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The Impact of Entertainment Media Violence on Children and Families

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1 The Impact of Entertainment Media Violence on Children and Families
Child Psychology I

2 Types of Violence in the Media
Violence with a weapon Violence without a weapon Crashes and explosions Verbal violence

3 By the time the average American child graduates from elementary school, he or she will have seen more than 8,000 murders and more than 100,000 other assorted acts of violence (e.g., assaults) on network television (American Psychological Assocation,1992).

4 National TV Violence Study (1996-1998) 8,000 hrs of TV analyzed
60% of programs were violent. "Good" characters perpetrated nearly 40% of the violent acts. 40% of the violent acts perpetrated by "bad" characters went unpunished.

5 National TV Violence Study (1996-1998) 8,000 hrs of TV analyzed
75% of the perpetrators showed no remorse. Over 50% of the victims showed no pain or suffering.

6 National TV Violence Study (1996-1998) 8,000 hrs of TV analyzed
35% of victims experienced unrealistically low levels of harm. 15% of the violent programs portrayed long-term consequences (e.g., to the victim’s family). 50% of the violent scenes were lethal, 40% were portrayed as humorous.

7 What makes observational learning more likely?
Repeated exposure is the #1 factor! However, the effects of media violence may be increased or decreased by: Characteristics of the individual viewer and the environment Characteristics of the media presentation and how the viewer perceives it

8 Individual and Environmental Risk Factors
Age: Media violence affects kids 2-11 the most Gender: Media violence affects both boys and girls Family: Co-viewing, discussion, and anti-violence norms reduce effect Cultural and gender role norms: Can reduce or increase effect

9 Individual and Environmental Risk Factors
Existing Aggressiveness: Media violence affects aggressive and non aggressive kids Intellectual ability: Media violence affects both high and low IQ kids Social class: Media violence affects upper and lower class kids, but lower class kids watch more media violence

10 Characteristics of Program that Affect Risk
Identification with aggressor: Effects are larger for violent behaviors committed by charismatic heroes with whom the viewer identifies Perceived realism of aggression: Effects are larger when violent shows are perceived as telling about life like it really is

11 Characteristics of Program that Affect Risk
Consequences of aggressive act: Effects are larger when aggressor is rewarded” for his/her actions Justifiability of aggressive act: Effects are larger when aggression is portrayed as justified Attention to scene: Effects are larger when viewer’s attention is riveted on scene

12 Video Clips

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