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Lesson One: Well Balanced The Learning Kitchen. Trying to change the way we eat is similar to trying to write our name with the wrong hand. Eating food.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson One: Well Balanced The Learning Kitchen. Trying to change the way we eat is similar to trying to write our name with the wrong hand. Eating food."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson One: Well Balanced The Learning Kitchen

2 Trying to change the way we eat is similar to trying to write our name with the wrong hand. Eating food we aren’t used to can be uncomfortable and requires more effort. It is much easier to make small changes! Changing Our Behavior

3 Patience Taking our time Daily practice Concentration Avoid falling back into usual patterns Effort Time What Can Help Us Change?

4 Switching from whole milk to skim: –Instead of switching all at once, try 2% for several months, then 1% for several months, and finally skim. Eating more vegetables: –Instead of buying a whole bunch of new vegetables and having them rot in your refrigerator, try something new. Increase intake by ½ cup per day and only buy a small quantity of vegetables at a time. After several weeks, set a higher goal and continue until you are eating enough vegetables each day Small Changes First

5 MyPlate

6 Healthy Starts With Hand Washing!

7 Lesson Two: Strong and Healthy The Learning Kitchen

8 Strong and Healthy Benefits of CalciumBenefits of Vitamin D Healthy Teeth Strong Bones Helps prevent osteoporosis Aids in proper nerve and muscle function Helps blood clot Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium Helps with bone development Helps the immune system function properly Sources of CalciumSources of Vitamin D

9 Food sources Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel Cheese Egg yolks It is also added to foods like most milk, cereals, and some juices and yogurt

10 Sources of Calcium Dairy SourcesNon-Dairy Sources Milk Cheese Yogurt Tofu Canned sardines and salmon, with bones Dark leafy greens like beet greens and collards Fortified orange juice

11 Sugars and syrups added to food during processing or preparation What are some examples? –Soda –Cakes, cookies, pies –Fruit and energy drinks –Ice cream –Candy What are added sugars?

12 Added sugar foods are sometimes: –High in fat –Low in vitamins and minerals –Adds calories without adding nutrients Why Limit Added Sugar?

13 Sugars found in foods like milk, fruits, and vegetables –In general, foods like milk, fruits, and vegetables are high in nutrients. Foods high in added sugars tend to be low in nutrients. Naturally Occurring Sugars

14 Sugar in Soda SodaNon-fat Milk Orange JuiceChocolate Milk Total Sugar9 tsp4 tsp9 tsp Added SugarYesNo Yes Protein0 g12 g3 g12 g Fat0 g 4 g Major VitaminsNoneA, DC, FolateA, D Major MineralsNoneCalciumPotassiumCalcium

15 Lesson Three: Produce and Protein The Learning Kitchen

16 What is Protein? What do you think protein is and what does it do in the body? Ideas about proteinFoods containing Protein Eggs Poultry Beans Seafood Nuts Seeds

17 Proteins are the building blocks that our bodies use to grow, and repair tissues, cells, hair, nails, and muscles It is important to eat enough protein to effectively fight disease! Protein

18 A deck of cards represents approximately 3 ounces Getting enough protein is important, but more than enough is not better. Recommended Daily portions, What Counts as a Serving?, Meat Portion Sizes Portions and Personal Recommendations

19 What do you think iron does in the body? What is Iron? Ideas about Iron Iron is a mineral and is essential to maintain energy and prevent fatigue Iron deficiencies can lead to anemia, which can cause decreased physical and mental function

20 When bacteria from one food spreads to another food. Review the Separate: Don’t Cross- Contaminate sheet in your participant handbook – USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline: 1-800-534- 4555 – FDA Food Information Line: 1-800-SAFE- FOOD – The Fight BAC! Website: Cross Contamination

21 How can you add more fruits and vegetables to your meals? Fruit on your cereal 100% fruit juice with breakfast Yogurt with fruit mixed in Try two different vegetables with dinner Fruits and vegetables as snacks Canned, fresh, or frozen, they all count! Anymore suggestions?


23 Lesson Four: Shopping & Planning The Learning Kitchen

24 1. Meals planned ahead of time are more likely to be balanced nutritionally. 2. Shopping with a grocery list can save you time and money. 3. In order to save money, you could stock up on all of the items in the Sunday paper that have coupons. Meal Shopping & Planning

25 Activity: “Making a Plan” –After discussing the benefits of lists, transition to planning menus. Complete the Use it Up! Handout and share the resolutions to Abbie’s challenge. Use the Weekly Food Plan handout to practice creating well balanced meals with foods on hand Making A Plan

26 Use the “Planning a Meal” sheet in your book to make a personal shopping list for next week’s class. We will take a trip to the grocery store, where each of you will get $10 to purchase your shopping list. Plan wisely! For Next Week

27 Unit prices can be helpful in comparing prices between similar items. Compare the prices of the different types of rice--> What are you paying for? –Pre-processing –The bag and processing –Just the rice Unit Prices

28 How much are you getting? How much space do you have for storage? How often do you use this item? What is the cost/LB? What’s the best option?

29 Lesson Five: Store Tour The Learning Kitchen

30 Store Tour Produce Meat and poultry Spices and herbs Candy and processed foods Organic/ conventional Grocery store/ co-op/ discount store Nutrient claims Food product dating

31 Shopping Strategies Practice comparison shopping by reading nutrition labels and unit price labels Practice shopping using a list

32 Lesson Six: Putting It All Together The Learning Kitchen

33 Grains and Serving Sizes

34 Grains Any food made from Wheat Rice Oats Corn Barley Examples: Breakfast cereals Tortillas grits These foods provide: Vitamins and minerals for good health Carbohydrates for energy Are typically low in fat (unless fat is added in processing)

35 The Whole Story What is a whole grain? Contain entire kernel What are the benefits of a whole grain? More nutrients than refined How much do you need in one day? At least half of your grains should be whole

36 Whole (unprocessed)Enriched (processed) Proteinprotein Carbohydratescarbohydrates Ironiron B vitamins (6)B vitamins (4) Soluble fibersoluble fiber Trace minerals Insoluble fiber phytochemicals Why are whole grains important?


38 Whole grains words to look for: Whole wheat flour Whole oat flour Cornmeal Barley Read the Label

39 Remember young children need healthy snacks between meals! Children under the age of two should have whole milk. They need the extra calories from fat for growth and proper brain development. Establish a snack and meal routine! Child Feeding Issues

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