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Diane Pellin.  Developed by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz  A tool used by educators to help students solve problems using technology.  A 6 step.

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Presentation on theme: "Diane Pellin.  Developed by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz  A tool used by educators to help students solve problems using technology.  A 6 step."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diane Pellin

2  Developed by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz  A tool used by educators to help students solve problems using technology.  A 6 step approach 1. Task definition 2. Information seeking strategies 3. Location and access 4. Use of information 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation

3  Define the problem  Who what when where  Who assigned the task  What is the assignment  When is it due  Where and how is it turned in

4  What kind of information is needed:  Where can the information be obtained:  Local library  Books  Articles  Interviews  Audio/Video  Internet

5  What kind of access to information :  Reading  Listening  Viewing  Online searching skills  How is needed information gathered:  Notes  Copies  Citations

6  How is the gathered information put back together to solve the problem.  Organization  Presentation

7  Was the problem solved efficiently and effectively:  Was all of the criteria met

8  Based upon my research this is a very widely accepted model used throughout education and businesses alike.  Seminars and webinars are available for instruction  There are many sites on the Internet that link to the Big 6 web site  There are many lessons that have been created by educators available for use.

9  Purpose of this lesson is to use the Big 6 to help incoming Freshman in their selection of courses for their first semester.  It is pretty straight forward and includes all 6 steps of the Big 6 model.  This could be incorporated into our Freshman orientation class.  I believe it could be very helpful, especially for students who are coming into the Fall semester.

10  Many times these students have only had contact with a counselor, not their academic advisor.  It can sometimes be overwhelming to students as they try to track down their advisor before the start of the semester.  This would give them a plan that they could then implement.  Of course the successful outcome would be, not only,the student’s successful completion of their schedule but meeting their assigned advisor.  That would give them a face to the name that is on their orientation paper.

11  "AT&T Knowledge Network Explorer : Nuts and Bolts of Big6." AT&T Knowledge Network Explorer Homepage. 1996. Web. 22 Oct. 2010..  "AT&T Knowledge Network Explorer : Nuts and Bolts of Big6." AT&T Knowledge Network Explorer Homepage. 1996. Web. 22 Oct. 2010..  Eisenberg, By Mike. "Big6 » What Is the Big6?" The Big 6. Buy Cheap Software, 9 Oct. 2007. Web. 22 Oct. 2010..  Story-Huffman, Ru. "Big6 » Blog Archive » The Big6 and Freshman Year: How to Select Courses, ENews 10.3, 3." Buy Cheap Software - Download and Buy Software for Windows & Macintosh at Our Online Software Store. 20 Oct. 2009. Web. 22 Oct. 2010.. year-how-to-select-courses-enews-10-3-3

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