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By Julie V. Rivera Juan Herrera. The focus of these standards is on the learner, but implicit within every standard and indicator is the necessity of.

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Presentation on theme: "By Julie V. Rivera Juan Herrera. The focus of these standards is on the learner, but implicit within every standard and indicator is the necessity of."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Julie V. Rivera Juan Herrera

2 The focus of these standards is on the learner, but implicit within every standard and indicator is the necessity of a strong school library program that offers a highly- qualified school library media specialist (a term used interchangeably with librarian), equitable access to up-to-date resources, dynamic instruction, and a culture that nurtures reading and learning throughout the school. September 2010; publications by AASL.

3 End of Year Report Changes Collection Status Technology Accelerated Reader-( Middle School and Elementary) A/V Resource Accountability Staffing Facility Use Funding

4 COLLECTION STATUSTECHNOLOGY AVAILABILITY ACCELERATED READER Books, AV Software, and Multimedia (Percent: On-hand / Required) STD: 16 x Number of Students or at least 10,800 items 107% Student Research Computers (Percent: On-hand / Required) STD: 4 or less students per computer with Internet, based on Library capacity 150% Proficiency (Percent: Tests taken of Students scoring ≥ 85%) GOAL: 70% 18% Collection Age (Average in Years of Book Pub) STD: < 13 15 Computer Age (Average in Years) STD: < 5 Years 10 Progress (Percent: Increase between 3 rd and 5 th six weeks of Students averaging ≥ 85% on tests) GOAL: Increase 2% Periodical Subscriptions (Percent: On-hand / Required) STD: 30 13% In-Library-Use Reader Devices (Percent: On-hand / Goal) GOAL: 25 Readers 0% Participation (Percent: Total Students / Students Testing) GOAL: 90% 87% Current Year Losses (Total Dollar Amount of Books “Unaccounted For”) GOAL: $ 0.00 $1,820 A/V RESOURCE ACCOUNTABILITY STAFFINGFACILITY USE Circulated Equipment Marked (Percent: Bar-coded in Destiny) STD: 100% 100% Librarian (Percent: Time and Effort in Library) STD: 100% 100% Days Library Closed (Average Number of Days closed to Students per Six Weeks) GOAL: < 2 6 Current Year Losses (Dollar Amount) GOAL: $ 0.00 $3,546 Aide (Percent: Time and Effort in Library) STD: 100% 50% Student Patron Circulation (Percent: Increase / Decrease Over Previous 3 Years) GOAL: Increase + 24% FUNDING LEGENDPRINCIPAL CERTIFICATION Fund 199, Function 12 (Dollar Amount - Object Code 6329 - Books) STD: 4% Replacement Cost of Total Required Collection; Current Year Losses; and Subscriptions $15,322 Met Standard (STD) / Goal Did Not Met Standard (STD) / Goal School Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for Texas are located at ___________________________________ (Signature) I have verified that a 100% inventory of all Library issued materials and equipment has been completed and the information provided on this form is true and correct. Fund 199, Function 12 (Dollar Amount - Object Code 6649 - Equipment) STD: 25% Computer Replacement, Plus Losses $12,000 Incentive Fund (Percent: Fund Raiser ( Book Fair) Funds to Library STD: 100% 20%

5 COLLECTION STATUSTECHNOLOGY AVAILABILITYDATABASE USAGE Books, AV Software, and Multimedia (Percent: On-hand / Required) STD: 14 x Number of Students or at least 10,800 items 107% Student Research Computers (Percent: On-hand / Required) STD: 4 or less students per computer with Internet, based on Library capacity 150% Destiny Management (Incorporated into Destiny Tracking) GOAL: Yes No Collection Age (Average in Years of Book Pub) STD: < 13 15 Computer Age (Average in Years) STD: < 5 Years 10 Search Use (Percent: Increase / Decrease Over Previous 3 Years) GOAL: Increase 2% Periodical Subscriptions (Percent: On-hand / Required) STD: 50 13% In-Library-Use Reader Devices (Percent: On-hand / Goal) GOAL: 25 Readers 0% Current Year Losses (Total Dollar Amount of Books “Unaccounted For”) GOAL: $ 0.00 $1,820 A/V RESOURCE ACCOUNTABILITY STAFFINGFACILITY USE Circulated Equipment Marked (Percent: Bar-coded in Destiny) STD: 100% 100% Librarian (Percent: Time and Effort in Library) STD: 100% 100% Days Library Closed (Average Number of Days closed to Students per Six Weeks) GOAL: < 2 6 Current Year Losses (Dollar Amount) GOAL: $ 0.00 $3,546 Aide (Percent: Time and Effort in Library) STD: 100% 50% Student Patron Circulation (Percent: Increase / Decrease Over Previous 3 Years) GOAL: Increase + 24% FUNDING LEGENDPRINCIPAL CERTIFICATION Fund 199, Function 12 (Dollar Amount - Object Code 6329 - Books) STD: 4% Replacement Cost of Total Required Collection; Current Year Losses; and Subscriptions $15,322 Met Standard (STD) / Goal Did Not Met Standard (STD) / Goal School Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for Texas are located at ___________________________________ (Signature) I have verified that a 100% inventory of all Library issued materials and equipment has been completed and the information provided on this form is true and correct. Fund 199, Function 12 (Dollar Amount - Object Code 6649 - Equipment) STD: 25% Computer Replacement, Plus Losses $12,000 Incentive Fund (Percent: Fund Raiser ( Book Fair) Funds to Library STD: 100% 20%

6 Book, AV Software and Multimedia Collection Age Periodical Subscriptions Current Year Losses

7 Research Computers Aviavible Computer Age

8 Proficiency Progress Participation

9 Equipment Bar Codes Current Losses

10 Librarian Aide

11 Days Library Closed

12 Funding –Function 199-12 Funding-Function 199-12 Incentive Funding

13 To prepare for the new reports please log in to the following website. index.cfm lowing website.

14 Take this time and review the following webinars: 1.Adding Titles from Sources -6min. 2.Adding Copies to Title Records-5 min. 3.Editing Copy Records-6 min. 4.Generate Collection Status Summary report-5 min.

15 Catalogue equipment that is regularly checked out from the Library. Catalogue items correctly and equally across all library collections. Minimize the amount of effort for the librarian.

16 Unlike books and AV materials, there are no MARC records for equipment. All MARC records will be created at Library Services. Use MARC Easy Editor to meet our needs.



19 Title Record Copy Record

20 merportal/elearnings.cfm merportal/elearnings.cfm



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