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Form and Function (2) Chpt 40 all 4-3-06. An animal’s use of energy –Is partitioned to BMR (or SMR), activity, homeostasis, growth, and reproduction –Small.

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Presentation on theme: "Form and Function (2) Chpt 40 all 4-3-06. An animal’s use of energy –Is partitioned to BMR (or SMR), activity, homeostasis, growth, and reproduction –Small."— Presentation transcript:

1 Form and Function (2) Chpt 40 all 4-3-06

2 An animal’s use of energy –Is partitioned to BMR (or SMR), activity, homeostasis, growth, and reproduction –Small animals have higher metabolic rates than large animals on a unit weight basis when similar forms compared. No explanation for this yet! –Ectotherms—much lower rates than endotherms. Snake’s meals are large but few and far between meals. Reabsorption of intestinal lining. Endotherms Ectotherm Annual energy expenditure (kcal/yr) 800,000 Basal metabolic rate Reproduction Temperature regulation costs Growth Activity costs 60-kg female human from temperate climate Total annual energy expenditures (a) 340,000 4-kg male Adélie penguin from Antarctica (brooding) 4,000 0.025-kg female deer mouse from temperate North America 8,000 4-kg female python from Australia Energy expenditure per unit mass (kcal/kgday) 438 Deer mouse 233 Adélie penguin 36.5 Human 5.5 Python Energy expenditures per unit mass (kcal/kgday) (b) Figure 40.10a, b

3 Concept 40.4: Animals regulate their internal environment within relatively narrow limits The internal environment of vertebrates –Is called the interstitial fluid (IF), but includes the blood and cytoplasm and is very different from the external environment. Cytoplasm ion composition is also different than the blood. IF is the blood less red blood cells and blood proteins. Homeostasis is a balance between external changes –And the animal’s internal control mechanisms that oppose the changes

4 Regulating and conforming –Are two extremes in how animals cope with environmental fluctuations –Regulators use internal control mechanisms to moderate internal change in the face of external, environmental fluctuation. –Conformers allow internal condition to vary with certain external changes. Examples would be body temperature in Endotherms and Ectotherms as well as ion composition of blood and seawater. Regulating and Conforming

5 In general, ectotherms are temperature conformers and endotherms regulators Temperature Conformers and Regulators Figure 40.12 River otter (endotherm) Largemouth bass (ectotherm) Ambient (environmental) temperature (°C) Body temperature (°C) 40 30 20 10 20 30 40 0 Endotherms use homeostatic mechanisms to maintain a constant internal thermal environment

6 Thermostats control heating in houses A homeostatic control system has three functional components –A receptor, a control center, and an effector Figure 40.11 Response No heat produced Room temperature decreases Heater turned off Set point Too hot Set point Control center: thermostat Room temperature increases Heater turned on Too cold Response Heat produced Set point Heating system in a house

7 Most homeostatic control systems function by negative feedback –Where buildup of the end product of the system shuts the system off A second type of homeostatic control system is positive feedback –Which involves a change in some variable that triggers mechanisms that amplify the change –Example of hormone in stomach where presence of acid stimulates secretion of more acid until low pH overrides the positive feedback and shuts down the acid secretion.

8 Concept 40.5: Thermoregulation contributes to homeostasis and involves anatomy, physiology, and behavior Thermoregulation –Is the process by which animals maintain an internal temperature within a tolerable range –Optimum temperature for animals. Animals adapted to their particular environment. Polar animals can’t live in the tropics. Tropic animals can’t adjust to polar temperatures.

9 Ectotherms –Include most invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, and non-bird reptiles Endotherms - Include birds and mammals Heterotherms -- endotherm part of the time and ectotherm at night. Ectotherms and Endotherms

10 Endothermy is more energetically expensive than ectothermy –But buffers animals’ internal temperatures against external fluctuations –And enables the animals to maintain a high level of aerobic metabolism that are responsive to energy needs without the complications of temperature change. Decrease in temperature decreases rate of biochemical reactions (digestion slower, muscle contraction slower etc). These processes have a temperature quotient of 10. For each 10 degree increase in T the reaction rate increase 2 to 3 fold (Q 10 ). –Example of Marine iguanas that eat sea algae.

