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Part 6 Units 20  22 Past Tense Negatives and Questions.

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1 Part 6 Units 20  22 Past Tense Negatives and Questions

2 Unit 20 -ED ending for regular verbs -d -ed -ied NO “S” on the end of 3 rd singular (He, she, it)

3 Negatives Put NOT on the Helping Verb If there is no Helping verb, use DO – DO is a magnet or vacuum, and the past tense leaves the verb and moves onto DO. She ate rice. She do ate rice. She did eat rice. She did not eat rice.

4 Unit 21 Irregular Verbs Fewer than 200 total, but they are all important and common. – Think, eat, drive – Was, were – Change slowly (dive, dived/dove) to become more regular

5 Unit 22 – Questions in the Past Same Rules as Always – Yes/No = Move First Helping Verb to the Front – If there is no Helping Verb, use DO – DO is like a magnet/vacuum, and sucks the past tense off the verb The teacher gave homework to the students. The teacher do gave homework to the students. The teacher did give homework to the students. Did the teacher give homework to the students?

6 Past Tense WH Questions Same Rules as Always Subject Questions are Easy – The teacher gave homework to the students. – Who gave homework to the students?

7 Past Tense WH Questions WH Questions – Make a Yes/No question, then change the answer to the WH-word and move it to the front of the sentence. – The teacher gave homework to the students. – Did the teacher give homework to the students? – What did the teacher give to the students? – Who(m) did the teacher give homework to? – To Whom did the teacher give homework?

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