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SPM from an Avian Perspective Jeff Gerbracht Steve Kelling

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Presentation on theme: "SPM from an Avian Perspective Jeff Gerbracht Steve Kelling"— Presentation transcript:

1 SPM from an Avian Perspective Jeff Gerbracht ( Steve Kelling (

2 Brief History of Avian SPMs


4 FIELD IDENTIFICATION Description adult breeding non-breeding Similar Species HABITAT DISTRIBUTION Australia New Zealand Norfolk I Population STRUCTURE Banding FOOD Adult Nestling SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Bonds Beeding Dispersion Roosting SOCIAL BEHAVIOR Agonistic Behavior Sexual Behavior Relations Within Family Groups VOICE Adult Young BREEDING Season Site Nest Materials Eggs Clutch Size Laying Incubation Nestling Success STRUCTURE Adult Breeding Adult Non-Breeding Downy Young Juvenile Immature BAREPARTS Adult Downy Young Juvenile Immature MOULTS Adult Post-Breeding Post-Juvenile Subsequent Molts MEASUREMENTS Wing Male Female unsexed 8th Primary Male Female unsexed Tail Male Female unsexed Bill Male Female unsexed Tarsus Male Female unsexed Toe Male Female unsexed WEIGHTS REFERENCES


6 INTRODUCTION DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS DISTRIBUTION THE AMERICAS Breeding range Winter or marine range OUTSIDE THE AMERICAS HISTORICAL CHANGES FOSSIL HISTORY SYSTEMATICS GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION SUBSPECIES; RELATED SPECIES MIGRATION NATURE OF MIGRATION IN THE SPECIES TIMING AND ROUTES OF MIGRATION MIGRATORY BEHAVIOR CONTROL AND PHYSIOLOGY HABITAT BREEDING RANGE SPRING AND FALL MIGRATION WINTER (or MARINE) RANGE FOOD HABITS FEEDING Main foods taken Microhabitat for foraging Food capture and consumption DIET Major food items Quantitative analysis Food Selection and Storage NUTRITION AND ENERGETICS METABOLISM AND TEMPERATURE REGULATION DRINKING, PELLET-CASTING, AND DEFECATION SOUNDS VOCALIZATIONS Development Vocal array Phenology Daily pattern of vocalizing Places of vocalizing Repertoire and delivery of songs Social context and presumed functions of vocalizations NONVOCAL SOUNDS Development Array of sounds Phenology Daily pattern Place of sound making Association of vocal and nonvocal sounds Social context and presumed function(s) BEHAVIOR LOCOMOTION Walking, hopping, climbing Flight Swimming and diving Roosting SELF-MAINTENANCE Preening, head-scratching. Sleeping, roosting, sunbathing Daily time budget AGONISTIC BEHAVIOR Physical interactions Communicative interactions SPACING Territoriality Individual distance SEXUAL BEHAVIOR Mating system and sex ratio Pair bond Extra-pair copulations (complaisant or forced) SOCIAL AND INTERSPECIFIC BEHAVIOR Degree of sociality Play Nonpredatory interspecific interactions PREDATION Kinds of predators Manner of predation Response to predators BREEDING PHENOLOGY Pair formation Nest building First/only brood per season Second/later brood(s) per season NEST SITE Selection process Microhabitat Site characteristics NEST Construction process Structure and composition matter Dimensions Microclimate Maintenance or reuse of nests, alternate nests Nonbreeding nests EGGS Shape Size and Mass; Egshell Thickness Color: ground color and markings Surface texture Egg Laying INCUBATION Onset of broodiness and incubation in relation to laying Incubation patch (es) Incubation period Parental behavior Hardiness of eggs HATCHING Preliminary events and vocalizations Shell breaking and emergence Parental assistance and disposal of eggshells YOUNG BIRDS Condition at hatching Growth of body parts PARENTAL CARE Brooding Feeding Nest sanitation Parental carrying of young: manner, frequency, and function COOPERATIVE BREEDING (IF ANY) Helpers Results of helping BROOD PARASITISM Identity of the parasitic species Frequency of occurrence, seasonal or geographic variation Timing of laying in relation to host’s laying Response to parasitic mother, eggs, or nestlings Effects of parasitism on hos Success of parasite with this host FLEDGLING STAGE Departure from the nest Growth: mass, proportions, structures Association with parents or other young Ability to get around, feed, and care for self IMMATURE STAGE DEMOGRAPHY AND POPULATIONS MEASURES OF BREEDING ACTIVITY Age at first breeding; intervals between breeding Clutch Annual and lifetime reproductive success LIFE SPAN AND SURVIVORSHIP DISEASE AND BODY PARASITES Diseases (Adults, Nestlings) Body parasites (Adults, Nestlings) CAUSES OF MORTALITY Exposure Predation Competition with other species RANGE Initial dispersal from natal site Fidelity to breeding site and winter home range Dispersal from breeding site or colony Home range POPULATION STATUS Numbers: estimates or counts ofdensity Trends: geographic and temporal POPULATION REGULATION CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT EFFECTS OF HUMAN ACTIVITY Disturbance at nest and roost sites Shooting and trapping Fishing nets Pesticides and other contaminants/toxics Ingestion of plastics, lead etc. Collisions with stationary/moving structure or objects Degradation of habitat: breeding and wintering Human/research impacts MANAGEMENT Conservation status Measures proposed and taken Effectiveness of measures: the species’ response APPEARANCE MOLTS AND PLUMAGES MOLTS Prebasic I molt Prealternate I molt, if any Prebasic II molt, if any (Prealternate II molt, if any Definitive Prebasic molt Definitive Alternate plumage, if any Presupplemental molt, if any PLUMAGES Natal Down Juvenal plumage Alternate I plumage Basic II plumage Alternate II plumage Definitive Basic plumage Definitive Alternate plumage Supplemental plumage, if any BARE PARTS Bill and gape Iris Bare skin or wattles on head and neck Legs and feet MEASUREMENTS LINEAR Bill length Wing length Tail length Tarsus length MASS PRIORITIES FOR FUTURE RESEARCH ACKNOWLEDGMENTS REFERENCES ABOUT THE AUTHOR(S)