11 Modes of Heat Exchange Organisms exchange heat by four physical processes. Example of marine iguana. Radiation is the emission of electromagnetic waves by all objects warmer than absolute zero. Radiation can transfer heat between objects that are not in direct contact, as when a lizard absorbs heat radiating from the sun. Evaporation is the removal of heat from the surface of a liquid that is losing some of its molecules as gas. Evaporation of water from a lizard’s moist surfaces that are exposed to the environment has a strong cooling effect. Convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of air or liquid past a surface, as when a breeze contributes to heat loss from a lizard’s dry skin, or blood moves heat from the body core to the extremities. Conduction is the direct transfer of thermal motion (heat) between molecules of objects in direct contact with each other, as when a lizard sits on a hot rock. Figure 40.13

12 Balancing Heat Loss and Gain Thermoregulation involves physiological and behavioral adjustments –That balance heat gain and loss

13 Insulation Insulation, which is a major thermoregulatory adaptation in mammals and birds –Reduces the flow of heat between an animal and its environment –May include feathers, fur, or blubber

14 Hair Sweat pore Muscle Nerve Sweat gland Oil gland Hair follicle Blood vessels Adipose tissue Hypodermis Dermis Epidermis In mammals, the integumentary system –Acts as insulating material Figure 40.14

15 Many endotherms and some ectotherms –Can alter the amount of blood flowing between the body core and the skin In vasodilation –Blood flow in the skin increases, facilitating heat loss (arterioles) In vasoconstriction –Blood flow in the skin decreases, lowering heat loss –Some human more susceptible to frost bite than others. Blood flow shuts off to extremeties. Circulatory Adaptations

16 Many marine mammals and birds –Have arrangements of blood vessels called countercurrent heat exchangers that are important for reducing heat loss Countercurrent heat exchangers In the flippers of a dolphin, each artery is surrounded by several veins in a countercurrent arrangement, allowing efficient heat exchange between arterial and venous blood. Canada goose Artery Vein 35°C Blood flow Vein Artery 30º 20º 10º 33° 27º 18º 9º Pacific bottlenose dolphin 2 1 3 2 3 Arteries carrying warm blood down the legs of a goose or the flippers of a dolphin are in close contact with veins conveying cool blood in the opposite direction, back toward the trunk of the body. This arrangement facilitates heat transfer from arteries to veins (black arrows) along the entire length of the blood vessels. 1 Near the end of the leg or flipper, where arterial blood has been cooled to far below the animal’s core temperature, the artery can still transfer heat to the even colder blood of an adjacent vein. The venous blood continues to absorb heat as it passes warmer and warmer arterial blood traveling in the opposite direction. 2 As the venous blood approaches the center of the body, it is almost as warm as the body core, minimizing the heat lost as a result of supplying blood to body parts immersed in cold water. 3 Figure 40.15 1 3

17 Hot Tunas and Sharks Some specialized bony fishes and sharks –Also possess countercurrent heat exchangers Figure 40.16a, b 21º 25º 23º 27º 29º 31º Body cavity Skin Artery Vein Capillary network within muscle Dorsal aorta Artery and vein under the skin Heart Blood vessels in gills (a) Bluefin tuna. Unlike most fishes, the bluefin tuna maintains temperatures in its main swimming muscles that are much higher than the surrounding water (colors indicate swimming muscles cut in transverse section). These temperatures were recorded for a tuna in 19°C water. (b) Great white shark. Like the bluefin tuna, the great white shark has a countercurrent heat exchanger in its swimming muscles that reduces the loss of metabolic heat. All bony fishes and sharks lose heat to the surrounding water when their blood passes through the gills. However, endothermic sharks have a small dorsal aorta, and as a result, relatively little cold blood from the gills goes directly to the core of the body. Instead, most of the blood leaving the gills is conveyed via large arteries just under the skin, keeping cool blood away from the body core. As shown in the enlargement, small arteries carrying cool blood inward from the large arteries under the skin are paralleled by small veins carrying warm blood outward from the inner body. This countercurrent flow retains heat in the muscles.

