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Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities UK Teleconference about Learning Outcomes in European Universities 16:00, 18.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities UK Teleconference about Learning Outcomes in European Universities 16:00, 18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities UK Teleconference about Learning Outcomes in European Universities 16:00, 18 th of April 2012 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

2 Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16 th April 2012 Agenda  Recording?  Introductions - all  UNILO Products – by John O’Sullivan  Discussion - all

3 Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16 th April 2012 Supporting Learning Outcomes: HOW? Encourage take-up through awareness Enhance use through supportive instruments Build community around common vision Develop a vision of learning outcomes Critical understanding of current use UNILO TOOLKIT UNILO Community of Practice Research & dialogue Learning Outcomes application in the EHEA – Case studies Networking, dissemination

4 Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16 th April 2012 Products  Questionnaire  country summaries  3 guides to using LOs  methodological guide  Toolkit  ICT tools  organisational self-assessment  10 case studies  community of practice

5 Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16 th April 2012 Questionnaire & Country Reports  Questionnaire to students, faculty and Careers Services  General ignorance of LOs (including UK)  Situation in 9 partner countries: ES, CY, D, EE, HU,IT, PL, PT, UK

6 Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16 th April 2012 Guides to using LOs for:  students  university teachers  careers services

7 Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16 th April 2012 Methodological Guide  identification  description  teaching practices  assessment  quality assurance  glossary

8 Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16 th April 2012 Toolkit  writing LOs  teaching with LOs  assessing LOs  QA  criticalities/bottlenecks in implementing LO approach  ICT tools for using LOs  organisational self-assessment

9 Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16 th April 2012 Case Studies  Paper: I MPROVING E DUCATIONAL R ELEVANCE TO S OCIETY : THE R OLE OF L EARNING O UTCOMES  University of Cambridge  Using Competences as LOs, to define a new Profession: Credential Assessors in Canada  Employability Learning Outcomes -Nottingham Trent University  Nottingham Advantage Award for extra-curricular activities  HEAR Higher Education Achievement Record  MOIRC– Integrated model for competences recognition and certification  ERASMUS Success story at University of Szeged  EFMD EPAS experience of introducing LOs approach internationally from top-down  EUR-ACE: the European quality label for engineering degrees  Re-engineering Academic Programmes using Los and ECTS at the University of Nicosia

10 Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16 th April 2012 University’s own offer Technical- Methodological Relational Exchange Internationalisation Responsiveness to society and labour market Curriculum design, teaching and assessment Recognition of Learning The virtuous loop of Learning Outcomes

11 Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16 th April 2012 Community of Practice  UNILO website at  UNILO community of practice  Follow us on Twitter and facebook! Thank you!

12 Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16 th April 2012 Discussion  current developments/trends in LOs in UK?  current issues in LOs in UK?  value in a UK network/group on LOs?

13 Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16 th April 2012 The UNILO Consortium: 11 partners from 9 EU countries  University of Granada – ES as promoter  Scienter España S.L – ES as coordinator  Estonian Qualification Authority (Qualifications Assurance Agency)- EE  University of Padova - IT  Scienter - IT  Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (ILI)-DE  Institute of Economy and Management/Jagiellonian University - PO  University of Porto -PT  EDEX-Educational Excellence Corporation Ltd (Intercollege - University of Nicosia) -CY  Budapest University of Technology -HU  Cambridge Professional Development -UK

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