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EDIT 6170 Instructional Design Refrigerator Slides

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1 EDIT 6170 Instructional Design Refrigerator Slides
Slides so important they’re worth sticking to your refrigerator! Last updated November 12, 2009

2 Forming a team Facts: Concepts Principles Problem-Solving Attitudes
At least 2 members, no more than 4 At the lesson level, each team must develop and evaluate as many lessons as there are team members Otherwise, project is the same in scope for each team Concepts Teamwork; cooperation; collaboration; efficiency; productivity; quality; intra- and interpersonal Principles Relationships between the concepts Problem-Solving Completing the project on-time according to the specifications Attitudes Choosing to learn instructional design; choosing to have a satisfying, enjoyable experience Will expect problems, but will choose to work to resolve problems with a professional, positive attitude

3 The ADDIE Model of Instructional Design
Analysis Is there a need for instruction? What is the context? Who are the learners? Design “Blueprints” for courses, units, and lessons Development Building something real from the blueprints Implementation Trying out your materials Evaluation Evaluating your design and making revisions

4 First Law of Instructional Design
Instructional solutions can only solve instructional problems!

5 Instructional Congruency
Objectives Instruction Evaluation

6 Review of the ISD process…
Input Output Needs Assessment Investigation based on assessment data Instructional Goals Course Design Course ICM showing course terminal objective and enabling objectives (units) Unit Design Enabling objective from Course ICM Unit ICM showing unit terminal objective and enabling objectives (lessons), including supporting objectives from other domains (VI, Att.) Lesson Design Enabling objective from Unit ICM Lesson plan consisting of media analysis and instructional strategies for each of the events of instruction.

7 Learning Outcomes: Gagne’s Domains of Learning
Verbal Information Verbatim learning Non-verbatim learning Substance learning Intellectual Skills Problem-solving Rule-using Defined concepts Concrete concepts Discriminations Cognitive strategies Affective Psychomotor Learning Hierarchy

8 Clearly identifying learning outcomes
Problem-solving Rule-using Concepts Verbal information Affective Psychomotor Generate Demonstrate Classify, identify State, list, recite, summarize Choose Execute We will cover how to write objectives later, but a good way to start is with: “The student will be able to (SWBAT) generate/demonstrate/classify/identify…

9 Characteristics of Good Assessment Instruments
Validity Does the instrument assess what it is supposed to assess Reliability People who ‘know the material’ do well, those who don’t do poorly; consistency Practicality The instrument can be implemented with relative ease Efficiency The instrument takes as little time as necessary to get valid and reliable results

10 A Skills Matrix 1 2 3 4 Discrete Continous Closed Open Ironing a shirt
No time constraints Continous Time constraints Ironing a shirt Basic Arithmetic Changing a flat tire Typing Cooking Taking dictation Swimming Closed There is a “best way” to learn it. 1 2 Writing an essay Painting Parenting Instructional design Project management Public speaking Live debate Singing Business negotiation Open No best way to learn it. 3 4 Teaching Difficulty Tripp (1992)

11 Some Good Design Rules Know your audience
What they know What motivates them Identify your learning objective and use it constantly to steer your design. Be clear and honest (first to yourself and then your audience) as to the learning outcome of your learning objective?

12 Testing Assessment Testing Assessment Testing Assessment Retention
Transfer Previous Lesson Presentation Practice Testing Assessment Next Lesson Orientation Testing Assessment

13 Formative Evaluation Helps to Answer the Following Questions
How effective is this instruction at this stage of development? What has been learned? How usable is the instruction? How easy is it for students to use the media I’ve developed? How motivational is the instruction? In what ways can it be improved? Improvement is the goal of formative evaluation. After all, your instruction is at a very “formative” stage, is it not?

14 Formative Evaluation: Responsibility of Each Team
Identify lesson objective(s) for each of the lessons you will try out. Prepare assessment instruments. Consider both quantitative and qualitative methods/instruments Check evaluation instruments for validity (i.e. are they congruent with objectives?) and reliability. Consider both performance and motivation in your evaluation. Be open to collect any other data that will serve to improve your instruction (including observation and learner introspection). Prepare lesson using Instructional Strategy Planning Guide as a job aid. Each lesson must be evaluated with at least 3 students in the target audience. Interpret your formative evaluation based on all assessment instruments and observations. Report the results in your final report.

15 Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation
Situation Driven of Different Perspectives Level Four Results Purpose of Evaluation The purpose for evaluation is to determine the effectiveness of a training program. According to this model, evaluation should always begin with level one, and then, as time and budget allows, should move sequentially through levels two, three, and four. Information from each prior level serves as a base for the next level's evaluation Level Three Behavior Level Two Learning Level One Reaction Kirkpatrick (1998) Copyright Larry D Weas (permission pending)

16 Return on Investment (ROI): The 5th Level of Evaluation
Program Benefits = $225,000 Program Costs = $150,000 Program Benefits Program Costs $225,000 $150,000 BCR = BCR = = 1.5 Net Program Benefits Program Costs $75,000 $150,000 ROI = X 100 ROI = X 100 = 50% BCR = Benefits/Cost Ratio Net Program Benefits = Program Benefits – Program Costs

17 Important Assumptions and Procedures Required for Computing ROI
Need to develop evaluation plan and baseline data. Need to collect data during and after solution implementation. Need to be able to isolate the effects of the solution. Need to be able to convert data to monetary value.

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