18 Hot Moths Many endothermic insects –Have countercurrent heat exchangers that help maintain a high temperature in the thorax. Infrared photo with bright red the warmest temperature Figure 40.17

19 Cooling by Evaporative Heat Loss Many types of animals –Lose heat through the evaporation of water in sweat (pigs go to the mud cuz lack sweat glands). –Use panting to cool their bodies. Water on tongue evaporates. Evaporation of a gram of water takes up 570 calories of heat.

20 Bathing moistens the skin –Which helps to cool an animal down Conductive & Evaporative Heat Loss Figure 40.18

21 Both endotherms and ectotherms –Use a variety of behavioral responses to control body temperature Behavioral Responses

22 Some terrestrial invertebrates –Have certain postures that enable them to minimize or maximize their absorption of heat from the sun Figure 40.19

23 Adjusting Metabolic Heat Production Some animals can regulate body temperature in the cold –By adjusting their rate of metabolic heat production

24 Many species of flying insects –Use shivering to warm up before taking flight Moth flight in sub-zero temperatures Figure 40.20 PREFLIGHT WARMUP FLIGHT Thorax Abdomen Temperature (°C) Time from onset of warmup (min) 40 35 30 25 0 2 4

25 Thermoregulation most well developed in mammals and birds. Mammals regulate their body temperature –By a complex negative feedback system that involves several organ systems Feedback Mechanisms in Thermoregulation

26 In humans, a specific part of the brain, the hypothalamus –Contains a group of nerve cells that function as a thermostat Temperature regulation in mammals Thermostat in hypothalamus activates cooling mechanisms. Sweat glands secrete sweat that evaporates, cooling the body. Blood vessels in skin dilate: capillaries fill with warm blood; heat radiates from skin surface. Body temperature decreases; thermostat shuts off cooling mechanisms. Increased body temperature (such as when exercising or in hot surroundings) Homeostasis: Internal body temperature of approximately 36–38  C Body temperature increases; thermostat shuts off warming mechanisms. Decreased body temperature (such as when in cold surroundings) Blood vessels in skin constrict, diverting blood from skin to deeper tissues and reducing heat loss from skin surface. Skeletal muscles rapidly contract, causing shivering, which generates heat. Thermostat in hypothalamus activates warming mechanisms. Figure 40.21 Some sense cold and others heat.

27 Adjustment to Changing Temperatures In a process known as acclimatization –Many animals can adjust to a new range of environmental temperatures over a period of days or weeks –Acclimation takes place in laboratory with only one variable being altered (ie temperature)

28 Acclimatization may involve cellular adjustments such as membrane lipid changes and elaboration of temperature specific enzymes –Or in the case of birds and mammals, adjustments of insulation and metabolic heat production

29 Torpor and Energy Conservation Torpor –Is an adaptation that enables animals to save energy while avoiding difficult and dangerous conditions –Is a physiological state in which activity is low and metabolism decreases

30 Hibernation is long-term torpor –That is an adaptation to winter cold and food scarcity during which the animal’s body temperature declines. Alaskan ground squirrels allow their body to become supercooled. Hibernation in Rodents Additional metabolism that would be necessary to stay active in winter Actual metabolism Body temperature Arousals Outside temperature Burrow temperature JuneAugustOctoberDecemberFebruaryApril Temperature (°C) Metabolic rate (kcal per day) 200 100 0 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 Figure 40.22 Why do they periodically wake up? Not know for sure, but maybe they need to sleep!??? Re-establish ion gradients? Bears!

31 Estivation Estivation, or summer torpor (some ground squirrels and other rodents) –Enables animals to survive long periods of high temperatures and scarce water supplies Daily torpor –Is exhibited by many small mammals and birds and seems to be adapted to their feeding patterns (Humming birds). To costly to maintain high body temperature at night.

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