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Presentation on theme: "MENSTRUAL CYCLE DISORDERS THERAPY"— Presentation transcript:


2 Abnorlam uterine bleeding
Regularity of cycle Iregular – metrorrhagia Absent – amenorrhoea (primary, secondary) Frequency of cycle Frequent - polymenorrhoea Infrequent - oligomenorrhoea

3 Describing normal uterine bleeding
Duration of menstrual flow Prolonged – menorrhagia Shortened - hypomenorrhoea Volume of menstrual flow Heavy - hypermenorrhoea Light - hypomenorrhoea

4 Polymenorrhoea Polymenorrhoe – cycle < 21 days Therapy
Progestines during luteal phase of cycle (normoestrogenic disorders) Progestines+estrogenes (hypoestrogenic disorders)

5 Oligomenorrhoe Oligomenorrhoe – cycle > 35 days Therapy
No therapy (normoestrogenic disorders) Progestines during luteal phase of cycle (normoestrogenic disorders) Progestines+estrogenes (hypoestrogenic disorders) Induction of ovulation (infertility)

6 Primary amenorrhoe Therapy - casual
Progestines+estrogenes (hypoestrogenic disorders)

7 Secondary amenorrhoe Therapy – normoprolactinemic and normoestrogenic
Progestogenes Ovulation induction

8 Heavy or prolonged uterine bleeding
Menoragia Hypermenorhea DUB =dysfunctional uterine bleeding AUB = abnormal uterine bleeding

9 Endometrial ablation/destruction / Hysterectomy
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding - therapy Observation    DG   Pharmacological    Spont.normalization    Recurrence     D & C   Failure       - Surgical - Endometrial ablation/destruction / Hysterectomy 9

10 Pharmacological therapy of DUB
Non-hormonal Nonsteroidal antirevmatics Mefenamic acid Ethamsylate Antifibrinolytics EAC Tranexamic acid Hormonal Estrogens (E) Progestins (P) E/P Danazol GnRh - a SERM 10

11 Pharmacological therapy of DUB
Individual Age-specific Treatment outcome and side effects are unpredictable Side effects are common Economic efficiency Need for surgical treatment is often 11

12 Pharmacological therapy of DUB
Estrogens CEE mg p.o. a 6 h. or 25 mg i.v. a 4 h. for 48 h. Progestins MPA 10 mg/d for d. NES mg/d 10 d. LNG-IUS 12

13 Pharmacological therapy of DUB
E/P Combined orla contraception Acute DUB μg/d Prevention – usual pattern, long cycle pattern, continual Adolescent gynecology acute DUB Progesterone 10 mg/ Estradioldipropionate 2 mg i.m. 13

14 Pharmacological therapy of DUB
Danazol mg/d not available in Czech Republic GnRH agonists goserelin (Zoladex Depot 3,75 mg) tryptorelin (Decapeptyl Depot 4,12 mg, Dipherelin 4,39 mg) leuprorelin (Lucrin Depot 3,75 mg) 14

15 Pharmacological therapy of DUB
Nonsteroidal antirevmatics Naproxen (Aleve tbl.220 mg, Apo-naproxen tbl mg, Nalgesin tbl. 270 mg) Mefenamic acid (Nimesulid tbl. 100 mg) Antifibrinolytics Tranexamic acid (Exacyl p.o. tbl. 500 mg , oral solution 10ml/1000 mg a venous injection 5 ml/500mg) 15

16 Effectiveness of pharmacotherapy
Hormonal Progestins - 21 day cycle 30-90% Combined oral contraception 43% Danazol 50-80% LNG IUS 74-97% DMPA 50-66% GnRH agonists >90% 16

17 Effectiveness of pharmacotherapy
Non-hormonal Non-steroidal antirevmatics 20-50% ? Tranexamic acid 47-54% Etamsylate 13%? 17 17

18 Surgical therapy of DUB
Endometrial ablation – hysteroscopical Roller ball ablation (25-60%) Transcervical resection (26-40%) Laser ablation (37%) 18

19 Surgical therapy of DUB
Endometrial ablation – non-hysteroscopical methods RFEA – Radio Frequency Endometrial Ablation (41%) TBEA – Thermal Balloon Endometrial Ablation (48%) MWEA – Microwave Endometrial Ablation (61%) 19

20 Surgical therapy of DUB
Vaginal hysterectomy LAVH – laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy Abdominální hysterektomie (minilaparotomy) 20

21 Surgical therapy of DUB - controversies
Dilatation+curettage Diagnostic procedure Endometrial - Resection/ablation Many costly methods Many failures selhání Hysterectomy Invazive Operational risks Expensive Suitable for women over 40 21

22 Hypomenorrhoe Posttraumatic – Aschermanns syndrome Therapy
Hysteroskopy – lysis of adhaesions – IUD - estrogens

23 Dysmenorrhea - therapy
Secondary dysmenorrhoea – causative Primary dysmenorrhoea – combined hormonal contraception effectivity – 90% Progestogens contraception – long acting LNG-IUS Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 2-3 days before menstrual bleeding Continue to the of bleeding

24 Premenstrual syndrome - therapy
Diet regime – restriction of coffein, alcohol, salt, glycids Aerobic exercise Psychological consultation

25 Premenstrual syndrome - therapy
Symptomatic treatment according to prevailing syndrome Combined oral contraception (drospirenon) Agnus castus Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs SIRS - fluoxetin

26 …thank you for your attention


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