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Southampton, February 2012. Responds to individual learner needs Builds towards KS4 invites cross-curricular learning Accommodates ‘local’ learning.

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1 Southampton, February 2012


3 Responds to individual learner needs Builds towards KS4 invites cross-curricular learning Accommodates ‘local’ learning Embraces skills & processes Content free KS3


5  House & Home  Items of furniture  Using prepositions  Describing where one lives  Using the past tense  Telling the time  Colours and adjectival endings

6 Phoning the police Past Tense Personal description Problem solving Story telling & extended reading Time Phrases/telling the time Prepositions Adjectives/ adjectival ending Colours Items of furniture Rooms in the house Question words Emergency services in TL country Illness/injury Parts of the body New verbs/vocabulary Pronunciation Opinion & supposition

7  Improved motivation through a more compelling context  Improved language learning skills  To develop the use of tenses  More creative outcomes

8  Pupils produce a police file investigating a crime  Clear assessment criteria laid out as NC levels  Clear minimum content for the final piece of work to be handed in.

9  Plan of the Castle  Description of the castle and area  Plan of crime scene: before and after  Completed chronology of events using past tense  Series of listening tasks completed  Witness statement (written & recorded)  Suspect line up with descriptions

10  Written description of the crime scene  ‘Before and after’ comparison of scene  Completed transcript of a witness statement.  Audio/video recording of Police interview of witness or perpetrator inc. writing their own questions  Chronology of events using clues from the crime scene/witness statements  Redrafting of the story in first person as a witness statement

11 Phoning the police Past Tense Personal description Problem solving Story telling & extended reading Time Phrases/telling the time Prepositions Adjectives/ adjectival ending Colours Items of furniture Rooms in the house Question words Emergency services in TL country Illness/injury Parts of the body New verbs/vocabulary Pronunciation Opinion & supposition ‘Topic’ and Language content, Knowledge about language Grammar points Language Learning skills and Intercultural understanding/cross- curricular oppotunities

12 Rooms in the house Furniture & prepositions ‘ Before and after’ & comparatives Introduced details about the crime: Past tense Question words: used to elicit information Time phrases & chronology of events Re-drafting into 1 st /3 person Transcript audio/video Suspect line up

13 Rooms in the house Furniture & prepositions ‘ Before and after’ & comparativ es Introduced details about the crime: Past tense Question words: used to elicit information Time phrases & chronology of events Re-drafting into 1 st /3 person Transcripts audio Suspect line up Adjectives & adjectival endings Creativity Language processes & presentation skills Forming questions Problem solving Storytelling & extending reading and writing Colour & form New vocabulary and tenses Language for real purpose

14  Personal description  Body parts/illness  Using the Emergency Services Science: Forensics – fingerprinting PHSE: Crime & Punishment DT: House construction Drama : crime reconstruction

15 Food types Likes/dislikes Currency/ exchange Quantities Colour & Form Adjectives/ Adjectival ending Bon app! Imperatives Presentation Skills Giving & Justifying opinion Research skills PLTS/ Team work Cultural aspects Writing instructions Transactional Language: Au café, au marché etc Regular verbs Cookery skills Regions & produce

16 Countries & Nationality Directions Places in the town Transports Telling the Time/ Numbers Colour & Form Adjectives /Adjectiv al ending Le Grand Prix Tenses Map reading Giving & Justifying opinion Research skills PLTS/ Team work History & Cultural aspects Dealing with problems Transactional Language Verb ‘aller’ + simple future

17  ‘The Great Dinner debate’ ‘The Great Dinner debate’  Relocation, Relocation...  Fantasy football portfolio/WAGS  A day in the life of…  My dream holiday: Give budget, book tickets, book accommodation etc  Compare & Contrast: TL Countries/Cultural aspects  Healthy Living Manual  Protecting our Planet campaign  Sporting Event dossier: Tour De France, World Cup, Olympics

18  Identify the required content first  Design the ‘theme’ around them  Keep ‘themes’ generic  Have clear learning outcomes  Plan for progression within a unit  Plan for progression across a Key Stage



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