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Prosperity Through Unity Research Project Healing the Land – An Elders Prospective.

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Presentation on theme: "Prosperity Through Unity Research Project Healing the Land – An Elders Prospective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prosperity Through Unity Research Project Healing the Land – An Elders Prospective

2  Prosperity Through Unity Reclamation Trial Plots – Treatments  Healing the Land – An Elders Perspective  Pre-site / Post-site Assessment Process Project Components

3 é10 sites with range of soil types and moisture regimes é20m x 20m treatment plots, including: - Ripping (Excavator) - Ripping with Woodchip Mulch - Ripping with Woodchips Mixed in - Untreated with Woodchip Mulch - Untreated with Woodchip Mulch - Untreated with Brushmats - Untreated (control) éTrees & Shrubs, including - White Spruce, Black Spruce, Lodgepole Pine, Western Larch (Tamarack) - Willow, Aspen, Hybrid Poplar, Elderberry, Red-Osier Dogwood, and Rose.  Other select species and techniques will be implemented from the Healing the Land – An Elders Perspective site visits Reclamation Trial Plots

4 Rip Untreated - Mulch Trial Plot Treatments

5 Rip + Mulch Rip + Mulch Mixed Trial Plot Treatments

6 Untreated - Brushmats Untreated (Control)

7 Sx & Pl on Rip + Mulch Sx & Pl on Mulch Trial Plot Treatments

8 Sx & Pl on Untreated With Brushmats Rose on Untreated Trial Plot Treatments

9 Healing the Land – An Elders Perspective  Monashee Resources and the Aboriginal Groups in the Peace region have been and will continue to complete site visits of the reclamation trial plots and other reclaimed well-sites in their traditional areas.

10 Healing the Land – An Elders Perspective  The objective of these visits is to examine alternative reclamation techniques that create sites that reflect their traditional knowledge, traditional activities, and/ or creates sites that are usable to the community. This can be achieved with little or no impact on current processes.

11  Currently discussed treatments include: reforestation, creating wildlife habitat, planting native medicinal plants, planting native plants important to the community, planting berries, planting commercial crops, and restoring the site to what was originally there. Healing the Land – An Elders Perspective

12  Once the site visits are completed, Monashee will take some of the most common ideas and look at potential techniques to implement the ideas into the reclamation process.  These techniques will be tried on the appropriate reclamation trial plots based ecological factors and site conditions.  As for restoring the site to what was originally there, this process will be evaluated through our Pre-site/Post-site Assessment Process. Healing the Land – An Elders Perspective

13 Pre-site/Post-site Assessments  The most feasible method to restore a sites productivity, ecological factors, and consequently the vegetation that was originally there is through a pre-site post sites assessment  By determining soil horizon depths, LFH (topsoil) depths, compaction hazard, etc. A plan for stripping and restoring the important layers can be developed  This will help alleviate many of the problems that lead to a loss of productivity.  This is proven through the ALR schedule A & B site assessments, which are used during construction and reclamation to restore original site conditions

14 Pre-SitePost-Site ReforestationWildlife Habitat

15 Pre-site/Post-site Assessment Process  Pre-site assessment (before construction)  Develop construction and reclamation plans  Site construction  Post-construction assessment (after construction)  Development/Drilling (Producer = end of process/ Duster = Abandonment)  Post – site assessment (before reclamation) & Reclamation prescription  Reclamation

16 Pre-Site Assessment Ecological Conditions & Traditional Knowledge Data Collection

17 Construction & Reclamation Plans Plans to Facilitate End Land-Uses are Made Including First Nations Concerns & Recommendations

18 Site Construction Site Constructed Following Plans and First Nations Concerns & Recommendations

19 Post-Construction Assessment Site Constructed Following Plans and First Nations Concerns & Recommendations

20 Development (Drilling, etc.) Site Developed (Drilling) (Producer = End Process) (Duster = Abandonment)

21 Ecological Conditions Re-examined, Compared to Original Site Conditions & Treatments Prescribed Post - Site Assessment & Reclamation Prescription

22 Reclamation Reclamation Carried Out Following the Prescription Planting (trees/shrubs) Seeding & Fertilizing (plants/berries) Soil Restoration

23 Contact Info Sam Bell Operations Manager Korey Green Land and Environmental Manager Monashee Resources Ltd 1533-109th Avenue Dawson Creek, BC V1G 2V3 Phone: 250-782-7472 Fax : 250-782-7488 Cell: 250-784-8999 Email: Website

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