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REPRODUCTION. Female Reproductive System Ovaries –Two organs that produce eggs –Size of almond –30,000-40,000 eggs –Eggs can live for 12- 24 hours.

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Presentation on theme: "REPRODUCTION. Female Reproductive System Ovaries –Two organs that produce eggs –Size of almond –30,000-40,000 eggs –Eggs can live for 12- 24 hours."— Presentation transcript:


2 Female Reproductive System Ovaries –Two organs that produce eggs –Size of almond –30,000-40,000 eggs –Eggs can live for 12- 24 hours

3 Hormones Produced by the ovaries Estrogen –Develops secondary sex characteristics Progesterone –Stimulates the uterus to prepare for a fertilized egg

4 Fallopian Tubes Connect ovary to uterus Site of fertilization of egg by sperm

5 Fertilization

6 Implantation





11 Menstrual Cycle Occurs every 28 days Preparation for fertilized egg Endometrium expands thickens If the egg is not fertilized, the endometrial lining sheds, bleeding occurs, this is your period Ovulation occurs 13-15 days before the first day of your menstrual blood flow

12 Premenstrual Syndrome PMS Hormonal imbalance Afflicts 40-70% of women at some time in their lives Symptoms appear mid-cycle after ovulation, peak the week before your period

13 PMS Symtoms –Bloating –Breast tenderness –Cramping –Headache –Fatigue –Mood swings –Irritability –Anxiety –Sleep disturbances –Difficulty concentrating

14 PMS PMS dsyphoria disorder (PMDD)-severe derangement of mood Relief from PMS –Regular exercise stimulates endorphins –Decrease salt intake –Small frequent meals –Avoid alcohol, tobacco, caffeine

15 Female Reproductive Problems Irregular periods –Less then 18 days apart or more then 42 days apart –May be rectified with hormonal supplements –Difficult to conceive with irregular periods Blockage of fallopian tube Endometriosis –Growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus

16 Endometriosis


18 Male Reproductive System Sperm produced in testes Starts at puberty and continues to death Produce approx 200 million/day Ejaculate 200-500 million sperm

19 Sperm made in seminiferous tubules Travel to epididymis to mature

20 Sperm exit through vas deferens Semen produced in prostate gland, seminal glands, cowpers glands Sperm only 5% of ejaculation Sperm can live 5-7 days

21 Male Reproductive System Infertility –Related to quantity and quality of sperm Low sperm count Inability of sperm to move Structural abnormalities of sperm –Decreased vitamin C intake may damage DNA of sperm –Aspirin in regular doses decrease sperm mobility

22 Pregnancy First sign is a missed period May have breast tenderness, irritability Morning sickness Diagnosed by blood or urine test looking for HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone released during pregnancy

23 Prenatal Care Starts in first trimester Check blood sugar, anemia, VDRL, Toxemia or hypertension of pregnancy RH factor –Mother is Rh negative and the child is Rh postitive –Rhogam Ultrasound –To monitor fetal developement AFP-alpha fetal protein Genetic counseling –To determine the likelihood of having a child with a genetic disorder

24 Amniocentesis Amniotic fluid removed Cells examined for abnormalities Down Syndrome and Spina Bifida

25 Down Syndrome


27 Spina Bifida


29 Prenatal Care Teenage mothers –Immature bodies compete for nutrients with fetus –Higher incidence of premature babies Immunizations –Rubella STD Smoking –Low birth weight babies –Hyperactive and irritable babies –Higher incidence of still born and miscarriages

30 Prenatal Care Alcohol –Babies developmentally delayed, retarded, physical defects Avoid illegal drugs Avoid OTC drugs Prenatal vitamins –Folic acid –Calcium Obesity –Increased rates of spina bifida, ancephaly

31 Miscarriage/Spontaneous Abortion May be defective egg or sperm Embryo abnormal or not correctly implanted Usually first trimester but may be later



34 Childbirth Many times the first sign of impending childbirth is contractions and the bag of water breaking Cervix must thin before the child is born Dilation –Sized of opening Effaced –Thinning of cervix

35 Childbirth Episiotomy –Surgical incision made between vaginal opening and anus Anesthesia –Epidural Natural childbirth –lamaze C-section –Electively for herpes or breech birth –Emergently for problems with baby


37 Childbirth




41 C-Section

42 Infertility Inability to conceive after 1-2 years of unprotected sex Approx 40% due to male infertility, 40% due to female infertility, 10% due to combo and 10% unknown Approx 45,000 babies born in US with assisted reproduction Success rates affected by the age of the mother if her eggs are used –37% successful if under 35 yrs –4% successful in over 42 yrs

43 Artificial Insemination Sperm donation or sperm aspiration

44 In Vitro Fertilization Sperm and egg combined in the lab, fertilization Zygote placed back into the uterus Very expensive and not always successful Oldest woman in the US to give birth using in vitro was 62 years old and an Romanian woman gave birth at 66

45 In Vitro Fertilization

46 Infertility Surrogate mother –Woman unable to have children may have IVF in another woman who has the child Fertility drugs

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