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The Open PHACTS Discovery Platform Open PHACTS for Academia.

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Presentation on theme: "The Open PHACTS Discovery Platform Open PHACTS for Academia."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Open PHACTS Discovery Platform Open PHACTS for Academia

2 Cliff.asp PwC - Pharma 2020 – Which Path will you take Patent Expiry Generic Competition Cost Containment Improve R&D Productivity

3 Public Domain Drug Discovery Data: Pharma are accessing, processing, storing & re-processing

4 We are all doing this many times…… GSKPfizerAstraZeneca Roche Novartis Merck-Serono

5 Over the last decade Data has become more open Data has become better represented (Standards) Major providers are becoming more organised (NCBI, EBI, FDA) BUT Integration across sources, and across providers is still a gap

6 Pre-competitive Informatics: Pharma are all accessing, processing, storing & re-processing external research data Repeat @ each company x Lowering industry firewalls: pre-competitive informatics in drug discovery Nature Reviews Drug Discovery (2009) 8, 701-708 doi:10.1038/nrd2944

7 EC funded public- private partnership for pharmaceutical research Focus on key problems –Efficacy, Safety, Education & Training, Knowledge Management The Innovative Medicines Initiative The Open PHACTS Project Create a semantic integration hub (“Open Pharmacological Space”)… Runs 2011-2014, ENSO till 2016 Deliver services to support on-going drug discovery programs in pharma and public domain Leading academics in semantics, pharmacology and informatics, driven by solid industry business requirements 31 academic partners, 9 pharmaceutical companies, 3 software SMEs Work split into clusters: Technical Build Scientific Drive Community & Sustainability

8 Open PHACTS Mission: Integrate Multiple Research Biomedical Data Resources Into A Single Open & Free Access Point

9 The Real Mission Starting from a relatively blank canvas, build a pharmacology-centric integration system that’s as good as, or better than, that which pharma already have after decades of working in this space…. …with a distributed set of people who have never met and many of which have not worked on drug-discovery previously… …using an emerging, actively evolving technology… …with an architecture that fulfils the need of both public and private users… …in just over a couple of years… …whilst doing some research at the same time

10 ChEMBL DrugBank Gene Ontology Wikipathways UniProt ChemSpider UMLS ConceptWiki ChEBI TrialTrove GVKBio GeneGo TR Integrity “Find me compounds that inhibit targets in NFkB pathway assayed in only functional assays with a potency <1 μM” “What is the selectivity profile of known p38 inhibitors?” “Let me compare MW, logP and PSA for known oxidoreductase inhibitors”

11 Business Question Driven Approach


13 The Open PHACTS Discovery Platform Cloud-Based “Production” Level System. Secure & Private Guided By Business Questions Uses Semantic Web Technology But provides a simple REST-ful API for everyone else

14 Basic Semantic web standards –SPARQL 1.1, RDF(S), SKOS Dataset descriptions –Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) –VoID linkset descriptions QUDT Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Types Provenance –W3C PROV, PAV, Nanopublications BioPortal, ConceptWiki, ChEMBL,, Uniprot, ChemSpider

15 Are These Two Molecules The Same(*) *Really: Is it sensible to combine data associated with these two molecules? Yeah No way!

16 Chose John Wilbanks as consultant A framework built around STANDARD well-understood Creative Commons licences – and how they interoperate Deal with the problems by: Interoperable licences Appropriate terms Declare expectations to users and data publishers One size won‘t fit all requirements Data Licensing Solution


18 Kick-Starting Sustainability Collaboration Grants Industry Open PHACTS API Users Apps API

19 Open PHACTS Associate Partner Community

20 Development partnerships Influence on API developments Opportunities to demo ideas & use cases to core team Need MoU and annexe Associated partners Organisations, most will join here Support, information Exchange of ideas, data, technology Opportunities to demo at community webinars Need MoU Associated partners Development partnerships Consortium MoU +Annexe Consortium 31 current members Leveraging Our Community

21 Open PHACTS Mission: Integrate Multiple Research Biomedical Data Resources Into A Single Open & Free Access Point

22 Sustaining Impact “Software is free like puppies are free - they both need money for maintenance” …and more resource for future development



25 Open PHACTS Practical Semantics Acknowledgements Pfizer Limited – Coordinator Universität Wien – Managing entity Technical University of Denmark University of Hamburg, Center for Bioinformatics BioSolveIT GmBH Consorci Mar Parc de Salut de Barcelona Leiden University Medical Centre Royal Society of Chemistry Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Novartis Merck Serono H. Lundbeck A/S Eli Lilly Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics ConnectedDiscovery EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Janssen Esteve Almirall OpenLink Scibite The Open PHACTS Foundation Spanish National Cancer Research Centre University of Manchester Maastricht University Aqnowledge University of Santiago de Compostela Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn AstraZeneca GlaxoSmithKline


27 Commercial Organisations Not-for-Profit / Academic & Research Institutions € 100 k € 50 k € 20 k or FTE equivalent (waiver only if pre-approved by OPF) Academic – fee may be waived ( depending on ability to join ) NFP/Research - €5k Employee number 50 – 250€ 10 k 11 – 50€ 5 k < 10€ 200 Contributing Vote for Board membership Full --- Nominate + Vote for Board Individual No vote for Board membership. AGM attendance v1

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