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Una Daly & James Glapa-Grossklag February 13, 2014 Una Daly & James Glapa-Grossklag February 13, 2014 Introducing Open Educational Resources (OER): The.

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Presentation on theme: "Una Daly & James Glapa-Grossklag February 13, 2014 Una Daly & James Glapa-Grossklag February 13, 2014 Introducing Open Educational Resources (OER): The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Una Daly & James Glapa-Grossklag February 13, 2014 Una Daly & James Glapa-Grossklag February 13, 2014 Introducing Open Educational Resources (OER): The Big Picture 1 Except where otherwise noted these materials are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY)CC BY

2 Welcome – introduce yourself in the Chat! Una Daly Community College Director OpenCourseWare Consortium James Glapa-Grossklag Dean, College of the Canyons President, CCCOER Advisory

3 OpenCourseWare Mission worldwide Advance formal and informal learning through the worldwide sharing and use of free, open, high- quality education materials organized as courses. Over 300 institutions in 46 Countries 3

4 Promote adoption of OER to enhance teaching and learning –Expand access to education –Support professional development –Advance community college mission Community College Consortium for OER 4

5 240+ Colleges in 16 states & provinces

6 Agenda True or False? Access to Education and Sharing OER as a Solution What is OER? Who’s funding the bigger projects? Adopting Open Textbooks Q & A 6

7 True or False? Textbook prices have risen 82% in the last decade OER = Public Domain MOOCs = OER Publisher produced material is better than OER 7

8 Textbook Prices Textbooks prices rose 82% since 2002 –6 % increase per year 2 to 3 times inflation rate Average student spends $1168 annually on supplies Source: GAO Report 2013, College Board. Student PIRGs

9 Textbook Prices & Student Success 65% choose to not buy a college textbook due to cost 94% report concern that grades were affected due to this choice 48% take fewer classes or different classes based on cost of textbooks. 9 “Fixing the Broken Textbook Market: How Students Respond to High Textbook Costs and Demand Alternatives.” Student PIRGS, January 2014

10 Education is about Sharing Faculty share knowledge with students Students share their understanding Faculty share with colleagues Source: David Wiley, Why be Open, slideshare 2012

11 Solution: Open Educational Resources Online access to materials on first day of class Free online, low-cost print options Faculty can adapt for students Licensed for re-use by OpenSourceWay

12 What are Open Educational Resources? U.S. Dept. of Education –Teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use or repurposing by others. 12 cc-by donkyhotey/flickr adapted from Judy Baker cc-by license

13 Examples Includes – Course materials Lesson Plans Modules or lessons OpenCourseWare (OCW) Open textbooks Videos Images Tests Software Any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support ready access to knowledge adapted from Judy Baker’s ELI 2011 OER Workshop cc-by license

14 Business Case for Open Open resources are born digital … Digital enables editing –Add/Remove chapters –Adjust reading level Copying and distribution are “free” online. Image: Some Rights Reserved MrKCoolsPhotostream

15 Cost of Textbooks Please share the price of textbooks in courses that you teach. –Type in the chat window. 15

16 What is an Open License? Free: Free to access online, free to print Open: Shared, usable and re-usable Creative Commons: less restrictions than standard copyright but author retains full rights.

17 Creative Commons Licenses Simple, standardized way to grant copyright permissions Adapted from Ronda Neugebauer Slidesshare Permission: Attribute Commercial?Share alike?

18 18

19 CC licenses are unique because they are expressed in three ways. Slide adapted from Paul Stacey slideshare

20 Search & Discoverability Slide adapted from Cable Green slideshare

21 Translations & Accessibility Slide adapted from Cable Green slideshare

22 OER Accessibility & Strategic Alliances

23 Customization & Affordability Slide adapted from Cable Green slideshare

24 Cost Savings Publisher: Wiley & SonsPublisher : Connexions $171.25 Amazon Digital Access - $0 Softbound: $26.20

25 Who is funding OER? Private Foundations Grant funded projects Educational institutions Faculty and other experts Source: lumen learning slideshare $100 million from private foundations in the last decade.

26 $2 billion over four years Materials licensed with CC-BY TAACCCT Grants Source: Cable Green, Creative Commons, 2013

27 TAACCCCT Projects

28 Peer reviewed, 81 highest-enrolled lower division courses. You can download and use for teaching. All content is stored in Google docs making it easy to access, browse and download. Washington State Board Community & Technical Colleges s Open Course Library

29 English Composition I 55,000+ enrollments / year x $175 textbook = $9.6 + Million every year Source: Cable Green, Washington SBCTC, 2011

30 Open Resources Please share any open educational resources that are being used at your college. –Type in the chat window

31 OER Adoption 1.Find and Select OERs e.g. textbooks Peer Review 2.Adoption Process Support for customization 3.Feedback and Research Students, faculty, and staff 4.Revisions Sustainability & Support San Miguel stairs creative commons licensed by larry&flo 2007

32 Discover OER Repositories & Listing Sites How to Adopt an Open Textbook

33 Collaboration Needed Involve all campus stakeholders –Faculty –Academic Senate –Students –Researchers –Publishers –College Bookstores –Authors –Librarians –Board of Trustees –Professional organizations for educators Image cc-by Sujin JetkasettakornImage cc-by Sujin Jetkasettakorn/

34 Promote open practices and policies Help faculty find OER Get student input Openly license your own work Join the open education community OER Sustainability

35 Raising Awareness of Open Education Worldwide Mar 10-15 Submit videos, resources, local events, or webinars in February. Discussion groups online. Social Media promotion for open education projects. Community College Day on Wed, Mar 12 –Webinars, videos, and resources

36 Spring Webinars (Wed, 11:00 PT, 3:00 ET) 2/5 Open Textbook and Adoptions 3/11 OER & Accessibility 3/12 Community College OER Projects 4/9 – OER Impact Research Findings 5/14 - Intellectual Property: Open Licensing, Trademarks, Patents, etc.

37 Find & Adopt open textbook workshops Understanding open licenses Open textbook development workflow Online accessibility Faculty and student surveys Access to community of OER practitioners & experts Need Help Getting Started? We can help …

38 Join the CCCOER-Advisory Listserv Monthly OER chat –Next one is Feb 19 The Role of College Bookstores and OER 38 Lower Columbia College Flickr CC-BYNCND

39 Thank you!! Questions Contact Info: Una Daly, James Glapa-Grossklag,James.Glapa- Grossklag@canyons.eduJames.Glapa- 39

40 Share IMG_4591 cc-by-sa La belle tzigane cc-by-sa Asian Library Interior 5 cc-by-nc-sa Petru cc-by-nc-sa Opensourceways cc-by-sa Photo credits: 40

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