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Milan UngerSiemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o. September 2008 2 Knowledge sharing in traditional way Workshops available mainly for local staff.

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2 Milan UngerSiemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o. September 2008 2 Knowledge sharing in traditional way Workshops available mainly for local staff People from other locations has limited availability Travelling time & cost Availability on project, milestones, etc. Lecturer not always available on the location Usual infrastructure does not work well Noisy teleconferences Expensive infrastructure not generally available Traditional collaboration tools not suited well for presentation/workshop purposes

3 Milan UngerSiemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o. September 2008 3 Constraints on knowledge sharing Educated employees, ready to use new technologies Good technology overview to make qualified decisions Awareness of new trends to prepare for customer requirements Availability of know-how not limited to few key persons No outages in project effort Use infrastructure available to employees Limit travelling especially for short events

4 Milan UngerSiemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o. September 2008 4 Technology Presentations Lectured by members of Support Centre or by other colleague Duration 2 – 4 hours to limit impact on project efforts Anybody interested can attend, expenses covered by SC budget Lectured slide show and open discussion, optionally with short hand-on presentation Various topics depending on current trends and requirements Java technologies UML usage Configuration management Database administration

5 Milan UngerSiemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o. September 2008 5 Distributing Knowledge I. Technology presentation complicated on different locations Travelling time & cost, ineffective at small locations Availability of lecturers on remote location Developers starts to request for on-line events Video conferences, net-meeting or teleconference proposed Requests from project management Focus on avoiding productive time outages Possibility of later usage of recorded event

6 Milan UngerSiemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o. September 2008 6 Broadcasting Equipment I. Must support original goals of technology presentations Bring people together, exchange experiences No additional effort to be put on lecturer! Lecturers are colleagues busy within projects Must be easy available to all employees Attendees usually decides shortly before events Additional bureaucracy will be not accepted Must allows later reuse of the recorded event Podcast, screencast generation

7 Milan UngerSiemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o. September 2008 7 Broadcast Equipment II. On-line collaboration tools and teleconferences rejected Teleconferences too noisy + cost Collaboration tools focus on users at desktops Webinars tools investigated Usually focus only on users at desktops Special preparation of webinar by lecturer required Minimal requirements not always feasible Combination of Open Source Tools chosen Flexibility of the solution Easy available and in our case usually known by users Not an out of box solution, more effort required to tune it

8 Milan UngerSiemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o. September 2008 8 Broadcast Equipment III. VideoLAN as capture software - Video/audio capture and streaming Three instances to provide separate audio, video and desktop streams Upload to Icecast server Icecast 2 server - Online streaming in Vorbis/Theora format WebTV support for later transmissions (not used currently)‏ VideoLAN as player and recording software Trancode tools - http://www.transcoding.org Post processing, creation of podcasts and screencasts

9 Milan UngerSiemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o. September 2008 9 Broadcast Equipment IV.

10 Milan UngerSiemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o. September 2008 10 Event Management Events announced on Intranet Support Centre portal, distribution lists Registration required due to organization reasons Room capacity, connectivity tests, etc. Some minimal requirement put on lecturers Must avoid ostentatious references, no screen scrolling, questions Moderator support

11 Milan UngerSiemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o. September 2008 11 Zagreb Split Bratislava Brno Praha Pieštany Košice Graz Zilina Brasov Linz Vienna Nanjing Distributing Knowledge II.

12 Milan UngerSiemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o. September 2008 12 Conclusion Positives feedbacks from participants The initiative welcomed, despite of initial technical problems Some locations started to participate regularly Requires more skills on organizer side Multiple open source tools must be mastered The tuning of stream transmission not straightforward Specialized flexible “out of the shelf” solution would be welcomed New contacts acquired over the Europe Popularization of Support Centre activities achieved

13 Milan UngerSiemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o. September 2008 13 AUTHOR Milan Unger SW Engineering Services & Support Centres Siemens Program and System Entwicklung Slovakia Dúbravska cesta 4 845 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

14 Thank you for your attention!

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