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Learning Intentions:  To be able to express an opinion and offer reasons about the past.  Ask questions about the past. Success Criteria: Read the words,

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Intentions:  To be able to express an opinion and offer reasons about the past.  Ask questions about the past. Success Criteria: Read the words,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Intentions:  To be able to express an opinion and offer reasons about the past.  Ask questions about the past. Success Criteria: Read the words, sound them out, repeat them. Remember the letter sounds in the Welsh alphabet. Try to say you like/enjoy or dislike, and then give a reason for that using ‘achos’. Try to think of an opposite or alternative by using ‘ond’ and give a reason for it too. Think about unfamiliar words in the context of the sentence they are in.

2 Beth ydy dy …… di? Beth wyt ti’n mwynhau wneud? Pretend you’ve never met the person before and you are interested in finding out more about them.

3 Dw i’n hoffi Dw i’n mwynhau Dw i wrth fy modd yn Dw i ddim yn hoffi Dw i ddim yn mwynhau Dw i’n casau Mae’n well gen i… Mae’n gas gen i… Mae’n grêtddiddorol wychddoniol gyffrousflasus ddiflasofnadwy gasrhy boeth sbwriel Beth wyt ti’n feddwl o…?

4 Fwynheusest ti y penwythnos? DoNaddo Es i i… Oes gen ti Newyddion? OesNag oes

5 Darllenwch yn gymraeg

6 Eto

7 Darllenwch yn gymraeg

8 Darllenwch yn gymraeg eto

9 Read the words and look at the pictures about the words

10 Now call out these ‘yn Gymraeg’

11 Now call out the Welsh for the pictures. NOT the word!!

12 Look at the word. Remember it. Call it out in welsh only when the NEXT word is shown. Keep remembering the word before the one shown.

13 Look at the word. Remember it. Call it out in welsh only when the NEXT word is shown. Keep remembering the word before the one shown.

14 Split it up to help you.


16 Pairs card game


18 Success Criteria: Remember the past tense ending –es i for oneself. Replace the –es i with –est ti when asking a question about the past to someone. Use ‘do’ and ‘naddo’ for yes and no, and ‘roedd’n’ to describe how something was. Use ‘pam’, ‘achos’ and ‘ond’. Remember question words. Remember to use displays etc for help with vocabulary. Write a conversation between two people using the questions and answers of past tense.

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