAKH Solar Cookers have been distributed in Gujarat under State Subsidy Scheme in last 20 years.

9 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad9/28 Solar Water Heaters Over 20000 domestic & industrial solar water heating systems have been installed in Gujarat in last decade totaling to daily capacity of 100- 120 lakh litre per day. Acceptance of Solar Water Heaters has been best amongst other Solar Energy Systems and the market has developed on the basis of the strength of the product.

10 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad10/28 Solar Air Heating Systems have found some scattered acceptance in food and dyestuff industries. Solar Industries have built capacities for designing and fabricating tailor made systems.

11 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad11/28

12 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad12/28 Solar Steam Generating Systems have been applied for community cooking and industrial low pressure steam applications. About 10 Steam Cooking Systems have been installed in Gujarat – for cooking 1000 – 2000 meals per day.

13 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad13/28 Solar PV Systems especially lighting in remote un- electrified areas have been successfully deployed barring high capital cost, maintenance and after- sales service problems. Solar off-grid systems – like solar pumping system, streetlight, homelights have been promoted with heavy subsidy.

14 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad14/28 Solar PV Lighting Systems 2000 Solar Street Light 1000 Solar Lantern 5000 Solar Home Light

15 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad15/28

16 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad16/28 About 265 X 1 kW Stand-alone SPV power systems installed. 34 Grid-connected rooftop Solar PV Systems (2350 kW) have been installed on Govt Buildings in Gujarat last year.

17 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad17/28 30 plants totaling to about 600 MW capacity have been commissioned in Gujarat in year 2011-12. They would be generating 900 MU

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19 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad19/28 Wind Turbines Wind Speed – 2 to 5 m/s Wind Speed – 10 to 25 m/s Wind Speed – 5 to 15 m/s

20 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad20/28 Gujarat Potential: 12000 MW Installed Capacity: 2625 MW tildate Cost: Rs. 5-6 crore Gujarat has the second largest Wind Power Plant installed capacity in the country which is about 2625 MW. Annually generating about 4400 million units of electricity.

21 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad21/28 Bio Energy Systems BIOGAS PLANT BIOMASS GASIFIER PLANT 21000 cubic mt/day added 1500 cubic mt/day added

22 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad22/28 Gandhinagar Solar City Project Solar Rooftop Power Systems – Target - 5 MW System – 4 MW govt blgs & 1 MW on houses –GERC tariff Rs. 11.21 per unit –Terrace Owner Rs. 3 per unit –Implemented by GPCL & funded by GEDA 125 X 1 kW Rooftop SPV systems on Govt Bungalows 9 X 10 kW Rooftop SPV systems on Govt Buildings 40 kW Wind-Solar Hybrid Power System Solar Water Heating Systems on Govt Quarters

23 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad23/28 State: Solar Power Policy Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) –Target – 1000 approx MW. –PPA* @Rs.15/- per unit for first 12 years and @Rs.5/- for next 13 years –PPA* signed for 971.50 MW with 83 companies to be commissioned by December 2011 end –Period of PPA – 25 years 600 MW Plants installed as on date Govt would be spending about 1600 crores for 1080 MU generated by 600 MW Solar Power Plants in Gujarat * PPA – Power Purchase Agreement

24 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad24/28 Gujarat: Plugging to Solar Solar Radiation in Gujarat –@5.6 – 6.0 kWh/m 2 /day

25 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad25/28 RE Power Purchase Policy Wind Energy – Rs. 3:56 per unit Solar Energy – Rs. 15 per unit (first 12 years) Solar Energy – Rs. 5 per unit (next 13 years) Bio Energy – Rs. 4.40 per unit New Solar PP Policy (29-Jan-2012) Solar Energy – Rs. 9.98 per unit (first 12 years) Solar Energy – Rs. 7 per unit (next 13 years)

26 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad26/28 Asia’s First Solar Park in Gujarat Village Charanka, Ta:Santalpur, Patan 2024 hectares of wasteland For setting up 3000MW Generation & Manufacturing Facilities 200 MW Capacity Power Plants have been installed GPCL is the Project Managers

27 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad27/28 Total Installed Capacity of RE Systems in Gujarat 1000 MW approximately

28 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad28/28 Barriers & Bottlenecks High initial cost and replacement of costly batteries in off-grid systems Sense of ownership – poor maintenance Lack of user awareness & training Poor after sales service network Quality of product and assured service life Failure of SPV systems distributed in electrified areas Lack of innovation in application & promotion

29 3rd April, 2012VIKSAT, Ahmedabad29/28 THANK YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE & FOR SPARING YOUR VALUABLE TIME Lastly About GEDA – State Nodal Agency MNRE – GOI Ministry and IREDA – RE Financing Institution

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