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Topic 4: Digital Circuits
(Integrated Circuits Technology) Part two
Logic Levels: Practical Scenario
The two sets of levels are motivated by these scenarios Scenario 1: Source outputs logic high at lowest threshold, VOHMIN Scenario 2: Source outputs logic low at highest threshold, VOLMAX A logic source output is modelled with a Thevenin model and a logic sink input is modelled as a resistive load. For a worst case analysis, the resistive sink load is connected to ground in Scenario 1; the effect is to pull the input level below VIHMIN. For a worst case analysis, the resistive sink load is connected to Vcc in Scenario 2; the effect is to pull the input level above VILMAX. In Scenario 1:VOH = Vcc-IRTH, VIH = VOH – IRline In Scenario 2:VOL = IRTH, VIL = VOL + I Rline A source output voltage and sink input voltage will therefore decrease as current drain increases in the high state. A source output voltage and a sink input voltage will therefore increase as current drain increases in the low state. Define: HIGH STATE NOISE MARGIN, NMHI := VOHMIN-VIHMIN LOW STATE NOISE MARGIN, NMLO := VILMAX-VOLMAX Larger margins improved resilience to circuit nonidealities and interference
DC Loading The output high and low limits are exceeded only if a device output is heavily loaded. Logic device loading is specified by maximum current Fanout := max. number of similar devices that can be connected to a load without exceeding high and low state current limits Current Specs IOHMAX Max source current for which VOH VOHMIN (valid output high) IOLMAX Max sink current for which VOL VOLMAX (valid output low) IIHMAX Max input current for VIH VIHMIN (valid input high) IILMAX Max input current for which VIL VILMAX (valid input low) Scenario 1: Output high connected to more than one sink. The current outputted by the source increases with the number of sinks. Io = Iinj = nIin (for n similar sinks) Scenario 2: Output low connected to more than one sink. Note that the current now flows into the output terminal (logic source becomes a current sink). Again current increases with the number of logic sinks.
DC Loading: Current specs
Scenario 1: Output high connected to more than one sink. The current outputted by the source increases with the number of sinks. Io = Iinj = nIin (for n similar sinks) Scenario 2: Output low connected to more than one sink. Note that the current now flows into the output terminal (logic source becomes a current sink). Again current increases with the number of logic sinks. Io = Iinj = nIin (for n similar sinks) DO NOT PRINT THIS PAGE
DC Loading: Fanout Each gate input requires a certain amount of current to maintain it in the LOW state or in the HIGH state. IIL and IIH These are specified by the manufacturer. Fanout calculation Low state fanout, nFlow:= maximum number of similar gates that can be driven low so that Vo < VOLMAX High state fanout, nFhigh:= maximum number of similar gates that can be driven high so that Vo > VOHMIN Need to do current loading calculation for non-gate loads (LEDs, termination resistors, etc.) E.g. What is the fanout of a 7400 which is required to drive several 74L00 devices? Soln.: For the 7400 (driver), IOHMAX = -400A and IOLMAX=16mA. For the 74L00 (driven) IIHMAX = 10A and IILMAX = -0.18mA. Thus nFlow = |IOLMAX(source)/IILMAX (sink)| =16mA/0.18mA =88 (rounded to closest smaller integer) nFhigh = |IOMAX(source)/IIHMAX(sink)| = 400 A/10 A = 40 From which nF= min(nFlow, nFhigh)=40.
AC Loading All gate outputs have associated parasitic capacitances due to external wiring (including their gate pins) as well as internal semiconductor storage effects (junction capacitances). In addition there are parasitic capacitances associated with each gate input. Typically the capacitance component due to IC pins is of the order of 10-15pF. The final transistor which drives the gate output acts as an electronically controlled switch with a pull-up to Vcc. It is also important to note that in our switch model, LH > HL since, generally, r <<R. This also holds for electronic gates where the propagation delay from low to high (tPLH) is usually much greater than that from high to low (tPHL). When one gate is driving several other gates the capacitive (AC) load is increased with each gate. Cload = Total Capacitance Co = Driver Output Capacitance Ci = Input capacitance of each driven gate CLOAD = CO + Ci As Cload increases so does the propagation delay, tp. This effect is also to be considered when a gate must drive long lines.
