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Iowa NSF EPSCoR Project $20 million, National Science Foundation + $2 million, Iowa Power Fund Harnessing Energy Flows in the Biosphere to Build Sustainable.

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2 Iowa NSF EPSCoR Project $20 million, National Science Foundation + $2 million, Iowa Power Fund Harnessing Energy Flows in the Biosphere to Build Sustainable Energy Systems Building research capacity Research conducted at Iowa State University, University of Iowa, and University of Northern Iowa Statewide impact through partnerships with community colleges, schools, government, and industry

3 Iowa NSF EPSCoR Vision To establish Iowa as a leader in the world-wide transition in energy supply from mining subsurface (fossil) energy stores to harnessing renewable energy flows in the biosphere by 2016 Build research capacity in renewable energy and energy efficiency Prepare a diverse, STEM-educated workforce

4 Iowa NSF EPSCoR Components

5 Research Bioenergy (Robert Brown, ISU) – Investigating bioenergy production technologies – Translational research being performed in pilot plants Wind Energy (Barry Butler, UI) – Building infrastructures to research wind energy – Optimizing wind energy production and harvest

6 Research Energy Utilization (Ted Heindel, ISU) – Evaluating human behaviors and attitudes toward energy usage – Modeling and experimental studies in building science Energy Policy (Bruce Babcock, ISU) – Collaborations between economists and engineers – Form relationships with legislators to educate about renewable energy

7 Broader Impacts Collaboration between universities and external research parties Increase participation of under-represented groups Invest in human capital and expand STEM fields Engage industry and legislators in EPSCoR Strengthening faculty academically and professionally

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