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Status of the State of Environment (SoE) monitoring and reporting Republic of Macedonia Katerina Nikolovska Ljupka Dimovska Zajkov Macedonian Envirnmental.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the State of Environment (SoE) monitoring and reporting Republic of Macedonia Katerina Nikolovska Ljupka Dimovska Zajkov Macedonian Envirnmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the State of Environment (SoE) monitoring and reporting Republic of Macedonia Katerina Nikolovska Ljupka Dimovska Zajkov Macedonian Envirnmental Information Center West Balkan water workshop Zagreb, 05 – 06 June 2008

2 Law on Environment (framework act), 2005 Rulebook on the content of the State of Environment Report, 2006 Draft Law on Waters Legal base

3 State of Environment Reports Annual Report on all environmental media Yearly indicators report SOER –every fourth year MEIC is responsible for the SoER production. So far, two reports have been developed, available only in electronic form: SOER, 1998 SOER, 2000 Next SOER - 2010

4 Presentation of Water Data Publication of yearbook for hydrological and water quality data Publication of selected data on the Internet (

5 Process of indicators development I phase 11 indicators CARDS Regional 2002 II phase 26 Draft environmental indicators III phase 40 adopted environmental indicators

6 Phase I- Identification and implementation of the EEA Core Set of Indicators CARDS Regional Program 2002 – supported by EEA Identification and implementation of the EEA Core Set of Indicators for WB Countries Under the Project, the Republic of Macedonia developed fact sheets on 11 indicators - 4 indicators on water

7 Phase II - Prepared indicators The Draft National Set of Environmental Indicators was prepared on the basis of the EEA Core Set of Indicators, i.e. indicators developed during Phase I Each indicator is presented by a fact sheet, produced in accordance with the template adopted by the European Environmental Agency. Total - 26 indicators –Water (5 indicators)

8 12 Working Groups established under the decision of the Government Verification and update of draft indicators Extension of the list of environmental indicators by indicators specific on national level The total of 40 indicators developed expected to be adopted by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia by mid July this year Phase III - Prepared indicators

9 Phase III - Prepared indicators for water –Water 7 indicators

10 10 Network partners

11 Current status of water monitoring and reporting

12 Legal basis  Current legislation  Law on Environment and Nature Protection and Improvement (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 07)  Law on Waters (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 4/98)  Secondary legislation  New laws – harmonized with EU  Draft Law on waters– under adoption procedure in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia and harmonized with the WFD, Nitrate Dir., Drinking Dir., Bathing Dir., Dangerous Sub., Dir., UWWTD, Sludge Dir etc.

13 Water Database of MEIC Institutions collecting data:  Hydro-meteorological Administration  Hydrological state of watercourses  Rivers flow, water level of Ohrid, Prespa and Dojran Lakes  Water level and volume in artificial lakes - accumulations  Quality status of rivers in the Republic of Macedonia  RIMSYS (RIver Monitoring SYStem) – data on 20 rivers in the Republic of Macedonia  Ground water  Level and temperature

14 Water Database of MEIC  Hydro-biological Institute - Ohrid  Quality status of Ohrid and Prespa Lakes and their tributaries  Pelagic and littoral zone  Physical, chemical and biological monitoring  Public Health Institute  Sanitary safety of watercourses  Micro-biological analysis and physical & chemical indicators

15 Industrial Wastewater Monitoring  Central Laboratory of Environment  Analysis of wastewater from industrial facilities  Industrial facilities that conduct self- monitoring  ОКТА  Alkaloid  Cadastre of polluters for wastewater

16 The general river monitoring strategy in Republic of Macedonia is based on international experience and modern concepts. The River Monitoring System Project (RIMSYS), a cooperation project between the governments of the Republic of Macedonia and Switzerland, is designed to revitalise the 40 year old national river monitoring system in Macedonia. The project objectives are to establish good operating practices in the areas of water discharge measurement, water sampling, chemical analysis, and the processing and publishing of the monitoring data.

17 Objectives of RIMSYS The main goal of RIMSYS is to provide basis for an effective implementation of water protection measures and for successful river management in Macedonia. The ongoing monitoring of rivers will allow the authorities in Macedonia to maintain degree of control over the hydrological system, to identify sources of current and potential pollution, to point out the ecological and, in the long term, the economic drawbacks of water pollution and habitat destruction.