10 HOME IDENTIFICATION Summary Similar species Vocalizations Development Vocal array Geographic variation Phenology Daily pattern Places of vocalizing Repertoire and delivery of songs Social context and presumed function Species recognition Nonvocal sounds Detailed description (appearance) Bare Parts Measurements Molts Geographic Variation Systematics DISTRIBUTION The Americas Breeding range Nonbreeding (“winter”) range Migration Extralimital (“other”) records Migration Type Elevational Range Outside the Americas Habitat Primary Habitat Historical changes Fossil history LIFE HISTORY Food Main food taken Diet Type Quantitative analysis Microhabitat for foraging Food capture and consumption Forage Type Forage Strata Food selection and storage Nutrition and energetic Metabolism and temperature regulation Drinking, pellet-casting, and defecation Behavior Locomotion Foraging Self-maintenance Agonistic behavior Territoriality Sexual behavior Mating system and sex ratios Mating system Pair bond Courtship display Extra-pair copulations Social and interspecific behavior Sociality Predation Kinds of predation Response to predation Reproduction Nest- includes description Nest Form Eggs – includes shape, size, color, etc. Egg Color Eggs Marked Clutch size Clutch size min/max Incubation Parental care – condition at hatching, growth and development, brooding, feeding, etc. Cooperative breeding Brood parasitism Populations and Demography Age at first breeding Life span and survivorship Diseases and body parasites Dispersal Population status [abundance, trends in population, etc.] Population regulation CONSERVATION Conservation status IUCN status CITES appendix Effects of human activity on populations PRIORITIES FOR FUTURE RESEARCH REFERENCES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS


12 Introduction Distinguishing Characteristics Systematics Migration Habitat Food Sounds Range Dispersal Populations Demography Conservation Management Behavior Breeding Appearance Measurements Multimedia Biology Description Size Physiology Molecular Biology Ecology Conservation Distribution Use Evolution Taxon Biology Trophic Strategy Cyclicity Dispersal Migration Life Cycle Reproduction Growth Life Expectancy Genetics Associations Diseases Habitat Behavior Population Biology General Description Diagnostic Description Look Alikes Morphology Management Conservation Status Threats Trends Risk Statement

13 Introduction Distinguishing Characteristics Systematics Migration Habitat Food Sounds Range Dispersal Populations Demography Conservation Management Behavior Breeding Appearance Measurements Multimedia Biology Description Size Physiology Molecular Biology Ecology Conservation Distribution Use Evolution Taxon Biology Trophic Strategy Cyclicity Dispersal Migration Life Cycle Reproduction Growth Life Expectancy Genetics Associations Diseases Habitat Behavior Population Biology General Description Diagnostic Description Look Alikes Morphology Management Conservation Status Threats Trends Risk Statement

14 Introduction Distinguishing Characteristics Systematics Migration Habitat Food Sounds Range Dispersal Populations Demography Conservation Management Behavior Breeding Appearance Measurements Multimedia Biology Description Size Physiology Molecular Biology Ecology Conservation Distribution Use Evolution Taxon Biology Trophic Strategy Cyclicity Dispersal Migration Life Cycle Reproduction Growth Life Expectancy Genetics Associations Diseases Habitat Behavior Population Biology General Description Diagnostic Description Look Alikes Morphology Management Conservation Status Threats Trends Risk Statement

15 Introduction Distinguishing Characteristics Systematics Migration Habitat Food Sounds Range Dispersal Populations Demography Conservation Management Behavior Breeding Appearance Measurements Multimedia Biology Description Size Physiology Molecular Biology Ecology Conservation Distribution Use Evolution Taxon Biology Trophic Strategy Cyclicity Dispersal Migration Life Cycle Reproduction Growth Life Expectancy Genetics Associations Diseases Habitat Behavior Population Biology General Description Diagnostic Description Look Alikes Morphology Management Conservation Status Threats Trends Risk Statement

16 Introduction Distinguishing Characteristics Systematics Migration Habitat Food Sounds Range Dispersal Populations Demography Conservation Management Behavior Breeding Appearance Measurements Multimedia Biology Description Size Physiology Molecular Biology Ecology Conservation Distribution Use Evolution Taxon Biology Trophic Strategy Cyclicity Dispersal Migration Life Cycle Reproduction Growth Life Expectancy Genetics Associations Diseases Habitat Behavior Population Biology General Description Diagnostic Description Look Alikes Morphology Management Conservation Status Threats Trends Risk Statement

17 Introduction Distinguishing Characteristics Systematics Migration Habitat Food Sounds Range Dispersal Populations Demography Conservation Management Behavior Breeding Appearance Measurements Multimedia Biology Description Size Physiology Molecular Biology Ecology Conservation Distribution Use Evolution Taxon Biology Trophic Strategy Cyclicity Dispersal Migration Life Cycle Reproduction Growth Life Expectancy Genetics Associations Diseases Habitat Behavior Population Biology General Description Diagnostic Description Look Alikes Morphology Management Conservation Status Threats Trends Risk Statement





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