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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO GENESEO HILLS ANNUAL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2012."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introductions of: The Board Members & Our Water System Manager President: Gary Gallens Vice President: Joy Woolley Secretary: Eddielea Sheets Treasurer: Heidi Gazay Water Manager: Rick Anthony Water System Engineer: Merle Loete The purpose of the Homeowners Association is for: Maintaining the water system, wells & street lighting.

3 GHHA Communications On find: On Submit e-mail address for updates Submit e-mail address for updates Recycling Recycling Covenants & By-laws Covenants & By-laws Water System Water System Test Reports Test Reports Monthly meetings & Meeting minutes Monthly meetings & Meeting minutes

4 GHHA UPDATE Secretary’s Report Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report Treasurer’s Report Income/Expenses Income/Expenses

5 Financial Report – Oct. 1, 2011 thru Sept. 30, 2012 Deposits Water & Street Lights $57,640.00 Money Market Interest $207.59 Total: $57,847.59 Expenses Electricity$10,099.69 Water Engineer $7,683.72 Water System Maintenance$12,691.00 Chemicals & Analysis $2,822.40 Insurance $1,240.00 Postage & Billings $535.15 Real Estate Taxes $1,375.75 Natural Gas $197.57 Office Supplies $601.75 Lawn care $865.00 Web Site Hosting $175.00 Attorney Fees $0 Lien Filing Fees $50.00 Annual Meeting / Report $75.00 Treasurer $300.00 Total $38,712.03

6 GHHA Report: 10/1/2011 through 9/30/2012 Balances Checking Balance$2,277.17 Money Market Balance $69,543.21 $71,820.38 $71,820.389/30/2011 Checking Balance$1,291.13 Money Market Balance $51,393.69 $52,684.82 $52,684.82 Growth of $19,135.56

7 Water System Report

8 VIOLATED DRINKING WATER REQUIREMENTS Lead/Copper The Lead/Copper is NOT in the Source of our drinking water.

9 VIOLATED DRINKING WATER REQUIREMENTS The source of Lead comes from the Homes we live in. The Lead typically enters water supplies by leaching from lead or brass pipes and plumbing components. New Lead pipes and plumbing components containing lead are no longer allowed for this reason. However, many older homes may contain lead pipes. For lead action level exceedances: Find out whether your pipes contain lead or lead solder. Run your water for 15-30 seconds or until it becomes cold before using it for drinking or cooking. (This flushes any standing lead from the pipes.) Don’t cook with or drink water from the hot water tap; lead dissolves more easily into hot water. Do not boil your water to remove lead. Excessive boiling water makes the lead more concentrated – the lead remains when the water evaporates.

10 VIOLATED DRINKING WATER REQUIREMENTS The source of Copper comes from the Homes we live in. The Copper typically enters water supplies by leaching from copper or brass pipes and plumbing components. New Copper pipes and plumbing components are made of more refined copper or PVC or PEX pipe and are allowed for this reason. However, many older homes may contain older copper pipes. For copper action level exceedances: Don’t cook with or drink water from the hot water tap; copper dissolves more easily into hot water. Do not boil your water to remove copper. Excessive boiling water makes the copper more concentrated – the copper remains when the water evaporates.

11 WATER TESTING LABS Q.C. Analytical 1798 Iowa Drive, Le Claire Ia. 563-289-3373 PDC Laboratories Inc. Peoria, IL. 309-692-9688 or 800-752-6651 Contact : Al Hogan


13 What PHOSPHATE will do: It will coat inside of piping to prevent leaching Lead/Copper. We are going to inject a minute amount of chemical. Water systems are regulated as to the amount of Phosphate that can be injected. This amounts to less than what you would ingest in a slice of bread or a can of soda. Phosphate is in all prepared food items.

14 PHOSPHATE COST & EQUIPMENT Projected Cost (estimate) $ 2,000.00 Equipment: Chemical Feed Pump Multi-Function (Anti-Siphon 4-Way Valve) Strainer with Foot Valve Injection Valve Bronze Corp. Stop Misc. Fittings Polyethylene Premium Grade Discharge Tubing Reagent Refill Drums Up Spill Control Chemical pump to be wired through filter system so it keeps pace with out going water flow

15 PHOSPHATE OPERATING COST Estimated Cost: At 30,000 Gal./Day = $5.29 Per Month = $158.70 Per Year = $1,904.40

16 YEARLY EVENTS OF SYSTEM Water usage for the year Water usage for the year 15,162,060 gallons out of Well #5 15,162,060 gallons out of Well #5 Power outages Power outages Install back-up generator at Well House #3 Install back-up generator at Well House #3 Service leaks Service leaks

17 LONG RANGE PLAN Locate & map residential shut off valves Locate & map residential shut off valves Shut off valves need to be fixed or replaced Shut off valves need to be fixed or replaced Install additional shut off valves to better isolate areas during repairs Install additional shut off valves to better isolate areas during repairs Replace the existing 2 inch water lines with 4 or 6 in water lines Replace the existing 2 inch water lines with 4 or 6 in water lines

18 OLD BUSINESS Mowing Mowing Hired out again at Well House & Hired out again at Well House & sub-division sign Garbage & Re-cycling pick-up Garbage & Re-cycling pick-up


20 NEW BUSINESS Break-ins, vandalism & suspicious activity Break-ins, vandalism & suspicious activity Speed Limit Sign Speed Limit Sign Well Engineer & Manager Well Engineer & Manager Board Members New Volunteers? New Volunteers?

21 Thank you for attending this years meeting and please drive careful going home! If you have any questions in the future, please contact a board member!

22 U.S. EPA Arsenic Demonstration Site Update: Testing complete – passed Testing complete – passed Ownership of arsenic removal equipment to GHHA Ownership of arsenic removal equipment to GHHA

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