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Tool ID Forestry Tool ID

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1 Tool ID
Forestry Tool ID

2 Increment Borer 1

3 Bark Gauge 2

4 Bark Gauge Measures bark thickness by driving the cutting edge through bark until wood is reached Guard is slid against tree or log and bark thickness is read directly off the scale.

5 Tree Caliper 3

6 Back pack fire pump 4

7 Back Pack Fire Pump When filled with water, this hand-operated pump can be used to extinguish small areas of burning grass.

8 Chainsaw 5

9 Chainsaw Chaps 6

10 Chainsaw Chaps made with specially woven fibers designed to burst apart upon contact with a chain saw chain and jam the chain against the saw’s bar and sprocket, protecting the user’s legs from injury

11 Clinometer 7

12 Clinometer (Suunto® Clinometer shown)
Used to measure heights of trees Slopes and vertical angles

13 Fire/Council Rake 8

14 Fire Rake (Council Fire Rake shown)
Used for raking fire lines to mineral soil, digging, rolling burning logs and cutting grass, small brush or saplings.

15 Fire-Swatter 9

16 Fire Swatter(Fire Flap) (Council Fire Swatter Flap shown)
For smothering fires in grass, straw and low weeds. Sliding the swatter over low flames will extinguish the fire without fanning the blaze or spreading sparks.

17 Dot Grid 10

18 Dot Grid Used to calculate acreage by dot count on any map or photo, regardless of the scale

19 Drip Torch 11

20 Drip Torch Used to widen fuelbreaks by burning out fuels between the break and the oncoming fire It is widely used in mop-up operations to burn out pockets of fuel remaining adjacent to control lines after a wildfire is contained It is also used to ignite fuels as part of a prescribed burn.

21 Ear Protection 12

22 Fire Weather Kit 13

23 Fire Weather Kit (Belt Weather Kit)
Used to measure wind speed and direction, humidity, and temperature It is often worn on a belt.

24 Hand Compass 14

25 Tree Stick 15

26 Tree Stick/ Biltmore Stick

27 Tree Stick (Biltmore Stick shown)
Use to determine number of logs in a tree, diameter, and volume and to scale logs.

28 Log Rule 16

29 Log Rule Used to measure logs and determine board foot volume.
The three most common log rules (ways of estimating log or tree volume) are shown on these devices.

30 Canthook 17

31 Plastic Flagging 18

32 Pulaski Forester Axe 19

33 Pulaski Forester Axe Combination grub hoe/axe.
Designed for chopping, grubbing, and digging fire lines in brush-filled or rocky terrain. Also is used for trail construction and maintenance

34 Relaskop 20

35 Relaskop Used to measure tree height Diameter
and basal area (a measure of tree spacing) has a variety of scales.

36 Safety Glasses 21

37 Safety Hard Hat 22

38 Soil Sampler 23

39 Hip Chain 24

40 Hip Chain Used to measure distance by tying the end of the string to an object and walking. Distance displays in meters or feet on an odometer inside the box.

41 Staff compass 25

42 Staff Compass (Warren-Knight Forester Staff Compass shown)
Used in surveying much more accurate than a hand compass but less accurate than GPS survey units.

43 Hypo-Hatchet 26

44 Hypo-Hatchet used to selectively kill undesirable trees in a forest stand without harming desirable trees nearby by injecting tree with herbicide.

45 Stereoscope 27

46 Stereoscope Used to observe and measure slope on aerial photos
Details of maps shown in 3-D


48 Tally Book 28

49 Tally Book (Hand-Held Tally Book shown)
Use in cruising timber or in tallying lumber height, diameter, and number of trees are recorded when cruising.

50 Tally Meter 29

51 Tally Meter (U.S. Government Type Tally Counter shown)
Used in cruising tree survival checks and other applications where items are being counted Fits in one hand and can be reset to zero by turning one knob.

52 Data Recorder 30

53 Data Recorder (TDS Ranger Data Collector shown)
Used to electronically store data in the field for transfer to a computer back in the office

54 Tree marking gun 31

55 Tree Marking Gun (Nel-Spot Tree Marking Gun shown)
Used to squirt paint on trees to be removed during thinning and other operations.

56 Planimeter 32

57 Planimeter Used to determine acreage from aerial photo or map.
The round part is rotated over the perimeter of the area being measured. Readings in acres are displayed.

58 Tree Planting Hoe & Planting Bar

59 Tree Planting Hoe & Bar Used to create a slot in which to plant tree seedlings.

60 Logger’s Tape 34

61 Wedge Prism 35

62 Wedge Prism (Basal Area Prism)
Used during cruising timber to help determine tree spacing as well as to decide which trees should be measured when sampling is being used.

63 Wheeler Caliper 36

64 Wheeler Caliper Used to measure diameter and height of trees

65 Survey Instrument 37

66 Survey Instrument (Topcon® AT-G7
Used to determine slope

67 GPS Reciever 38

68 GPS Receiver Utilizes orbiting satellites to determine exact latitude/longitude position. This information is used to draw maps and measure acreage as well as aiding in navigation.

69 Densiometer 39


71 Densiometer (Forestry Suppliers Spherical Crown Densiometer shown)
Used to help estimate the spacing of trees and determine if thinning or other practices are needed.

72 Fiberglass Measuring Tape

73 Fiberglass Measuring Tape
Used to measure distance in meters or feet; does not automatically retract like a logger's tape.

74 Water Test Kit 41

75 Water Test Kit Used to determine water quality in terms of such measures as dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, and turbidity.

76 Plant Press 42

77 Soil Test Kit 43

78 pH Meter 44

79 Flow/current Meter 45

80 Flow/current Meter USGS Type Current Meter shown - used to determine water velocity in streams.

81 Water Sampler & Kit 46

82 Water Sampler Used to remove a small quantity of water from a stream or other body of water for use in testing its quality.

83 Field Microscope 47

84 Diameter tape 48

85 Altimeter 49

86 Altimeter (Haga Altimeter shown)
measures height of trees and can also be used to measure slope.

87 Feller Buncher

88 Endloader

89 Tree Skidder

90 Bulldozer

91 Tool ID Photos

92 1

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