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New-generation drug-eluting stents and dual antiplatelet therapy: overview Giuseppe Biondi Zoccai, MD Department of Medico-Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies.

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Presentation on theme: "New-generation drug-eluting stents and dual antiplatelet therapy: overview Giuseppe Biondi Zoccai, MD Department of Medico-Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 New-generation drug-eluting stents and dual antiplatelet therapy: overview Giuseppe Biondi Zoccai, MD Department of Medico-Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

2 Our original sin…

3 An ongoing challenge after stenting: preventing both… THROMBOSIS BLEEDING

4 Choice of aspirin was empirical from the beginning… In the first reported case of PTCA by Andreas Gruentzig, 3 days of aspirin was empirically added to heparin therapy Gruentzig et al. NEJM 1979

5 Addition of ticlopidine after stenting was empiric at first and then confirmed by more sound data 30-day stent thrombosis rate (%) ASA ASA plus OAC DAPT

6 The CREDO RCT of 1- vs 12-month* DAPT: 1-year death, MI and stroke Steinhubl et al. JAMA 2002*1-month regimen did not include clopidogrel front-loading

7 The PCI-CURE RCT of 0- vs 12-month DAPT: 1-year CV death or MI Mehta et al. Lancet 2001

8 The TRITON RCT of 6- to 15-month* DAPT with clopidogrel vs prasugrel: stent thrombosis† Wiviott et al. Lancet 2008 *median 14.5 months; †definite or probable

9 The PLATO RCT of 6- to 12-month* DAPT with clopidogrel vs ticagrelor: stent thrombosis† Cannon et al. Lancet 2010 *median 9.3 months; †definite, probable or possible

10 Cannon et al. Lancet 2010 *median 14.5 months The PLATO RCT of 6- to 12-month* DAPT with clopidogrel vs ticagrelor: all cause death

11 The Duke observational study with CYPHER and TAXUS: 2-year events Eisenstein et al. JAMA 2005

12 The VA observational study with CYPHER and TAXUS: events after discontinuing DAPT Ho et al. JAMA 2008

13 The J-CYPHER observational study: 2-year stent thrombosis Kimura et al. Circulation 2009

14 The Milan-Naples-Siegburg observational study with TAXUS and CYPHER Airoldi et al. Circulation 2007

15 The LATE RCTs of 12- vs 24-month DAPT: 2-year death, MI and stroke Park et al. NEJM 2010

16 The PRODIGY RCT of 6- vs 24-month DAPT: 2-year death, MI and stroke Valgimigli et al. Circulation 2012

17 The PRODIGY RCT of 6- vs 24-month DAPT: 2-year type II, III, or V BARC bleeding Valgimigli et al. Circulation 2012

18 The EXCELLENT RCT of 6- vs 12-month DAPT: 1-year target vessel failure Gwon et al. Circulation 2012

19 The EXCELLENT RCT of 6- vs 12-month DAPT: other 1-year events Gwon et al. Circulation 2012

20 StudySample Size DAPT (months) Stent type ITALIC3,7500 (ASA only) vs 6 EES OPTIMIZE3,1203 vs 12ZES ISAR-SAFE6,0006 vs 12DES DAPT20,64512 vs 30DES (n=15,245) / BMS (n=5,400) DES Late5,00012 vs >12DES SCORE28012 vs 24DES OPTIDUAL1,96612 vs 36DES Uncertainty will persist for some time: ongoing studies on DAPT

21 2010: ESC Guidelines on PCI/CABG

22 2011: ESC Guidelines on NSTEACS

23 The XIENCE V USA study including 5,054 unselected real-world patients Hermiller, PCR 2010 AMI 18.1% ACS 37.5% Renal Insufficiency 11.1% Multivessel Disease 40.8% EF < 30% 3.4% Multivessel Treated 13.8% Left Main 1.6% Graft Lesion 4.8% CTO Lesion 2.5% Direct Stenting 38.7% Restenosis Lesion 9.5% Ostial 11.9% Bifurcation 9.0% Diabetes 35.6% A Real-World Population

