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Assessment of Student Usage of Library Services 2009-2011 Cory Mills.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment of Student Usage of Library Services 2009-2011 Cory Mills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment of Student Usage of Library Services 2009-2011 Cory Mills

2 History of Study Applied Anthropology Course Spring 2009 Cortinas and Prendergast Internship Fall 2009 Mills Internship Spring 2010 to Present

3 Mills Internship Collected and Organized as much preexisting data as possible Re-evaluated earlier statistics ◦ Survey Sp2009 ◦ Grand Tour 2 Sp2009 Designed Interview Protocol Conduct Interviews

4 Interview Specifics n = 5 Intercept students using library services One from each floor and each wing Interviews length: 8 – 20 minutes Recorded, Translated, Analyzed and Filed

5 BREAKDOWN A quick look at the findings of Spring 2011 interview

6 Why do you use the Library, why not? ◦ Very heavy emphasis on Group Study on the second floor, East wing (TA2009) ◦ Evidence of greater independent study than initially assumed (S2009) ◦ Greater reliance on computer resources for research than hardcopy reference materials (GT2009)

7 Why do you use the Library? Spring 2009 Study

8 Interview 2011 Top Reasons for Using Library ◦ Independent study (100%) ◦ Conduct research (40%) ◦ Group Study ◦ Killing time Between Classes “[I] mostly study or do homework, aside from that I may take a nap when I am waiting for my classes.”

9 Interview 2011 Where do you prefer to work? ◦ Most avoid noisy areas, but not all ◦ Preference for Lib West 2 nd Floor “[I prefer to work on the first floor] because sometimes I find other classmates… and we can do teamwork. That’s when I want to study in groups”

10 Interview 2011 Where do you prefer to avoid? ◦ Some avoid noise, notably Lib East 1 st and 2 nd Floor ◦ Some don’t mind “[I tend to avoid] wherever it’s really crowded. I don’t have a specific wing.”

11 Do you use the books available in the library? Why or why not? ◦ English Major from 2 nd Grand Tour (2009) Do you know where the books for your major are located? Why or why not? ◦ Data suggests that most students do not

12 Do you know where the books for your major are located?

13 Interview 2011 Most used books, and knew where major specific books were located (80%) Most have been required to use books, however heavy emphasis on online journals “Yeah, yeah, I’ve had to come here and check them out [for class]… but my microbio teacher told me that they had to do budget cuts so they don’t have the microbio book here”

14 What do you know about the library’s available services, and which ones do you use? ◦ Students have a tendency not to utilize available resources (S2009) ◦ List of services How did you learn about these services?

15 What reference materials do you most commonly use?

16 Interview 2011 Workshops, mainly APA/MLA Writing Workshops Online Databases Books Help Desks and Reference Librarians Tutoring sessions (?) Computer lab Interlibrary Loan Magazines “The infamous Inter-Library Loan”

17 Interview 2011 Teachers talk about library services Library representative visited class See signs for workshops

18 Interview 2011 How about the staff that is there to help you, do you ask for help from them? ◦ Very little response ◦ Mostly for computer help “I asked one time, where was a building I was looking for, and they gave me a map and everything”

19 Do you consider the Library as a place to meet friends and socialize? ◦ 16% students claimed to use the library for group study (S2009) ◦ Group activity on all three floors (TA2009) ◦ “A good place to meet friends and eat lunch” (2GT2009)

20 Interview 2011 Split Jury! “Yes, I am always meeting people here” (40%) “Not so much, need to keep it quite” (40%) “for schoolwork, but not socializing” (20%)

21 Do you often work alone or in groups? ◦ Mixed impressions of the second floor, East wing (GT2009 & 2GT2009) ◦ Library West is often considered a quiet zone ◦ Computer lab and lobby are not

22 Interview 2011 Independent study was the dominant reason for using the library Some hostility toward group usage

23 Interview 2011 If they existed, would you make use of designated “quiet” and “noisy” areas? Yes (100%) Some compared to previous schools ◦ Florida Tech and UF “Sometimes it is incredibly loud with people just chatting, and I can tell it’s usually just social, they just hang out”

24 What services do you require for group study? Does the library offer those services? ◦ Almost all students identified the Group Study rooms and tables (GT2009) How could the library better serve your group study needs?

25 Interview 2011 More CPUs and Large Monitors in group rooms More group rooms Larger computer lab Enforce group room “law” Make appointments for group rooms Whiteboards for student to use Walking assistant

26 Why do you use the computer lab? Do you ever use the computer lab for group activities? Can you tell us more about this? ◦ We know the computer lab is the most popularly used part of the Library (S2009, GT2009, 2GT2009)

27 Interview 2011 Not much! Printing (40%) Do not use (40%) Online classes and checking email (20%) Never for group work “[The computer lab] is for individual use”

28 What would improve your usage of the library and the services it offers?

29 Possible Improvements Walking librarians Extended hours (but not as big a deal now) Open wireless Enforced quiet zones More large monitors in group rooms Management of group rooms ◦ Kick out individuals ◦ Make groups use them ◦ Few more rooms

30 Other notes of Interest Majority of students use library for independent study and academic research Group use is secondary Complaints of noise are “occasional” Quiet floors work in other schools, but our library’s layout may make it more difficult

31 Potential Future Projects Assess workshop success Camus wide survey ◦ All studies have been held inside of Library as of this point Design Service Awareness Projects

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