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Reading the Periodic Table. The top number is the atomic number or the number of ______________________ Cl is an abbreviation for ______________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading the Periodic Table. The top number is the atomic number or the number of ______________________ Cl is an abbreviation for ______________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading the Periodic Table

2 The top number is the atomic number or the number of ______________________ Cl is an abbreviation for ______________________ The bottom number can be displayed two different ways : The top image displays 35.453 or the ___________ (the weighted average mass of the mixture of isotopes of an element) protons the element name (chlorine) atomic mass

3 This bottom image displays 35 or the _______________ Which equals the _______ + ________ in the nucleus Chlorine has how many protons _____ Chlorine has how many electrons _____ 35 mass number protons neutrons 17

4 On the periodic table elements are neutral therefore positive charges equal the negative charges To determine the number of neutrons subtract protons from the mass number Chlorine has how many neutrons ____ 35 18

5 Rules Atomic Number = # of ________ # of Protons = # of _________ (when atom is neutral) Mass Number = Protons + ________ or ________ = Mass Number – Protons protons Electrons Neutrons

6 Practice ElementAtomic ## Protons# ElectronsMass ## Neutrons Lithium Carbon Hydrogen Silver 333 7 4 666126 11110 47 108 61

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