24 The XIENCE USA study: DAPT details Hermiller, PCR 2010 Temporary Interruption % (N) 5.6% (N = 243) Number of Interruptions1.1 ± 0.5 (N = 243) Days to First Interruption (days)134.3 ± 121.4 (N = 243) Duration of Interruption (days)20.3 ± 46.9 (N = 243) Top 3 Reasons for Interruption Surgical Procedure = 35.4% Adverse Event** = 30.5% Patient Non-compliance = 9.5% Permanent Discontinuation % (N) 8.5% (N = 366) Days to Discontinuation (days)239.2 ± 140.4 (N = 366) Top 3 Reasons for DiscontinuationAdverse Event** = 21.9% Surgical Procedure = 10.7% Increased Bleeding Risk = 9.6%

25 The XIENCE USA study: stent thrombosis according to DAPT interruption Hermiller, PCR 2010

26 StudyPatientsDesignSetting SPIRIT II223RCTOn-label SPIRIT III669RCTOn-label SPIRIT IV2458RCTOn-label SPIRIT V1662Non-RCTReal-world setting SPIRIT Women1506Non-RCTReal-world setting XIENCE V USA3770Non-RCTReal-world setting XIENCE V India931Non-RCTReal-world setting Stone, TCT 2011 The SPIRIT/XIENCE pooled analysis on 11,219 patients: included studies

27 Stone, TCT 2011 The SPIRIT/XIENCE pooled analysis on 11,219 patients: 2-year stent thrombosis

28 Stone, TCT 2011 The SPIRIT/XIENCE pooled analysis on 11,219 patients: compliance to DAPT

29 The SPIRIT/XIENCE pooled analysis on 11,219 patients: stent thrombosis according to DAPT Stone, TCT 2011 No DAPT interruption DAPT interruption within 90 days DAPT interruption after 90 days

30 The SPIRIT/XIENCE pooled analysis on 11,219 patients: days of DAPT discontinuation Stone, TCT 2011

31 The SPIRIT/XIENCE pooled analysis on 11,219 patients: stent thrombosis according to DAPT Stone, TCT 2011

32 The SPIRIT/COMPARE pooled analysis on 6,789 patients: included studies Kedhi, ACC 2011 StudyPatientsDesignSetting SPIRIT II223RCTOn-label SPIRIT III669RCTOn-label SPIRIT IV2458RCTOn-label COMPARE1800RCTReal-world setting

33 Kedhi, ACC 2011 1-6 mo DAPT >24 mo DAPT 6-12 mo DAPT 12-24 mo DAPT The SPIRIT/COMPARE pooled analysis on 6,789 patients: stent thrombosis according to DAPT

34 The SPIRIT/XIENCE meta-analysis on 10,615 patients: included studies Palmerini, PCR 2012 StudyPatientsDesignSetting SPIRIT V1662Non-RCTReal-world setting SPIRIT Women1506Non-RCTReal-world setting XIENCE V USA3770Non-RCTReal-world setting XIENCE V India931Non-RCTReal-world setting

35 The SPIRIT/XIENCE meta-analysis on 10,615 patients: stent thrombosis according to DAPT Palmerini, PCR 2012

36 CE mark indication for XIENCE 3-month DAPT Language from CE IFU Section 8.1 for XIENCE: XIENCE demonstrated low stent thrombosis rates in patients who either discontinued or interrupted Dual Antiplatelet Therapy (DAPT) after 3 months post stent implantation. It is therefore recommended that patients treated with XIENCE stents remain on DAPT for at least 3 months after stent implantation. New indication underlines the XIENCE safety outcomes even when patients interrupt DAPT after 3 months

37 Mega-Meta Analysis ST & DAPT Interruption at 3 Months 2 7 XIENCE Trials (n=13,259) ST rate after DAPT interruption beyond 3 months was low and numerically similar to no DAPT interruption through 2 years Real World Pooled Analysis : 3 Months DAPT Analysis 3 All Comer Population 4 XIENCE Trials (n=10,615) XIENCE shows 0% ST after DAPT interruption from 3 to 12 months 3 Months DAPT CE Submission Data Source: 1. Based on data from the XIENCE V USA trial (Hermiller PCR 2012). 2. Based on data from the Mega-Meta Analysis of 7 XIENCE trials (Stone, TCT 2011). 3. Based on data from SPIRIT/XIENCE analysis (Palmerini PCR 2012). XIENCE V USA ST and DAPT Interruption at 3 Months 1 All Comer Population (n=5,054) ST rate after DAPT interruption beyond 3 months was low and numerically similar to no DAPT interruption through 1 year PCR 2012 CE mark indication for XIENCE 3-month DAPT

