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Comments, Collaborators and Communications Hank Weiss, MPH, PhD Associate Professor University of Pittsburgh Director, Center for Injury Research and Control.

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Presentation on theme: "Comments, Collaborators and Communications Hank Weiss, MPH, PhD Associate Professor University of Pittsburgh Director, Center for Injury Research and Control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comments, Collaborators and Communications Hank Weiss, MPH, PhD Associate Professor University of Pittsburgh Director, Center for Injury Research and Control (CIRCL)













14 APHA ICEHS I njury C ontrol and E mergency H ealth S ervices Section

15 SAVIR (formerly NAICRC) S ociety for A dvancement of V iolence and I njury R esearch

16 STIPDA S tate and T erritorial I njury P revention D irectors A ssociation

17 Center for Injury Research and Control – CIRCL Research Education Service University of Pittsburgh

18 University of West Virginia Funded by CDC

19 CDC Funded Research Projects at Univ of Pittsburgh Managing Return-to-Play Decisions Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury - Stevenson Improving the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Inflicted Head Trauma in Infants - Kochanek Impact of Neuroendocrine Hormones on Pathophysiology & Outcomes after TBI – Wagner Impact of Motor-vehicle Crashes on Birth Outcomes and Infant Survival Using Record Linkage - Weiss Infant Head Injury Risk in Falls Using Experimental and Computational Models - Bertocci (small)

20 Center for Injury Research and Control Webinars

21 Real-time Internet Mediated Collaboration Hank Weiss PhD, MPH, MS Associate Professor Director, Center for Injury Research & Control University of Pittsburgh ICE - 2005

22 Asynchronous/Synchronous Communication Definition Asynchronous communication does not require that all parties involved in the communication need to be present and available at the same time or place. Examples include e-mail, discussion boards, streaming audio & video, PowerPoint downloads, web sites. Synchronous (direct) communication is when all parties involved in the communication are present at the same time (an event). Examples include a telephone conversation, an organization meeting, web conferencing and instant messaging.

23 Advantages of Synchronous Communication Immediate feedback More personal and timely More spontaneous and expandable Replicates physical classroom Reduces feeling of isolation between meetings Forum for collaboration at any time Inexpensive (after initial investment) Fosters a sense of community ± May lead to larger group interaction

24 Requires same-time participation Different time zones and conflicting schedules May require more investment of time to organize Pay-as-you-go plan may be expensive Disadvantages of Synchronous Communication

25 Virtual Classroom – What is it? Easy to use, moderator or group -led collaboration/classroom environment Live, real-time collaboration –Voice over IP –Text chat –Video –Shared whiteboard for PPT –Application sharing –Polls, quizzes and iconic feedback –Share remote & local applications

26 Virtual Classroom/Web meeting – Examples Web Ex Centra’s Groupwise Microsoft’s product (Placeware) Elluminate Live!

27 Virtual Classroom Components Participant Info Direct Messaging Audio Whiteboard (ppt, photos, graphics) Application Sharing Video and Multimedia

28 System Requirements Operating system – PC, Mac or Unix Administrative rights to install free java based software 40 MB free disk space Microphone / speakers or headset Internet connection; 56K or better Firewall tweaking may be needed

29 Other Collaboration Features Quiz Manager Quick Poll Web Push ( Send participants to URL) Video and Multimedia Breakout Rooms Multiple Moderators

30 Why Elluminate Live!? Universality –Multiple platforms – Mac, Unix & Windows clients –Low bandwidth adaptability Stability & Performance –Better Voice over IP (VOIP) –Robust application sharing and whiteboard Usability –Easy to use Price –Cheaper –No license for viewing recordings

31 Potential Uses for ICE 1.Conducting online meetings regionally and internationally between face-to-face meetings 2.Conduct group decision making between meeting 3.Interactive online seminar series 4.Development of recorded training modules 5.Potentially involve larger number of people in “hybrid” live and online meeting combinations 6.Archive formal and informal information exchanges 7.Save $ on calls with VOIP (and travel)

32 Discussion and Questions

33 Headset Lottery

34 Thanks!

35 Contact Information Hank Weiss, MPH, PhD Associate Professor Phone: (412) 648-9290 Email: University of Center for Injury Research and Control (CIRCL) Links:

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