18 Monitoring Stations RIMSYS monitoring network 20 monitoring stations at the main rivers equipped with modern measuring instruments teletransmission of data to the Institute (HMS) calibration tools

19 Indicators included in the measurement and analysis activities of the RIMSYS Project a1. Hydrological Parameters Water Level, Water Discharge - Flow, Suspended materials, Width cross-section, a2. Appearance, Organoleptic and Physical Parameters Water and Air Temperature, Odour, Colour, Oil and other flying liquids, pH -value, Redox potential, Specific Electroconductivity, Turbidity a3. Mineralization - residues on evaporation Total Residue / Fixed and Volatile /, Filterable Residue - Dissolved Matters / Fixed - mineral and Volatile - organic /, Nonfilterable residue-Suspended Matters / Fixed - mineral and Volatile - organic / a4. Parameters -Oxygen Regime and Nutrients / Eutrophication / Oxygen regime Parameters: Dissolved oxygen - now, Water oxygen saturation (saturation - supersaturation), Biochemical Oxygen Demand for 5 days, Chemical Oxygen Demand - Permanganate or dichromate; Eutrofication Parameters:Ammonia ion, Nitrates and Nitrites ion, Phosphate (ortopfospfates ion); Future planning: Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus a5. Anions and Cations Bicarbonate, Carbonate, Hydroxide, (Calculed on Alkalinity - p and m ), Chloride, Sulphate, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Hardness (total, carbonate and noncarbonate ); a6. Harmful Substances - Heavy Metals Total Iron, Manganese, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Nickel, Cobalt, Aluminium, Future planning: Arsenic, Mercury and another hydride metals, Cyanides, Phenols, Sulfides, a7. Harmful Substances - Organic Micropollutants Aldrin, Dieldrin, DDT, DDE, DDD, Endrin, Endosulfan 1, Endosulfan 2, Heptachlor, α-BHC, β-BHC, γ- BHC / lindan /, δ.BHC, Metoxichlor, Malation, Paration, Methomyl, Atrazine, Alachlor, Folpet and other a8. Saprobiological Parameters Saprobity Index of Pantel and Buck, Saprobiological rank of Liebman a9. Microbiological Parameters Microbiological Pollution MPN No/100 ml, Thermo-tolerant coliforms, Faecal streptococci a10. RadioactivityTotal β-activity

20 Environmental Laboratory The laboratory are equipment for the chemical and bacteriological analysis of water samples (spectrophotometer, TOC-analyser, autoclave, Kjeldahl distillation system, filtration system), with the related computer hardware and software.

21 Data Management Data Management System: HydroPro TM Reliable System Modules for hydrometry and water quality data Data Management Data Analysis Data Editing

22 Requested informationdelivery yeardeliveryremarks RIVERS Station characteristics- physical 2001CDR20 m.s. presented R, B 2002CDR20 m.s. presented R, B 2003CDR19 m.s., R, B, L, F 2004CDR19 m.s., R, B, L, F 2005CDR19 m.s., R, B, L, F 2006CDR19 m.s., R, B, L, F 2007CDR19 m.s., R, B, L, F Pressure data 2002CDRwith CORINE Land Cover 2003CDRwith CORINE Land Cover 2004CDRwith CORINE Land Cover 2005CDRwith CORINE Land Cover 2006CDRwith CORINE Land Cover 2007CDRwith CORINE Land Cover EWN Basic quality data 2001CDRaggregate data for 8 determinants / 20 m.s. 2002CDRaggregate data for 8 determinants / 20 m.s. 2003CDRaggregate data for 9 determinants / 19 m.s. 2004CDRaggregate data for 9 determinants / 19 m.s. 2005CDRaggregate data for 9 determinants / 19 m.s. 2006CDRaggregate data for 9 determinants / 19 m.s. 2007CDRaggregate data for 9 determinants / 19 m.s. EWN Impact quality data 2001CDRdisaggregate data for 5 determinants/ 20 m.s. 2002CDRdisaggregate data for 5 determinants/ 20 m.s. 2003CDRdisaggregate data for 9 determinants/ 19 m.s. 2004CDRdisaggregate data for 8 determinants/ 19 m.s. 2005CDRdisaggregate data for 8 determinants/ 19 m.s. 2006CDRdisaggregate data for 8 determinants/ 19 m.s. 2007CDRdisaggregate data for 8 determinants/ 19 m.s.

