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Developing Multimedia Learning Objects A process for the virtual world Michael Cottam – Director Instructional Design & Technology Jarred Truschke – Media.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Multimedia Learning Objects A process for the virtual world Michael Cottam – Director Instructional Design & Technology Jarred Truschke – Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Multimedia Learning Objects A process for the virtual world Michael Cottam – Director Instructional Design & Technology Jarred Truschke – Media Designer

2 Overview  Multimedia project ideas  Virtual Microscope  How do you get there? (Process)  Tools & Resources  More Multimedia Stories  Your Project Ideas  Q&A

3 Virtual Microscope

4 ADDIE Process

5 Analyze  Learners Prior knowledge Prior knowledge Desired outcomes Desired outcomes Knowledge & Skills gap Knowledge & Skills gap  Context or Environment College support & standards College support & standards Technology and delivery system Technology and delivery system  Resources available Technology Technology Personnel & Skill sets Personnel & Skill sets

6 Learner Questions  What prior knowledge and experience do students have with the topic?  What are the pre-defined learning goals and objectives, if any?  How do learners usually reach the goals or objectives in an in-person setting?  Can that learning strategy inform multimedia development?

7 Accessibility & Inclusiveness  What disabilities will you need to consider?  What are students’ language skills?  Are students fluent in English?  Students are diverse. What demographics do you need to be sure to include?

8 Context Questions  What college standards apply to this project?  Where are learners located?  What type of technology do they have?

9 Context: Time & Reuse  How much time has been allotted to this project?  What is the project timeline?  Can the learning object be repurposed for different learners, topics or contexts?

10 Task Analysis Questions  What skills and information do students need to reach the goal?  What related information should be taught simultaneously?  Break the learner task down into sub-tasks or smaller steps

11 Development Resources  What is available to your team? Technology Technology Computers & softwareComputers & software Audio/visual equipmentAudio/visual equipment Equipment specific to activity (microscope, specialized camera)Equipment specific to activity (microscope, specialized camera) Personnel Personnel Project managementProject management Skill setsSkill sets Time availableTime available  When do you outsource?

12 Design Questions  What teaching or learning strategies would be most effective? Presentation Presentation Drill & Practice Drill & Practice Quiz Games Quiz Games Labs Labs Simulations Simulations

13 Design: Delivery Method  What is the most efficient delivery medium? Online Online Print Print Audio Audio Video Video Mobile devices Mobile devices Etc. Etc.

14 Multimedia examples  Virtual Microscope  Virtual Solubility Lab  EDU video projects  Food Race  Language Town  Machinima weather & directions

15 Tools? 

16 Your Projects?

17 Contact Us   Michael Cottam   Jarred Truschke

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