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Engineering and Computer Science Update Dennis L. O’Neal, Ph.D., P.E. Dean ECS Board of Advocates September 19, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering and Computer Science Update Dennis L. O’Neal, Ph.D., P.E. Dean ECS Board of Advocates September 19, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering and Computer Science Update Dennis L. O’Neal, Ph.D., P.E. Dean ECS Board of Advocates September 19, 2014

2 Welcome! David Morgan – Vice President of Polyethylene, Chevron Phillips – Been at Chevron Phillips since 1979 – B.S., Chemical Engr., TAMU, 1979 – M.B.A., UH, 1984 We invited two new candidates to the Board meeting. Brian Bammel – SAP Programming Services North American Supervisor, ExxonMobil Global Service Company – Been at Chevron Phillips since 2004 – Began career at Shell – B.S., Engineering (ECE), Baylor 2001

3 What we’ll will do this morning Dean’s update/conversation Divide into committees – Development/Corporate Relations – Undergraduate Program – Graduate Program/Research Reports from three committees

4 School of Engineering and Computer Science

5 Highlights since our last meeting Academic Programs Administrative Changes Faculty News Development and Corporate Relations

6 Academic Programs

7 Computer Science ABET visit went very well Visit was October 19-21, 2014 They saw the Teal Residential College as a strength of the program Only one concern was identified relating to coverage of materials related to professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities. – Syllabus in one course didn’t explicitly show all topics – Easy fix We expect 6 year NGR (next general review) for the program in July when ABET meets.

8 Capstone Design - Background For years, capstone design has been a source of frustration for the engineering faculty Most major universities have active capstone design programs that involve industry Baylor has treated capstone design project the same way they treated research projects – OGC got involved and couldn’t respond quickly – IP had to be negotiated – Contracts had to be signed – Most companies simply did not work with Baylor I was asked to intervene – Work with Larry Synder on a proposal to the administration

9 Major points of our proposal included: ABET requires that engineering students have a capstone design experience with realistic constraints and standards The norm is our peer institutions have robust industry sponsored capstone design challenges Changed the vocabulary of the conversation – Companies bring capstone design “challenges” to the program No contractual expectations on the part of the program Students will work on the challenge as a part of their capstone design course and submit all documentation as required by the course instructor In November, the Interim Provost and Vice Provost for Research agreed with our position

10 ECS faculty are finally freed to seriously talk to prospective companies about bringing design challenges to our seniors

11 Computer Science Ph.D. Proposal Cleared initial review by the Dean of the Graduate School Currently being reviewed by the Provost and Financial Office Required creative accounting to show no net cost to the university Next step would be Graduate Committee – Faculty committee with representatives from all over the university Possibly to the Board of Regents sometime next year

12 Enrollment Management Engineering programs were the first at Baylor to adopt minimum requirements for entering freshmen – Fall 2014 – SAT 1110/ACT 24 – Fall 2015 – SAT 1220/ACT 27 Approved in 2013 because of rapid growth of ECS program the prior 5 years (654 -> 1034) Fall 2004 average SAT scores - 1223

13 Enrollment management (1220 SAT) for pre-engineering appears to be on track with cutting 20% from the 2014 fall class

14 Administrative Changes

15 Since the fall meeting, I’ve made some significant structural changes to better support the undergraduate program Separated the Teal Residential College functions from those of ECS staff – Some staff positions were “blurred” because of the way Teal and ECS evolved – Redefined the Teal residential director position so s/he reports directly to the faculty-in-residence rather than the ECS Dean’s office Created an Undergraduate Programs Office – Mission is to serve our undergraduates and ensure their success at Baylor Created a staff position (Associate Director for Undergraduate Programs) to support all ECS undergraduates Have another position requested to support the office

16 The ECS Undergraduate Programs Office consolidated all undergraduate support functions, such as: Advising Recruiting Student activities Scholarships Retention Articulation agreements The Office is located in temporarily located in the Teal office area until we get some additional space if Fall 2016

17 I appointed Dr. Michael Thompson as the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering Been at Baylor for over 15 years Prior faculty experience at UT Pan American Works well with all departments and undergraduates

18 The Undergraduate Programs Office includes four professional staff serving under the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs. Ms. Emily Sandvall – Associate Director Three academic advisors – Ms. Ida Jamshidi, Asst. Dir. – Ms. Jessica Kelly – Ms. Caroline Clark

19 For the first time, I think we have the right people on the “bus” and adequate bandwidth to think strategically about addressing issues in the undergraduate programs

20 FallNumberRetained in ECS Retained in Other Programs Gone from BU (Attrition) CohortNumber % % % 201326821279.1%4115.3%155.6% 201429922474.9%6923.1%62.0% Having a full complement of advisors is already beginning to payoff for ECS – the Table below is just for pre-engineering students The nine additional students who stayed at Baylor pay enough tuition to cover the salaries of the two additional advisors we hired.

21 Overall, ECS had a lower freshmen attrition rate than the university had for fall 2014 to spring 2015

22 Faculty News

23 Dr. Joseph Kuehl is off to a quick start Won the prestigious Air Force Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) award 57 scientists and engineers across the country were recognized – Over 200 proposals were submitted Multi-year research award Opens up future avenues of funding with the Air Force Topic of research: “The influence of multiple interacting primary modes and mode representation on hypersonic boundary-layer stability and transition prediction”

24 Status of Faculty Searches Mechanical Engineering – Filled one position in materials area (polymer speciality) Electrical and Computer Engineering – Filled one position in computer engineering – Filled one position in electronic materials – One position pending General Engineering – Did not fill Clinical Professor of Professional Practice position

25 ECE reached a major milestone this spring in faculty hiring Linda Olafsen will be the first female ECE faculty member! Ph.D., Duke University (Physics) Background is electronic materials Research is in integrating graphine onto semi-conductor surfaces Starts as an Associate Professor

26 Development and Corporate Relations

27 Jacob Singletary is the new ECS Development Officer Assistant director of annual giving (2011-2014) Call Center Coordinator (2007-2011) Dell Computers (2006-2007) BU Grad – 2006 Working with Kristen on transition

28 Corporate Relations and Marketing are an Ongoing Effort Visited with over 10 companies this spring – 3M – SpaceX – Dow Chemical – Mars – Boeing First ECS E-newsletter was sent out in February 20 th anniversary issue of Synergy

29 We continue to meet with companies that can recruit our students ExxonMobil Navy Accenture 3M SpaceX Boeing JP Morgan Chase Dow Chemical Mars National Oilwell Varco Navy (Nuclear Program)

30 Growth of annual giving is encouraging

31 ECS alumni are beginning to challenge the Business School in the percentage giving back to their School ECS Business

32 Gifts from ECS alumni the past three years are still modest UnitGifts Past 3 yrs Business$71,694,558 Arts and Sciences$21,860,517 Law School$2,570,838 Graduate School$2,189,031 Education$1,388,369 Music$383,985 Nursing$265,369 Engineering & Computer Science$107,303 Truett Seminary$24,989 Social Work$9,803

33 We wish to thank the companies and corporations that have supported ECS this year

34 What we’ll will do this morning Dean’s update/conversation Divide into committees – Development/Corporate Relations – Undergraduate Program – Graduate Program/Research Reports from three committees

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