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(Safe, Successful, Sustainable Laboratories)

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1 (Safe, Successful, Sustainable Laboratories)
The Lean Laboratory Peter James, S-Lab (Safe, Successful, Sustainable Laboratories)

2 About Us Linking key laboratory stakeholders - e.g. researchers, lecturers, technical support, estates, designers & suppliers Enabling strategic discussion of lab design, management and operation - identifying and driving improvement Conference and workshops Awards scheme Good practice advice/publications Audit and assessment tools

3 2012 Award Winners Imperial – Continuous Commissioning
Liverpool – Central Teaching Laboratory Loughborough – Kit Catalogue Oldham 6th Form College – Regional Science Centre Mike Foulkes/Plymouth – ISO 9001 Sheffield Hallam – Cell Culture Lab St Andrews – Chemistry Teaching Andrea Sella/UCL – Water Efficiency

4 Why Labs Will Change Core to STEM institutions Financial pressures
Student/staff expectations Regulatory/stakeholder demands Evident inefficiencies More good practice examples Developing capability/confidence

5 The Conference View Is there scope to significantly increase the efficiency and effectiveness of labs, without compromising quality of work or safety? - 66% said great scope - 30% said some scope What would most help to achieve this? - more pressure from funders (60%) - more focus by senior staff (57%) - more cross-functional working (54%)

6 University of Liverpool - Central Teaching Laboratory

7 University of St Andrews - Chemistry Teaching Lab

8 Imperial College - Continuous Commissioning

9 The Lab as a Business A 10,000 m3 + successful laboratory - £30 million + income streams A building cost of £25-30 million Equipment assets of £5-10 million Operating costs of £15-20 million Space costs of £300+ per m2 Utilities £500,000 + Materials/consumables £500,000+ Are assets and resources used effectively? Are they understood?

10 Lab Energy Costs Lab Audited GIA/m2 Electricity cost £ Gas cost £
Total Energy Cost £ Liverpool - Bioscience 7,750 247,000 60,000 307,000 Edinburgh – Cancer Research 3,000 152,000 48,000 200,000 York - Biology 12,740 373,000 102,000 475,000 Manchester - Chemistry 3,816 432,000 161,000 593,000 Cambridge - Chemistry 27,603 888,000 211,000 1,099,000

11 Lab Energy Split (£) Bioscience Chemistry
Ventilation (including related heating) 45 60 Equipment 25 15 Conventional Heating/Hot Water 20 Lighting 10 5

12 Freezer Energy Varies Model Capacity (litres) Cost per litre (£)
Annual running cost at 7.3p/kWh New Brunswick (Green model) 570 0.54 £306 New Brunswick  (Green) 0.55 £314 0.57 £326 Van der Woude Revco 0.76 £434 Lab Impex Research 0.85 £487 Heraeus 691 0.93 £641 Illshun DF8517 484 1.12 £541 Kaye Sanyo  MDF-U70V  728 1.13 £824 New Brunswick 101 1.79 £180

13 Case 2 – Better Chemical Management, Edinburgh
Tracking all chemicals through barcoded containers Users see in-house inventory when ordering £100,000 first year savings of chemical purchasing costs £12,000/year savings of management/disposal costs Fast access to chemicals Regular chemical audits SciQuest e-procurement links Derek Burgess, Procurement Manager

14 Lean Lab Principles – Equipment and Resources
Making issues visible Addressing root causes Right sizing Adjusting to needs Optimal efficiency High utilisation Effective management & communication Rich information

15 Leaner Cold Storage Making issues visible, e.g. - total cost (incl space, heat load) - compromised performance - reporting/monitoring requirements Addressing root causes, e.g. - storing unwanted samples - overly high storage temperatures - lack of ownership Right sizing - based on actual storage needs - standardised eqt sizes/procurement

16 Leaner Cold Storage Adjusting to needs - appropriate temperatures (storage policy) - filling/blanking empty space - modular spaces Optimal efficiency - regular maintenance - cool locations - buying high efficiency models - chest rather than upright - larger models