38 Additional insights from a comprehensive network meta-analysis Palmerini, Biondi-Zoccai et al, Lancet 2012

39 Evidence network 9 studies PES BMS SES End-ZES Res-ZESPtCr-EES CoCr-EES 1 study 8 studies 1 study 4 studies 9 studies 6 studies 2 studies 5 studies Palmerini, Biondi-Zoccai et al, Lancet 2012

40 Additional insights from a comprehensive network meta-analysis Odds Ratio [95%] CoCr-EES vs BMS CoCr-EES vs PES CoCr-EES vs SES CoCr-EES vs Res-ZES CoCr-EES vs End-ZES SES vs BMS End-ZES vs SES 0.23 (0.13-0.41) 0.28 (0.16-0.48) 0.41 (0.24-0.70) 0.14 (0.03-0.47) 0.21 (0.10-0.44) 0.57 (0.36-0.88) 1.92 (1.07-3.90) Favors Stent 1Favors Stent 2 101 0.1 0.01 Palmerini, Biondi-Zoccai et al, Lancet 2012 1-Year Definite Stent Thrombosis

41 Statistical consistency IV = inverse variance SE = standard error Odds Ratio IV Random, 95% CI 101 0.1 0.001 Favors CoCr-EESFavors BMS Weight SE Log (odds ratio) Definite stent thrombosis Direct estimate Indirect estimate Total (95% CI) Test for overall effect Z=4.82 (p<0.00001) Definite or probable thrombosis Direct estimate Indirect estimate Total (95% CI) Test for overall effect Z=4.48 (p<0.00001) -1.427 -1.421 -0.968 -1.122 0.519 0.359 0.377 0.304 32.4% 67.6% 100.00% 39.4% 60.6% 100.00% 0.24 (0.09-0.66) 0.24 (0.12-0.49) 0.24 (0.14-0.43) 0.38 (0.18-0.80) 0.33 (0.18-0.53) 0.35 (0.22-0.55) Statistical inconsistency (I 2 ): 0% for both comparisons Palmerini, Biondi-Zoccai et al, Lancet 2012 Statistical consistency or homogeneity is a measure of how similar are the estimates stemming from head-to-head RCTs and the indirect comparison

42 Other new-degeneration DES Raber et al, JAMA 2012

43 Other new-degeneration DES Raber et al, JAMA 2012

44 Prototypical clinical cases

45 The Good: ↓ risk of TLR and↓ risk of bleeding with long-term DAPT 46-year-old ♂ with effort angina: RCA as culprit

46 The Bad: ↑risk of TLR but↓ risk of bleeding with long-term DAPT 61-year-old ♀ with STEMI: LAD as culprit

47 The Ugly: ↑risk of TLR and ↑ risk of bleeding with long-term DAPT 74-year-old ♂ with NSTEMI & AF requiring oral anticoagulants: LM-LAD as culprit

48 Take home messages DAPT aims to prevent two different events: stent thrombosis and non-target lesion thrombosis. Long-term DAPT reduces the risk of non-target lesion events. However, there is mounting uncertainty on the impact of long-term DAPT on stent thrombosis. EES have a unique safety profile among coronary stents: – After 3 months, patients with EES discontinuing DAPT have a risk of stent thrombosis similar to those not discontinuing;

49 Take home messages – Accordingly, 3-month DAPT appears adequate to reduce the risk of stent thrombosis in patients receiving EES; – Favorable yet much less thorough results have also been reported for BES. I personally do not recommend 3-month DAPT in all patients, but surely do in carefully selected ones. Moreover, I can be truly confident that any of my patients who has received a EES and discontinue DAPT ≥3 months is not put at a higher risk of stent thrombosis. This property cannot so far be inferred for any other DES, and thus makes EES a unique treatment opportunity to maximize efficacy and safety.

50 Thank you for your attention For any correspondence: For these and further slides on these topics feel free to visit the website: Meta-analysis and Evidence-based medicine Training in Cardiology

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