23 Requested informationdelivery yeardeliveryremarks LAKES Pressure data 2001CDRwith CORINE Land Cover / 2 lakes 2002CDRwith CORINE Land Cover / 2 lakes 2003CDRwith CORINE Land Cover / 2 lakes 2004CDRwith CORINE Land Cover / 2 lakes 2005CDRwith CORINE Land Cover / 2 lakes 2006CDRwith CORINE Land Cover / 2 lakes 2007CDRwith CORINE Land Cover / 2 lakes Physical characteristics 2001CDR3 m.s. / 3 lakes 2002CDR3 m.s. / 3 lakes 2003CDR3 m.s. / 3 lakes 2004CDR3 m.s. / 3 lakes 2005CDR3 m.s. / 3 lakes 2006CDR3 m.s. / 3 lakes 2007CDR3 m.s. / 3 lakes EWN Basic quality data 2001CDRaggregate data (annualy and summer) for 5 determinants / 2 m.s. 2002CDRaggregate data (annualy and summer) for 3 determinants / 2 m.s. 2003CDRaggregate data (annualy and summer) for 5 determinants / 2 m.s. 2004CDRaggregate data (annualy and summer) for 5 determinants / 2 m.s. * 2005CDRaggregate data (annualy and summer) for 5 determinants / 2 m.s. 2006CDRaggregate data (annualy and summer) for 5 determinants / 2 m.s. 2007CDRaggregate data (annualy and summer) for 5 determinants / 2 m.s. EWN Impact quality data 2001CDRwe still not have monitoring for Hazardous Substances 2002CDRwe still not have monitoring for Hazardous Substances 2003CDRwe still not have monitoring for Hazardous Substances 2004CDRwe still not have monitoring for Hazardous Substances 2005CDRwe still not have monitoring for Hazardous Substances 2006CDRwe still not have monitoring for Hazardous Substances 2007CDRwe still not have monitoring for Hazardous Substances

24 Requested informationdelivery yeardeliveryremarks GROUNDWATER GWLST_CC2001CDR7 GWB 2002CDR7 GWB 2003CDR7 GWB 2004CDR7 GWB 2005CDR7 GWB 2006CDR7 GWB 2007CDR7 GWB Groundwater GOP Pesticide2004CDRwe still not have monitoring for Pesticides 2005CDRwe still not have monitoring for Pesticides 2006CDRwe still not have monitoring for Pesticides 2007CDRwe still not have monitoring for Pesticides Groundwater GG_ CC xxx2001CDR7 GWB Monitoring site2002CDR7 GWB 2003CDR7 GWB 2004CDR7 GWB 2005CDR7 GWB/ 36 m.s. 2006CDR7 GWB/ 36 m.s. 2007CDR7 GWB/ 36 m.s. Groundwater GQ_CC xxx2004CDRwe still not have monitoring for nutrients 2005CDRwe still not have monitoring for nutrients 2006CDRwe still not have monitoring for nutrients 2007CDRwe still not have monitoring for nutrients Groundwater pressure2002CDRwith CORINE Land Cover / 7GWB 2003CDRwith CORINE Land Cover / 7GWB 2004CDRwith CORINE Land Cover / 7GWB 2005CDRwith CORINE Land Cover / 7GWB 2006CDRwith CORINE Land Cover / 7GWB 2007CDRwith CORINE Land Cover / 7GWB SALT-Intrusion_CC2004CDRnot relevant for MK 2005CDRnot relevant for MK 2006CDRnot relevant for MK 2007CDRnot relevant for MK

25 Requested informationdelivery yeardeliveryremarks QUANTITY EWN Quantity data2003BGS2FGS, 4BGS, 6RGS 2004CDR2FGS, 4BGS, 6RGS 2005CDR2FGS, 4BGS, 6RGS 2006CDR2FGS, 4BGS, 6RGS 2007CDR2FGS, 4BGS, 6RGS Physical characteristics2003CDRdeterminant 1,2,3,5,6 annual period (89-99) 2004CDRdeterminant 1,2,3,5,6 annual period (99-03) 2005CDRdeterminant 1,2,3,5,6 annual 2006CDRdeterminant 1,2,3,5,6 annual 2007CDRdeterminant 1,2,3,5,6 annual Requested informationdelivery yeardeliveryremarks Water avability and abstarction water Balance2008CDR4RB streamflow2008CDREionet station precipation2008CDREionet station WAB Annual2008CDREionet station emissions to waterAnnual2008CDRin progress

26 Problems in EUROWATERNET Process  Institutional overlapping of competencies  Untimely data delivery by institutions performing water monitoring  Insufficiently developed ground water monitoring

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