17 Leaner Cold Storage High utilisation - optimised containers & racking - central services - shelf/area allocation Management and communication - cross-functional approach - clear responsibilities - policies (storage, procurement etc) - incentives (shared savings) Rich information - inventory management (expiry) - individual bar coding

18 Leaner Chemicals Making issues visible - total costs (incl storage & disposal) - waiting times - reporting/security requirements Addressing root causes - nasty chemicals, why? - concerns about purity Right sizing - smaller containers Adjusting to needs - microscale experiments Optimal efficiency

19 Leaner Chemicals High utilisation - tracking amounts & locations
Effective management & communication - policies - shared savings Rich information - computerised database

20 Laboratory Energy Opportunities
Fabric & lighting (LED) Wider operating parameters Efficient/modular equipment Low flow/alternative containment Demand responsiveness Free cooling/heating High efficiency equipment Eqt consolidation/sharing Lay out & zoning Storage policies/actions Central services Space efficient/natural write up Building & Services Supply Activities Good understanding Effective maintenance Monitoring/recommissioning Right sizing Energy awareness/incentives Voltage optimisation/reduction High efficiency transformers High efficiency back up Zero/low carbon sources Thermal recovery/storage Design & Management


22 Biosciences – Big Energy Users
Freezers (-20 and -80) Controlled environmental chambers Water baths Incubators Ovens Icemakers Hybridisers Autoclaves Mass spectrometers Laser microscopes

23 Chemistry – Big Energy Users
Hotplates/heater-stirrers Mass spectrometers Gas chromatography Rotary evaporators NMRs Ovens Fridges Pumps Water baths

24 Liverpool Bioscience - Equipment
Typical peak rated power (W) Energy use per unit (kWh/year) Total energy use (kWh/year) Costs (£/year) Freezer (-20) 1,000 4380 249,660 19,973 Envtal chamber 8760 105,120 8,410 Water bath 500 – 1500 3276 101,556 8,124 Incubator 850 3723 89,352 7,148 Freezer (-80) 1,200 5256 73,584 5,887 Oven 1,500 4336.2 47,698 3,816 Ice maker 2,400 10512 31,536 2,523 Hybridiser 750 3285 19,710 1,577 Incubator-shaker 2592 18,144 1,452 Thermal Cycler (PCR) 288 9,504 760

25 Equipment Energy Varies Biological Safety Cabinet
Growth Cabinet kWh Annual running Trimat 2 (Ducted) 0.44 £281.37 ESCO ACZ 4D1 (recirculating) 0.33 £211.03 Growth Cabinet kWh Annual Running Cost Sanyo Fitotron 20.64 £549 Percival small 26.90 £716 Percival scientific 36.36 £968 Sanyo 2 62.0 £1,814 Conviron 92.85 £2,711

26 Data supplied by University of Newcastle
-80 Freezer Costs Data supplied by University of Newcastle

27 -80 Freezer Costs For 725L freezer:
Energy ranged from 6,000–21,000 kWh/y Costs ranged from ~£500 - £1800/y Difference = £1300/y PER FREEZER! Procure Energy Efficient Freezers Energy Star label for Lab Grade freezers

28 Case 5 – Replacing Freezers at Newcastle
£725 litre freezer energy - 6,000–21,000 kWh/y £180,000 of central funding to replace old models freezers replaced, saving 131,000 kWh 7 years, at 9.5p per kWh Reduced space, more reliable More £ for research Clare Rogers, Director Estates Support Services

29 Case 4 – Improved Sample Tracking, Queen Mary
Blizard Institute Cell & Molecular Science Combined 8 research centres, 40 liquid nitrogen dewars into centralised store Barcode tracking & standardised containers 50% fewer samples Easier sample retrieval Less degradation risk Human Tissues Act compliance easier

30 Lab Assessment Self-assessment tool for lab users (and estates)
Inspired by work of LabRATS Building (high level) and Lab Specific Assessment templates Lab specific assessment – 30 criteria in 9 categories Evidence of compliance Best practice guidance 2-3 hrs per lab

31 Lab Assessment categories
Ambient conditions & ventilation Chemicals and materials Cold storage Fume cupboards Lighting Scientific equipment Waste & recycling Water Innovation

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