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Weeks 9 & 10 - Term 1 - 2014 Due date: Friday 4 th of April 2014 Maths Homework Checklist SpellingMathsReading Record Practise your spelling words that.

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Presentation on theme: "Weeks 9 & 10 - Term 1 - 2014 Due date: Friday 4 th of April 2014 Maths Homework Checklist SpellingMathsReading Record Practise your spelling words that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weeks 9 & 10 - Term 1 - 2014 Due date: Friday 4 th of April 2014 Maths Homework Checklist SpellingMathsReading Record Practise your spelling words that you have written in your diary at least three times a week. Focus on looking at the spelling pattern and learning this too. On the blog there are some creative ways that you can practise your spelling words. Spelling words will be tested every Monday. This will mean within the fortnight you will have two sets of spelling words. Task 1: Use a calendar you have at home and choose one month. (There is one on our blog if you need) Work on your addition skills in your book by adding two dates together. For example: 6 + 28 = 34. Set yourself a challenging goal of how many equations your are going to complete before starting. Challenge: Can you add more than to numbers together in your equations? Task 2: Choose at least two of the Thinking Hats to write a reflection about your maths learning this term. Red Hat – Feelings White Hat - Facts /Information Green Hat – New things Blue Hat – Strategies Black Hat – Areas to Improve Yellow Hat – Strengths. Record your reading in your diary every day. Write the title of the book, even if you just read a page, record the page number/s that you read or the amount of time that you read for. Remember your diaries and reader pouches are to be at school every day. Personal LearningEnglishHomework Checklist On Friday the 4 th of April we will be attending our Easter Bonnet Parade. To help us look spectacular for this event your task is to: 1.Use a procedure to create a plan of a Easter Bonnet / Hat you book. (http://sites.berwickfieldsps.vic. )http://sites.berwickfieldsps.vic. 2.Write a list of materials you need. Ask your teacher for some paper if you need. 3.Make your Easter Bonnet by making links from your plan. Alphabet List Write the alphabet in your book and see if you can think of a word for each letter of the alphabet that is connected to your family. It could be about hobbies, favourite foods, holidays or places you might have been. Try to keep your list neat and well organised. Some might be a bit tricky so you can leave some blank if you need. Coath Family. A – artistic B – basketball C – chocolate D – dancing You can include : Verbs – doing words like jump, hop, run Nouns – people, places and things like oval, playground and television. Proper Nouns – important people, places and things like Berwick Fields, Mr Wigney Adjectives - describing nouns like beautiful, funny. Challenge: Can you think of more than one word for each letter? Focus on these skills while completing your homework  Organisation: Have you set aside time to complete your homework so it is handed in on time?  Presentation: Have you ruled a margin on each page?  Handwriting: Have you set your work out neatly so that others can read it?  Reading practice: Have you read and recorded your reading each day?  Spelling practice: Have you practised your spelling?  Persistence Have you given each task a red hot go? Homework- 4 B

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