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Welcome to Ashley Youth Detention Centre

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Ashley Youth Detention Centre"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Ashley Youth Detention Centre
Presentation for South Pacific Council of Youth and Children’s Courts Conference Bill Smith, Centre Manager and Jane Douglas, Assistant Centre Manager

2 Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmania
MINISTER Children's Commissioner SECRETARY Executive and Portfolio Services Internal Audit Human Services and Housing Division Corporate and Strategic Support Community, Population and Rural Health Hospital and Ambulance Services Primary Health Oral Health Services Housing Tasmania Population Health Disability Services Community Support Children and Families sub Division Mental Health Services Correctional Health Services Alcohol and Drug Services Community Partners Family, Child and Youth Health Child and Family Services Youth Justice Child and Family Service Centres Community Youth Justice Custodial Youth Justice (Ashley Youth Detention Centre) Care and Protection Our Kids Program Domestic Violence Crisis Service Adoption and Information Service

3 Ashley Youth Detention Centre
CENTRE MANAGER Assistant Centre Manager Manager Professional Services Operations Manager FSS Manager Manager Business Operations Psychologist Training Officer Program Coordinator Coordinator Case Management Admin Spt Officer Executive Assistant Operations Supervisor Medical Practitioner Project Officer Maint/Grounds Officer Admin Officer Program Officer Case Manager Operations Coordinator Clinical Nurse Consultant Site Services Officer Stores Officer Technical Programs Officer Conferencing Coordinator Team Leader Catering Officer Operations Support Officer Caseworker Admissions Officer Sport & Recreation Officer Youth Worker Youth Worker Casual Pool

4 Ashley Youth Detention Centre
Tasmania’s only youth custodial facility Young men and women aged 10 – 17 years inclusive Remand and Detention orders Gazetted as a Youth Detention Centre under the Youth Justice Act 1997 in February 2000 Practice shift from “welfare” to “restorative justice” model Changing Client Profile $7m capital works project 1999 – 2001 Ongoing capital works and service improvement

5 Our Purpose and Vision Purpose Vision
To provide secure care and custody for young men and women who are remanded or sentenced by the courts, through the provision of rehabilitative programs in accordance with the principles of the Youth Justice Act 1997. Vision Working Together to Enhance a Young Person’s return to the Community

6 Our Clients – Statistical Overview 2004/05
There were 200 admissions to the Centre, an increase of 14% on 2003/04 and 35% on 2001/02 Remands accounted for 93% of all admissions 20% of young people admitted were aged 10 – 14 years 50% of young people admitted were aged 15 – 16 years 30% of young people admitted were 17 years or older 17% of admissions were females Average length of stay on remand is 38 days Average length of stay on detention is 96 days

7 Our Clients – Social Overview
Young Aborigines continue to be over represented in detention (6.5% of admissions) A large proportion of young people in custody are affected by neglect or physical, emotional or sexual abuse Many detainees have committed serious offences involving violence Some suffer depression and emotional instability A significant number of young people in custody report having attempted suicide or self harm Many leave school before year 8 and have low literacy skills

8 Key Service Outcomes Provision of a high quality secure care environment for young people Rehabilitation of young people in custody to enable them to become more responsible citizens Improved health and well being outcomes for young people in custody Improved capacity for reintegration of young people Promotion of organisation and management structure that provides “best practice” service for young people in custody Promotion of the five principles of restorative justice: Responsibility Rehabilitation Reparation Diversion Deterrence

9 Case Management at Ashley Youth Detention Centre
Responsibility Developing a sense of responsibility is critical to learn pro social behaviour Rehabilitation Addressing the risk factors of re offending Cultural Factors Unemployment Literacy/Numeracy Drug/Substance Abuse Developmental stage History of Child Abuse/Neglect/Domestic Violence Mental Health Issues Family Background

10 Case Management at Ashley Youth Detention Centre
Reparation Repairing the damage that has been done through engaging in programs and services and reducing the risk of re offending Deterrence Once the young person is returned to the community, deterring the incidence of re offending through heightened social responsibility Diversion Strengthening family, community and cultural relationships to minimise the social impact of detention

11 Programs at Ashley Youth Detention Centre The “What Works” Model
TARGET FOR CHANGE Psychiatrist Psychologist Counselling Drug & Alcohol Violence/Anger Mgt Therapeutic Art TYPE OF PROGRAM Direct Therapeutic Intervention for Clinical Conditions Change of Ideas and Behaviours that influence Offending Behaviour Intensive Programs for Serious and Persistent Offenders Direct Offending Focus Responsivity Psychoeducation Identified Criminogenic Needs Victim Empathy Challenging Offending Behaviour Therapeutic Wilderness Program Offence Focussed, Criminogenic Programs For Medium to High Risk Offenders Education Vocational and Educational Training (VET) On site/Off site Work Experience Skills and Attitudes that support living within an External Social Environment Social Integration Programs Parenting, Personalised Training, Internal Project Hahn Off site Recreational and Community focussed Activities Gardening, Maintenance, Art, Sport, Leisure/Negotiated Activities Skills and Attitudes that support living within an Internal Local Environment Local Integration Programs Sentence Administration

12 Behaviour Development
Young people learn that they can make choices about their behaviour and that those choices may lead to consequences that are either rewarding or produce sanctions. This will help them develop behaviours that will assist them to successfully move back into the community. Behaviour development is comprised of two schemes designed to support positive behaviour and manage negative behaviour. They are: THE INCENTIVE SCHEME INCIDENT MANAGEMENT Behaviour development therefore puts into operation several principles of restorative justice.

13 The Incentive Scheme The purposes of the Incentive Scheme are to reward desirable behaviour and increase the likelihood of its reoccurrence. Punishment is not the purpose of the incentive scheme. Earned rewards should not be taken away to inhibit negative behaviour. Behaviour that is rewarded should be realistic and achievable for the client. Rewards should apply to behaviour that lead to acquisition of social, educational and organisational development. The Young Person is to be provided with opportunities to learn to make choices, manage their own behaviour responsibly and is to be encouraged to take responsibility for their actions. Desirable behaviours should be concrete, specific and operational. Rewards must be what young people want and value. Rewards do not include clients entitlements, rights and obligations. Solutions must be practical. The Scheme must be simple and clear.

14 Incident Management The purpose of this scheme is to restore the Young Person and the Detention Centre to the healthy state that existed before the incident occurred. In this sense incident management constitutes a practice of restorative justice in a custodial setting. It is used to ensure the SAFETY of all residents and staff at the Centre at all times. Incidents are categorised as REPORTED INCIDENTS MINOR INCIDENTS DETENTION CENTRE OFFENCES The Incentive Scheme and Incident Management Schemes are interrelated. There may be some consequences to the Young Persons level within the Incentive Scheme if their behaviour warrants detention offence or minor incident proceedings. Isolation cannot be used as a punishment. Isolation is used to manage behaviour. There are statutory provisions concerning for what reason and the secretary’s instruction for how long isolation can be used.

15 Are there any questions?
Thank you for visiting Are there any questions?

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