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Exotissimo Phnom Penh Assessment results 2012-2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Exotissimo Phnom Penh Assessment results 2012-2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 EarthCheck @ Exotissimo Phnom Penh Assessment results 2012-2013

2 Agenda 1. What is EarthCheck and why is it useful? 2. Results, impacts and improvement: 1. Energy consumption and CO 2 emissions 2. Waste generation 3. Water consumption

3 1. What is EarthCheck? Tool to measure the company’s performance in sustainability  monitoring, benchmarking and improvement! Sustainability policy + 4 Indicators:  Energy consumption (includes electricity, transport)  CO 2 emissions (from energy, greenhouse gases)  Water consumption (tap water)  Waste generation (quantity and quality)

4 2. Energy and CO 2 : results and impacts Electricity consumption – CO 2 Emissions from electricity purchased: 20122013 Evolution kWh4149237684 -9.8% CO 2 (t)47.843.5 Climate Change WELL DONE ! The carbon emissions decreased about 10% in one year You saved the equivalent of carbon sequestered in 110 trees Or the equivalent of 1,500 liters of gasoline

5 2. Energy and CO 2 : results and impacts Transportation – CO 2 Emissions from staff transportation : Including: Travels to/from office (moto, car), Inspection trips (car, van, boat, etc.) Management trips (car, bus, plane) 20122013 CO 2 (t)31.139.5 Litres of fuel11,98115,212 Full moto tanks (3.5 l) 3,4234,346

6 2.Benchmarking energy Energy Consumption (2013) was 363.7 MJ / m 2 : 75.3% better than the Best Practice level. Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2013) was 116.6 kg CO2-e / m 2 : 7.4% worse than the Baseline level.

7 2. Energy and CO 2. How to improve? Share transport or move by bicycle: it’s cheaper and healthier! Switch off all lights and electric devices when leaving the office (also PC screen and printers!) Use daylight: Seeing the outside is also relaxing! Avoid overusing air conditioned. If the room is too cold, turn A/C off for a while instead of opening doors. For the last tea/coffee of the day, boil only the amount of water you need. Revisions and maintenance of air conditioned and electric appliances should be done periodically.

8 Transport sharing map

9 3. Waste: results and impacts Waste generation 2013  7 kg/day (mostly paper, take away packaging and food leftovers).  ~165 kg/month Total year: 1918 kg = 3 x average household (630 kg/year)

10 3. Benchmarking waste Ø Waste Sent to Landfill (2013) was 14.1 L / m 2 : 32.9% better than the Best Practice level. Landfills are finite and difficult to control. Risks for health and nature.

11 Stung Meanchey Landfill

12 3. Paper consumption 20122013 Pages / person - day 1017 Pages / person - month 227378 Warning ! You used 12 trees more for printing in 2013. This is a 66.7% increase!

13 3. Waste: How to improve? - The 3 R Reduce:  Print less, on both sides, reduce margins, Garamond or Calibri 11, on-screen reading/editing options.  Avoid take away styrofoam boxes, plastics bags, glasses, straws… go out to eat lunch.  For staff parties, use paper plates and cups, or hard plastic which can be cleaned up after use. Reuse:  Use draft/spare paper. Print small docs in small paper Recycle:  Before throwing it away; can it be re-used or donated?

14 4. Water: Results and impacts Potable (tap) water consumption (2013) Maximum: July: 34,942 l (1.2 mr) Minimum: January: 22,685 l (0.8 mr) Total 2013: 349,820 liters ~ 12.3 meeting rooms 2.9 3.2 3.3 2.9 Meeting rooms:

15 Potable (tap) water consumption 4. Benchmarking water Potable Water Consumption (2013) was 14.6 kL / m 2, which was 21.7% better than the Baseline level, but still 11.2% below the Best Practice Ø Quality water is limited and not available for everyone. We can still improve!

16 3. Water: How to improve? Flush the toilet only AFTER using it. Water distributor (big bottle) and glasses in the meeting room to reduce the amount of bottles used and being thrown away half full. Offer bottled water in glasses, so that the water that is left can be safely drank or reused. Avoid open water storages like buckets in the office: mosquitoes grow there (dengue!). Empty the buckets every 2-3 days.

17 Thanks for your attention!

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