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CCPS Workforce Network Meeting Norton Park, Edinburgh 1 st October 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "CCPS Workforce Network Meeting Norton Park, Edinburgh 1 st October 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCPS Workforce Network Meeting Norton Park, Edinburgh 1 st October 2012

2 Judith Midgley, CCPS Workforce Associate Caroline Sturgeon, SSSC Adviser, Workforce Development and Planning & Cheryl Campbell, SSSC Senior Registration Officer Programme for Afternoon

3 Consultation on proposal to consolidate the SSSC Register

4 Why are we proposing to consolidate the Register? Currently… Register has 18 parts This is set to increase Feedback from the sector suggests… Structure doesn’t reflect workforce deployment Some workers need to Register on more than one part Need for an increasingly flexible workforce

5 Scope of the consultation Consultation includes: All parts of the Register for social service workers in function related roles This consultation does not include Register parts for: X Social worker X Social work student X Staff of the Care Inspectorate

6 Overview of our proposal 1. Consolidate the Structure of the Register Propose 2 parts: Adult Services & Children’s Services Each part would have 4 functional roles: –Manager –Supervisor –Practitioner –Support Worker.

7 Proposed structure would look like this: Children’s ServicesAdult Services Qualification * SCQF levelQualification * SCQF level ManagerBACP SW Degree 360 credits @ level 9 ManagerSVQ 4 + 60 credits in management Level 9 SupervisorSVQ 4Level 9SupervisorSVQ 3 + 15 credits in management Level 7/8 PractitionerSVQ 3 HNC Level 7/8PractitionerSVQ 3Level 7/8 Support Worker SVQ 2 NC Level 6/7Support Worker SVQ 2Level 6/7 *Please note, the qualifications listed are just examples, full lists of the qualifications we accept for Registration are on the SSSC website.

8 What would this mean in practice? Individuals able to move between service settings (within either Adult or Children’s services) without having to re-register, if they remain within the same job function Reduce number of people who have to register on 2 parts Current qualification requirements would be retained Where qualification requirements differ, if moving to a different job role, a condition may be put on your registration

9 Proposal 2: Standardise Renewal periods for Registration Propose to standardise renewal periods to 5 years This would apply to everyone on the proposed 2 new parts of the Register

10 What would this mean in practice? Current Renewal PeriodsProposed Renewal Periods Renewal periods vary: 3 year renewals (eg for residential child care workforce, managers in adult day care services) OR 5 year renewals (eg supervisors in care home services for adults, day care of children workforce) 5 years for all [All registrants would continue to pay their annual fee]

11 Proposal 3: Streamline Post Registration Training and Learning (PRTL) requirements PRTL should be completed on an annual basis Propose PRTL requirement of 5 days (30 hours) per year. This must include 2 days (12 hours) specifically in relation to the protection of vulnerable people

12 What would this mean in practice? Standardising PRTL Current PRTL requirements Proposed PRTL requirements Varies for different Register parts: 15 days (90 hours) over 3 year registration period. OR 10 days (60 hours) over 5 year registration period 5 days (30 hours) each year Including 2 days focusing on the protection of vulnerable people

13 What can count for PRTL? Variety of formal and informal learning opportunities may count towards PRTL, for example: Formal training courses Reading / self directed learning Supervision/team meetings/development time/work/seminars which demonstrate a reflective approach to learning Experiential learning/job shadowing Reflecting on learning, and showing how this has helped inform practice is essential.

14 And finally….next steps for consultation Consultation closes 10 October 2012 SSSC will analyse responses and submit formal report and recommendations to Council If Council agrees any changes, then SSSC intends to begin implementation from Spring 2013 onwards You views on how best to implement changes are sought in the consultation


16 Proposal 1: to change the structure of the Register Children’s ServicesAdult Services Qualification * SCQF levelQualification * SCQF level ManagerBACP SW Degree 360 credits @ level 9 ManagerSVQ 4 + 60 credits in management Level 9 SupervisorSVQ 4Level 9SupervisorSVQ 3 + 15 credits in management Level 7/8 PractitionerSVQ 3 HNC Level 7/8PractitionerSVQ 3Level 7/8 Support Worker SVQ 2 NC Level 6/7Support Worker SVQ 2Level 6/7 *Please note, the qualifications listed are just examples, full lists of the qualifications we accept for Registration are on the SSSC website.

17 Proposal 2: Standardise Renewal periods for Registration Propose to standardise renewal periods to 5 years This would apply to everyone on the proposed 2 new parts of the Register

18 Proposal 3: Streamline Post Registration Training and Learning (PRTL) requirements PRTL should be completed on an annual basis Propose PRTL requirement of 5 days (30 hours) per year. This must include 2 days (12 hours) specifically in relation to the protection of vulnerable people

19 Implementation of changes to the Register Would any of the following be useful? –Implementation plan on website + sent to counter signatories –Online briefings for employers –Email notification sent to each registrant + on website –Info in e-bulletin & newsletter –Printable posters and leaflets available on website Please make further suggestions to support implementation

20 Consultation closes on 10 th October 2012. Please submit your responses online at (consultations page) For more details, email

21 Workforce Network Consultation Key Issues Network Focus Network Operation

22 Workforce Key Issues Function & Regulation Learning and Development Reward and Recognition

23 Function & Regulation Current SSSC consultation on consolidation of the register Defining function when working for individual(s) in personalised services Registered support workers v unregistered PAs (Collaborative working with Providers & Personalisation Programme )

24 Learning & Development Skills for Personalisation/SDS NOS Review (Leadership & Management, Housing Support) Integration of health & adult social care Increasing use of assistive technology Risk Enablement & Adult Protection VSDF

25 Reward & Recognition Living Wage Mitigating erosion of Terms & Conditions Status & Value Link to service quality

26 Workforce Network Focus Information: To improve the ability of CCPS members to engage with the national workforce agenda, and Policy: To improve the impact CCPS member organisations are able to make on the national policy agenda, through acting as a voice of and advocating for CCPS member interests.

27 Workforce Network Operation Members’ Only Virtual Consultation Meetings as required

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