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Dr. Michael Byrne Principal Psychologist Manager / HSCP Research Subgroup Slides prepared by Patrick McHugh Research Activity, Skills and Training Needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Michael Byrne Principal Psychologist Manager / HSCP Research Subgroup Slides prepared by Patrick McHugh Research Activity, Skills and Training Needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Michael Byrne Principal Psychologist Manager / HSCP Research Subgroup Slides prepared by Patrick McHugh Research Activity, Skills and Training Needs of Health and Social Care Professionals: 2013 Survey

2 Research Subgroup members Michael Byrne, Principal Psychologist Manager, HSE (Chair) Molly Byrne, School of Psychology, NUIG Frances Conneely, Senior Executive Officer, HSCP Unit, HSE Sarah Donnelly, Lecturer in Social Work, UCD Suzanne Guerin, School of Psychology, UCD Mandy Lee, Assistant Professor, Health Policy & Management, TCD Helen Lynch, Dept. of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy, UCC Margaret Moore, Head of Radiotherapy Physics, University Hospital Galway, HSE Lydia O’Sullivan, Clinical Research Radiation Therapist, SLRON, Beaumont Centre Maria O’Sullivan, Associate Professor, Senior Scientist in Nutrition, TCD Irene Regan, Chief Medical Scientist, Our Lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin Martine Smith, Associate Professor, School of Linguistic Speech & Communication Sciences, TCD

3 Recap of 2011 Survey

4 Advancing on 2011 Survey Accessible online survey to gain larger and more representative sample More detailed comparison of research active and research inactive participants Wider range of content examined (e.g., motivation for research, publications) More comprehensive analysis of enablers of research Greater use of open-ended questions to sample opinions and experiences of HSCPs

5 2013 Survey Online survey created using LimeSurvey Email with survey link sent on to members of the HSCP Education and Development Advisory Group, heads of professional bodies, managerial groups and HSE-funded organisations for distribution 1,325 HSCPs completed the survey 15,844 HSCPs in Ireland (HSE Personnel Census Report, 2013) Response rate of 8.4% Likely response bias to those research active and interested in research Participant numbers sufficient for reliable results and high statistical power

6 Participants n% n% Male22617.1% HSE Dublin Mid- Leinster 41331.2% Female1,09982.8%HSE Dublin North East32424.5% Employed by HSE96272.6%HSE South33725.4% Employed by HSE- funded organisation 36327.4%HSE West25118.9%

7 Participants by profession Professionn% n% Psychologist19915%Radiation Therapist161.2% Speech and Language Therapist18514%Pharmacist161.2% Occupational Therapist16412.4%Orthopist151.1% Social Worker14611%Radiographer12.9% Physiotherapist14210.7%Podiatrist7.5% Dietician997.5%Audiologist7.5% Clinical Measurement Technician634.8%Clinical Engineer Technician4.3% Social Care Worker574.3%Biochemist3.2% HSCP (Unspecified)574.3% Environmental Health Officer 3.2% Medical Scientist513.8%Play Therapist2.2% Physicist453.4%Phlebotomist1.1% Counsellor312.3%

8 Proportion of research active participants For survey results: Research Active = Research active within the last two year Research Active = Not research active within the last two years

9 Characteristics of Research Active HSCPs Research Active Professional GradeNn% Staff Grade39914235.6% Senior56522038.9% Clinical Specialist563562.5% Principal Specialist382565.8% Manager1444833.3% Chief451737.8% Other785266.7% Research Active Health Service Level*Nn% Primary care39111830.2% Secondary care43116037.1% Tertiary care34918753.6% Multiple levels1396748.2% * 15 participants did not indicate a level

10 Highest Academic Degree

11 Strengths and Weaknesses of Participants

12 Are your research competencies adequate to engage in research?

13 Research Training Preferences

14 Enablers of research * Open-ended questions

15 Barriers to Research * p <.05, ** p <.01, *** p <.001

16 Proportion of work time for research

17 Motivation for research * Open-ended question

18 Publications and Presentations

19 Characteristics of research projects (n = 1953) Project Characteristicn% n% Type of Research Service Evaluation Primary Research104753.6%Yes66834.2% Secondary Research59630.5%No128565.8% Primary & Secondary31015.9% Research Role Academic Degree Researcher140276.1%Yes66634.1% Supervisor44123.9%No128765.9%

20 Most recently completed research project (n =357) Project Characteristicn% n% Funded6718.8% Collaboration with academic researcher 9225.8% Part of larger research stream 6417.9% Multidisciplinary Collaboration 11632.5% Collaboration20758% Collaboration with private organisation 4312%

21 Mentorship * Last completed project

22 Quality of mentorship

23 Summary Substantial research capacity among both research active and research inactive participants Higher research activity at more specialist levels of the health service Variation in competence across research skills Desire for practically based research training Lack of time and funding as major barriers to research Limited opportunities for research during work time A reliance on personal motivation and initiative to maintain research activity Good quality support provided by supervisors/mentors

24 Comparison of 2011 and 2013 Surveys 20112013 Participant NumbersN = 373N = 1325 Proportion Research Active47.5%40.7% Research strengths Collecting data Recruiting participates Literature review Orally presenting research Literature review Generating research idea Research Weaknesses Publishing research Applying for funding Qn. data analysis Applying for funding Publishing research Qn. data analysis Training preference One-to-one mentorship < 10% work time spent on research54%65% Service Evaluation35%34% Academic degree34% Funded23%19% Collaboration75%58% Barriers Clinical workload Lack of time Lack of support Lack of time Clinical Workload Lack of funding Enablers More time Greater funding Greater mentorship More time Greater funding More training

25 Recommendations More time for research activity – how to achieve this? Greater support and encouragement from management Refresher workshops for research inactive participants interested in getting started Training modules on publishing research and applying for funding – trial online training? Create more opportunities for peer collaboration (conferences, online hubs etc.) Develop stronger links with HEIs – utilise consultative role for experienced researchers Identify priority areas for government-led research initiatives – medical cost-offset, obesity etc. Catalogue all research projects in Ireland Create database of all available sources of research funding Continue to promote Lenus and Open Access

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