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6-1 Solving systems by graphing

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1 6-1 Solving systems by graphing
Objective: solve systems of linear equations by graphing. Miss battaglia – algebra 1 cp

2 Warm up Find roads that intersect once, more than once, and never intersect. Describe the roads as intersecting lines, curves, or parallel lines.

3 Think & discuss How can you show all the solutions of the linear equation y = 2x – 3? Two or more linear equations together form a system of linear equations. One way to solve a system of linear equations is by graphing. Any point common to all the lines is a solution of the system.

4 Solve the system of linear equations by graphing
y = 2x – 3 y = x – 1 Check your answer!

5 Solve the system of linear equations by graphing
y = x + 5 y = -4x Check your answer!

6 Solving special types of systems
A system of linear equations has no solution when the graphs of the equations are parallel. There are no points of intersection, so there is no solution. A system of linear equations has infinitely many solutions when the graphs of the equations are the same line. All points on the line are solutions of the system

7 Solve by graphing 4y = 4 + x 1 4 x + y = -1           y axis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 x axis                                                                                                                                                                                                                

8 Solve by graphing y = x y = x + 6

9 Solve by graphing 2x + 2y = 1 y = -x + 1 2

10 Solve by graphing x = 1 x = -2

11 entertainment A cable company offers a “pay-per-view” club. Let c = the annual cost and n = the number of movies you watch in a year. Write a system of linear equations to decide whether to join the club.

12 homework Pg 272 # 1 – 10

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