3. CMOS Technology Static complementary CMOS - except during switching, output connected to either VDD or GND via a low-resistance path high noise margins full rail to rail swing VOH and VOL are at VDD and GND, respectively low output impedance, high input impedance no steady state path between VDD and GND (no static power consumption) delay a function of load capacitance and transistor resistance comparable rise and fall times (under the appropriate transistor sizing conditions) Dynamic CMOS - relies on temporary storage of signal values on the capacitance of high-impedance circuit nodes simpler, faster gates increased sensitivity to noise
3.1. CMOS Circuit Topology Pull-up network (PUN) and pull-down network (PDN) VDD PMOS transistors only pull-up: make a connection from VDD to F when F(In1,In2,…InN) = 1 In1 In2 PUN … InN F(In1,In2,…InN) In1 NMOS transistors only pull-down: make a connection from F to GND when F(In1,In2,…InN) = 0 In2 PDN … One and only one of the networks (PUN or PDN) is conducting in steady state (output node is always a low-impedance node in steady state) Why PUN of PMOSs only and PDN of NMOSs only ? (Next slide) InN PUN and PDN are dual logic networks
b) Dual PUN and PDN PUN and PDN are dual networks
DeMorgan’s theorems (A + B)’ = A’.B’ (A.B)’ = A’ + B’ a parallel connection of transistors in the PUN corresponds to a series connection of the PDN Complementary gate is naturally inverting (NAND, NOR, NOT) Number of transistors for an N-input logic gate is 2N
CMOS Complements
3.2 Examples of CMOS Gates CMOS inverter VDD = 5V Vo Vi Vi Q1 Q2 Vo
0(L) OFF ON 5(H) 5(H) ON OFF 0(L) Q2 p-channel Vo Vi Q1 n-channel Alternate symbols are used to represent MOS transistors., particularly for logic applications. This allows us to concentrate only on the logic state of the transistors in analysing CMOS circuits. For all intents and purposes, transistor state is determined as follows: Q2 p-channel Vi Vo Q1 n-channel CMOS inverter Gate level nmos pmos High ON OFF LOW
CMOS NAND Use 2n transistors for n-input gate
p-channel in parallel, n-channel in series Add output inverter to convert to AND Note increasing no. of NMOS xsistors => increasing resistance between Z and ground in output Low state => a higher low voltage
CMOS NOR Like NAND -- 2n transistors for n-input gate
p-channel series, n-channels in parallel
NAND vs NOR Result: NAND gates are preferred in CMOS. NAND NOR
For a given silicon area, PMOS transistors are have higher ON resistance than NMOS transistors => Output High voltage is lower due to series connection in NOR. NAND NOR NAND output LOW voltage is not as badly compromised DO NOT PRINT THIS PAGE Result: NAND gates are preferred in CMOS.
CMOS characteristics Essentially no DC current flow into MOS gate terminal Gate has capacitance, C which MUST be charged then discharged for switching Required power is CPDV2f ; where f is switching frequency, CPD is the power dissipation capacitance Very little (0(nA)) current in output chain, except during switching when both transistors are partially on More power required when signal rise times are small since transistors are on longer Symmetric output structure ==> equally strong drive (IOH, IOL) in LOW and HIGH states This is why.. Power dissipation in PCs increase with clock frequency There is a lot of research on low voltage logic devices (5V, now 3.3V common) Consider an inverter stage where the output oscillates at frequency f=1/tcyc. For a 0-1 transition at the output, the output must charge its load capacitance to VDD. The total energy drawn from the supply is used to charge the capacitor and is given by This charge is via current drawn through the p-channel pullup transistor. For the next transition (from 1-0), the capacitor must discharge through the n-channel pull down transistor. The energy dissipated through the pulldown resistance is the same as above (conservation of energy). By symmetry, this must also be the energy dissipated in the pullup resistor for the 0-1 transition. So the total energy dissipated per cycle is 2E1 or The average power is E/tcyc or VDD CPD
CMOS families and typical specifications
VOHMIN=VDD-0.1V, VIHMIN=0.7Vcc, VILMAX=0.3VDD, VOLMAX=0.1V 3V VDD 18V (original 4000 family), 2V VDD 6V (newer HC family) Input source and leakage currents: <1A Output current: typically 4mA but can be as high as 24mA Families: original 4000 family (slower, lower power dissip.) 74FAMnnn: FAM = family type, nnn=function number – faster 54FAMnnn: same as 74FAMnnn but for military apps. FAM : HC (High Speed CMOS), HCT (HC TTL compatible), VHC/VHCT (Very High speed), FCT/FCT-T(Fast CMOS TTL compatible/ with TTL VOH) Egs: 74HC04 – hex inverter. IOLMAX=20 A, IOHMAX=-20A. NB: Special handling precautions hold as CMOS can be damaged by very a small electrostatic discharge 4000 functions include: 4001 (2-input NOR), 4011 (Quad 2-input NAND) Eg. The 74HC family has a quiescent power dissipation of 2.5W per gate, and CPD=24pF. Determine the power dissipation if VDD=5V, and the average switching frequency is 1MHz under (a) No-load conditions (b) When driving an IC with a 12pF input capacitance Solution : (a) With the total load capacitance as CPD, dynamic power dissipation is 24x10-12 x 52x 106 = 600W so the total is 602.5W. (b) Now the total load capacitance is 24pF+12pF = 36pF; dynamic power dissipation is 36x10-12 x 52x 106 = 900W so the total is now 902.5W.
