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Disabled American Veterans Department of Alabama Mid-Winter Training Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "Disabled American Veterans Department of Alabama Mid-Winter Training Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disabled American Veterans Department of Alabama Mid-Winter Training Seminar

2 “Made up exclusively of men and women disabled in our nation’s defense, the Disabled American Veterans is dedicated to one, single purpose — building better lives for all of our nation’s disabled veterans and their families. This mission is carried forward by: Providing free, professional assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other agencies of government; Providing outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally, and to disabled veterans and their families specifically; Representing the interests of disabled veterans, their families, their widowed spouses and their orphans before Congress, the White House and the Judicial Branch, as well as state and local government; Extending DAV’s mission of hope into the communities where these veterans and their families live through a network of state-level Departments and local Chapters; and Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.” DAV MISSION STATEMENT

3 Remember the DAV Mission Statement in all you do – it is why we all serve! Know your oath & live by it! SENIOR VICE COMMANDER SENIOR VICE COMMANDER

4 SVC RESPONSIBILITIES SENIOR VICE COMMANDER SENIOR VICE COMMANDER It shall be the duty of the Senior Vice Commander to assume the office of Commander in the event of the Commander's absence, death, resignation, or removal from office. To accomplish this, the Senior Vice Commander must know the Commander’s job & responsibilities! The Senior Vice Commander will also perform the function of Chairperson of the Membership Committee.

5 The Senior Vice Commander will track all new memberships & transfers into the chapter, maintain membership & transfer records, & report all new memberships & transfers to DAV National. Transfers will be reported only after approval by the chapter in general session. SENIOR VICE COMMANDER SENIOR VICE COMMANDER

6 The Senior Vice Commander will maintain contact with DAV National on the chapter’s recruiting goals and report to the chapter monthly on recruiting achievements. The Senior Vice Commander, in conjunction with the Membership Committee, will coordinate recruiting campaign events & award recommendations through the Executive Committee

7 It shall be the duty of the Senior Vice Commander to serve as Ex-Officio member of all the committees, standing or special. SENIOR VICE COMMANDER SENIOR VICE COMMANDER It shall be the duty of the Senior Vice Commander to perform the duties assigned to his or her office in the official DAV Ritual, Department Constitution and Bylaws, National Constitution and Bylaws, mandates and directives.

8 It shall be the duty of the Senior Vice Commander to submit a monthly report to the Department Senior Vice Commander regarding General membership Meeting Attendance. SENIOR VICE COMMANDER SENIOR VICE COMMANDER The Senior Vice Commander will also supervise the Chapter Nominating Committee.

9 SENIOR VICE COMMANDER SENIOR VICE COMMANDER Monthly Recruiting Report – (Sr. Vice Commander) New Member Name___________ Date Recruited_____________ Recruited By_______ ________________________________________________________________________ Edison Taylor Senior Vice Commander DAV Enterprise-Coffee County Chapter #9 EXAMPLE ONLY

10 SENIOR VICE COMMANDER SENIOR VICE COMMANDER General Membership Meeting Attendance Report CHAPTER: Enterprise-Coffee County Chapter #9_____________ DATE OF MEETING______________________________________ NUMBER OF MEMBERS PRESENT_________________________ NUMBER OF VISITORS PRESENT__________________________ NEW MEMBERS: PART-LIFE______________ FULL LIFE_______ TRANSFERS IN_____ OUT_____ TOTAL MEMBERS IN CHAPTER______________ DECEASED IN PAST 30 DAYS_____________ COMMENTS:____________________________________________ Edison Taylor Senior Vice Commander DAV Enterprise-Coffee County Chapter #9 EXAMPLE ONLY


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