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SingularPlural 1 st Person 2 nd Person 3 rd Person I YOU HE, SHE, IT WE YOU ALL THEY *Stems of words will change with ending occasionally (see 2 nd and.

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Presentation on theme: "SingularPlural 1 st Person 2 nd Person 3 rd Person I YOU HE, SHE, IT WE YOU ALL THEY *Stems of words will change with ending occasionally (see 2 nd and."— Presentation transcript:

1 SingularPlural 1 st Person 2 nd Person 3 rd Person I YOU HE, SHE, IT WE YOU ALL THEY *Stems of words will change with ending occasionally (see 2 nd and 3 rd conjugation) !! ENDINGS ARE THE SAME FOR ALL CONJUGATIONS!!

2 Perfect Tense: 1 st Person 2 nd Person 3 rd Person SingularPlural -i -isti -it -imus -istis -erunt

3 Perfect Tense: 1 st Person 2 nd Person 3 rd Person SingularPlural amavi amavisti amavit amavimus amavistis amaverunt amare – to love *a ‘v’ in the stem of a word often signifies past tense (amavi; audivi)

4 Perfect Tense: 1 st Person 2 nd Person 3 rd Person SingularPlural -i -isti -it -imus -istis -erunt

5 Perfect Tense: 1 st Person 2 nd Person 3 rd Person SingularPlural habui habuisti habuit habuimus habuistis habuerunt habere – to have *Stem habere changes to habu + ending

6 Perfect Tense: 1 st Person 2 nd Person 3 rd Person SingularPlural -i -isti -it -imus -istis -erunt

7 Perfect Tense: 1 st Person 2 nd Person 3 rd Person SingularPlural misi misisti misit misimus misistis miserunt mittere – to send *Stem mittere changes to mis + ending

8 Perfect Tense: 1 st Person 2 nd Person 3 rd Person SingularPlural -i -isti -it -imus -istis -erunt

9 Perfect Tense: 1 st Person 2 nd Person 3 rd Person SingularPlural audivi audivisti audivit audivimus audivistis audiverunt audire – to hear

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