4. TTL Diode Logic AND gate IN1 IN2 OUT L L L L H L H L L H H H
= Transistor-Transistor Logic. Uses bipolar transistors and diodes Vcc OUT IN1 IN2 R IN1 IN2 OUT L L L L H L H L L H H H Diode Logic AND gate Problem… defined levels change easily when loaded. E.g. when diode gates are cascaded. Need for transistor buffering IN1 IN2 OUT L L H L H H H L H H H L Vcc IN1 IN2 R Vi OUT R NAND gate! Schottky diodes have a forward drop of 0.25V. They are used to limit the saturation current when a bipolar transistor is turned ON. This allows for faster transistion from ON to OFF state which requires the removal of all charge in the transistor collector-base junction
TTL: practical realisation
Dynamic resistance: lower ON (L) voltage, faster switching Limits current in transition Diode AND gate Totem Pole Output Do NOT PRINT Schottky Diodes Clamp diodes
TTL Logic families and specs
Vcc=5V±10%, Vohmin=2.7V, Vihmin=2.0V, Volmax=0.5V, Vilmax=0.8V NMh = 0.7V, NML=0.3V Families: TTL e.g. 7404, 74H04, 74L04 original family Schottky e.g. 74S04: faster, hi power consumption Low Power Schottky e.g. 74LS04: lower Pd, Slower Schottky (common) Advanced Schottky e.g. 74AS04 2x speed of S, same Pd Adv. Low Pwr Sky e.g. 74ALS04 see table 3-11, Wakerly For LS, typically: IILmax=-0.4mA, IIHmax=20uA, IOLmax=8mA, IOHmax=-400uA. FANOUT (LSTTL into LSTTL)=20 NB: TTL outputs can sink more current than they can source. 74FAMnnn and 54FAMnnn TTL and CMOS devices have the same functionality. CMOS devices were given these designations following the wide success of the earlier TTL devices.
