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Board of Governors meeting

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1 Board of Governors meeting
June 5, 2012

2 The changing world… The pace of change is accelerating, due to:
the explosive growth and accessibility of information, the increasing number of highly skilled work force engaged in research and development, and the increasing number of countries capable of contributing to leading edge Research and Development.

3 Growth in Africa and Middle East
Source: IMF, World Bank, McKinsey GI

4 Implications… There will be a growing need for different type of infrastructure: Education Health Care and Long Term care Financial System, Commodities: Water, Agri-food Clean Technologies

5 Percent change in R&D spending by region 2009 to 2010
Source: Bloomberg ; Booz & Company

6 Increases in worldwide R&D spending 2009($550 b) to 2010

7 ‘Massification’ of higher education
Source: McKinsey GI

8 Higher education: change is at doorstep
Contributing Factors: ‘Massification’ of PSE Major (rising) cost/tuition challenges Growing International Competition for Students, Faculty, Staff TALENT Strained Government Finances

9 Growing global water gap - to 40%
Source: Water 2030 Report

10 We are aging… By 2050 the number of people 60+ will double
Canada will move from being 41st oldest to 11th Source: McKinsey GI

11 Waterloo’s priorities
Aging and health promotion Auto Climate change Energy Financial Risk Management Information Communications Technology and Digital Media Quantum Nano Water

12 National context Over the past decade and a half:
Experienced over 55% growth in student enrolment Hired an additional 6,000 faculty Government funding for university operating costs more than doubled from $5.4 B to $11.1 B Government funding for research nearly quadrupled from $1.2 B to $4.2 B

13 In the next 5 years Waterloo will
face a world with:  An increasingly competitive market for: (Good/excellent quality) students – undergraduate?/graduate Faculty/Staff Research funding Increased government quality and accountability requirement Major demand and opportunities for new technologies (e.g. ICT) Becoming a more sustainable environment for both academic and business parts of the university More globalized PSE league in which performance is evaluated against international (as opposed to national or provincial or even U15) rankings and benchmarks

14 Waterloo’s ambition to be an innovative University of the 21st century
Lead a few trends, not follow. Be recognized world leaders in specific strategic areas. Attract globally recognized talent. Create and retain world-class entrepreneurs. Talent: Great teams need great leaders

15 Three generic types of competitive strategies
Compete on cost (e.g., WalMart). Product differentiation to charge a premium (e.g., Apple, Mercedes-Benz).  Limit to a particular niche and compete in a very small market (e.g., Bearskin Airlines, which only tries to serve a few destinations). Our unique culture matters enormously to the success and achievements of our university. For universities, product differentiation is the only viable strategy HOW?? Try to do what Harvard and Stanford do, virtually everyone else wants to copy, Or, take another look at where we came from; the origin: “At the margins, there are some value-enhancing alternate delivery models, with Waterloo's co-op model probably being the best” Two (bad) examples: Nortel (hiring of the US admiral as CEO) KAIST (Nobel Laureate physicist as president)

16 We must focus on: New Partnerships, increased collaboration
Thinking beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries International scale Innovation everywhere: inside and outside classrooms There is a growing need to pursue collaborations with multidisciplinary teams of experts across multiple fields. These teams must have: excellence in communication, Flexibility Receptiveness to change Mutual Respect

17 MCR alignment with foundational pillars
Key Goals Enhance Student Opportunities and Experience Advance Quality of Education Advance Research Excellence and Impact Enabling Goals Increase Visibility and Outreach Improve uW Environment Improve Resources and Funding Advance Image and Philosophy Ensure Clear and Effective Leadership Foundational Pillars Academic Excellence Research Excellence and Impact Co-operative Education Graduate Studies Internationalization Entrepreneurship Some of the goals in the SDP were aspirational. This presentation will look at some of the targets of the SDP, how the SDP relates to the Key goals from the MCR process, and how the MCR process will develop actionable , meaningful measures to take us forward to the 7th decade plan.

18 Developing new performance indicators
Indicators in the MCR Accountability Framework will: Match strategic objectives from MCR Operationalize goals and develop well rounded set of measures Reflect institutional-level, and faculty and unit-level achievements Reflect the Foundational Pillars We are now transitioning from the Sixth Decade Plan to date, building on successful initiatives and useful indicators that we currently have in place, and the new objectives from the Mid-cycle review. Stage One of the MCR process consulted broadly across campus and established key goals and objectives. Stage two will develop institutional-level indicators. The indicators to be developed will reflect what we heard in our stage one consultations. Future indicator reports will focus on MCR objectives Please ensure these statements are all accurate in terms of the President’s commitments!!

19 Preparing students for their careers Co-op final employment by student level
Source: UW 2011 Annual Performance Indicators The Sixth Decade target was: consistently high co-op employment rates for students MCR Goal: Enhance Student Opportunities and Experience A relevant MCR objective is: Ensure students are prepared for their careers

20 Attracting high quality students Entering averages of 90%+ as compared to Ontario universities - Fall 2011 Source: UW 2011 Annual Performance Indicators The Sixth Decade Target for this measure was: Be in top three in Canada in attracting first-year students with 90%+ grades MCR Goal: Advance Quality of Education A relevant MCR objective is: ???

21 NSERC scholarships and fellowships 2012
Source: (as of May 24, 2012). Notes: these results reflect the NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships (PGS), Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) and Postdoctoral Fellowships (PDF) in the natural sciences and engineering that were offered in March 2012, for tenure in Since these awards can be accepted or declined as late as January 2013, the actual number of awards accepted fluctuates.

22 Increasing partnerships Total sponsored research awards by source
Source: UW 2011 Annual Performance Indicators The Sixth Decade Goal was: By 2012: be in the top eight in Canada, in per capita research intensity This measure does not capture this directly, it is one of the measures that informs our research performance MCR Goal: Advance Research Excellence and Impact A relevant MCR objective is: Increase partnerships at all levels

23 Whether the big, complex institutions can maintain worldwide quality and capacity is a very serious question today… “The bottom line is, that we live in a time in which the drivers of prosperity are primarily the innovation that comes from generating new knowledge and people who are educated to increasingly more sophisticated levels.”

24 Thank-you Questions & Comments?

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