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A Modern Learning Environment at Ladbrooks School Sharing and Thinking Collaboratively.

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Presentation on theme: "A Modern Learning Environment at Ladbrooks School Sharing and Thinking Collaboratively."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Modern Learning Environment at Ladbrooks School Sharing and Thinking Collaboratively

2 To begin, sit back... … and enjoy Ken Robinson’s thoughts

3 Some questions around our beliefs... What are our beliefs about the nature of our learners? What are our beliefs around the attributes our learners need now and for the future?

4 Defining our thinking ….

5 Collaborative teaching? We will start with the BLUE HAT to frame our thinking We will share some of our thoughts using the 6 Thinking Hats Following this, you will be involved in recording your thoughts and ideas under the headings of red, yellow, black and green hats We will share these ideas at the end as part of our discussion

6 Way back then ….

7 Today in NZ!- Stonefields (Auckland)

8 What is a Modern Learning Environment? (MLE) Physical environments that support the needs of a modern learner They tend to have increased flexibility, openness and a greater access to resources Teacher - student ratios are reduced Far greater opportunities for collaboration student(s) to student(s), teacher(s) to student(s)

9 Collaborative teaching? Several teachers with many children Often multi-level and various age groups Can be in one space, MLE or in traditional class set up All teachers are responsible for all learners ** Individual needs are catered for effectively Teacher expertise exponentially increased

10 Collaborative teaching? Excitement - It could really revitalise our practice and learning for the children. Sadness - Some of the neat things we do currently may change Fear - What will this look like?

11 Collaborative teaching? Supports strength-based teaching When there is one teacher, the learning is often serial When there is a team, it is parallel and learning is faster Additional possibilities for Gifted and Talented and remedial attention Increased connectivity between students and staff Teachers have told us they wouldn’t want to teach any other way

12 The TOROA environment... Will students feel overwhelmed? How will siblings in the same learning community be accommodated? How will children’s social groupings be affected? Will it be noisy? How will the ages and stages be catered for? If I have an issue, who will I talk to?

13 The possibilities! We could do a arts/language rotation We could involve families in more formalised before- school word reading, spelling and brick testing routines We could use the library and Weka as quiet break-out spaces Cooking would be easy - we’d have the kitchen The ‘spare’ classrooms could be set up for art or music or PMP

14 Collaboration in action

15 Sharing our thoughts... Key thoughts...

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