TTL vs CMOS TTL CMOS Noise Margins 0.3(high), 0.5 (low) 0.3Vcc
Input source currents High in both states: 0.2 to 2mA(L), 20-50uA (H) Typ < 1uA in both states Power Consumption Relatively high, fixed. 2mW for 74LS, 20mW for 74Sxx. Depends on Vcc, frequency. Negligible static dissipation. Very low for FCTT Output drive current Asymmetric: High state: 0.4-2mA Low state: 8 – 20mA Symmetric: Typ 4mA but AC family can drive 24mA Power supply voltage 5V ±10% 3V Vcc 18V (original 4000 family), 2V Vcc 6V (newer HC family) Interconnection (CMOS to TTL, TTL to CMOS) Cannot drive CMOS since VOHMIN(TTL)<VIHMIN(CMOS) Pullup resistor needed unless using TTL compatible family e.g. HCT Can directly drive TTL
Applications: CMOS/TTL interfacing
5. Applications: Unused inputs
Floating inputs can lead to unreliable operation!!! Unused (Floating) Inputs [] Tie together and bundle with used inputs OR [] Tie HIGH thru pull up resitor, Rpu OR [] Tie LOW thru pull down resistor, Rpd [] For CMOS use 1K-10K values [] For TTL calculate based on # of inputs tied thru resistor so that: Vcc-RpuIIHmax > VIHmin RpdIILmax < VILmax []Too small Rpu makes TTL susceptible to spikes etc. over 5.5V. See Sec , Wake. Must ensure that does not affect design function. E.g. tie HIGH for AND/NAND or LOW for OR/NOR
Power supply filtering
For each logic IC place a small capacitor (0.01uF tp 0.1uF) across Vcc and ground in close proximity to the IC Reduces transient effect of switching on power supply, particularly when supply source is connected via long circuit path (resistive and inductive effects). Essentially each capacitor provides a local reservoir for fast supply of charge required when the device switches DO NOTPRINT
Applications: Open-drain (CMOS) or open collector (TTL) outputs
In CMOS no PMOS transistor, use external pull-up resistor for Vcc drive Vcc Calculate external Rpu so that VOLMAX achieved at IOLMAX. Must include other loads so this gives minimum Rpu. Vcc Rpu IC Z A B Q1 Q2 Z 0 0 open open 1 0 1 open ON 1 1 0 ON open 1 1 1 ON ON 0 A Q1 B Q2 Output stage of Open Drain NAND
Why ? Slightly higher current capability
Can form an open-drain/collector bus. Can select data for access to common bus.. E.g for Dataout = Datai set Enablej =0, jI, Enablei =1, DO NOTPRINT Problem -- really bad rise time due to all O/P capacitances in parallel and large pullup.
Applications: Bus Access - Contention and Tristate Logic
Common bus Best “fix”…. Tristate logic Vin EN Vout 1 a 1 b ?? EN Vin Vout 0 x HiZ 1 1 0 1 0 1 “regular TTL or CMOS Get bus contention when two outputs try to drive the bus to different states. Value on the bus may be indeterminate; Damage possible (a driving b!!) On a PC data bus, can cause PC to crash TRISTATE LOGIC is widely used in bus systems. They are particularly useful in computer systems where many loic devices must share common signal pathways. Memory devices such as EPROMs, RAMs etc have tristate logic built in, thus saving the user the task of adding external logic for bus control. The ENABLE lines of the internal tristate logic are usually tied to an external OUTPUT ENABLE or CHIP SELECT pin. Available in inverting or non-inverting .. Sec Wakerly. NO Pull-up needed NO degradation in transition speed
Applications: Digital meets analog
Schmitt Trigger Inputs…Sec3.7.2/Wakerly Schmitt trigger devices are used primarily to deal with signal levels which are not at valid logic levels. They can therefore be used for interfacing noisy analogue signals to a logic circuit e.g. signals from switches, RC networks etc. interfacing slow signals (i.e. signals which remain in the invalid range for relatively long periods) regenerating degraded logic signals e.g. signals on a long serial communication line. Schmitt trigger devices do comply with the input thresholds of the respective family. However, they employ a bit of hysterisis (memory!!) to take care of invalid signal levels. The devices are characterised by upper and lower thresholds (UT, LT). When the input exceeds UT it is treated as a logic 1 UNTIL it goes below LT. Then, and only then, is it treated as a logic 0. Vo Exercise: Determine the outptuts for Vi as shown Vi VH VT VL VT VH Vi VL Schmitt Trigger o/p Characteristic Standard logic o/p Characteristic Standard, VO Schmitt, VO
Applications: Logic Drive ILED is 10mA typically worst case Use formula: VOL+VLED+(ILED*R)=VCC to determine R. NB……. Can assume worst case VOL=VOLMAX for some CMOS as well as TTL at IOL=ILED. Best to use device for which IOLMAX>ILED. Driving a LED with TTL Logic Device Vcc R ILED VLED VOL Low output turns LED ON Drive current typ 5 -10mA Use buffers for extra drive
Applications: Logic Drive
Driving a Solenoid or relay with TTL 5V relays do exist. Some incorporate the free wheeling Diode. Most have enough internal resistance to operate directly as shown. Check using LED computation if built in resistance is sufficient or if an external series resitance is needed Logic Device Vcc Free-wheeling diode protects electronics from coil back emf Low output turns activates relay or solenoid DO NOT PRINT
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