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Presentation on theme: "INTEGRATED SCIENCE MS. WACK"— Presentation transcript:

THE NATURE OF SCIENCE In this section you will learn the basics of scientific investigations, including the scientific method, graphing, modeling, measuring and properly reporting your measurements . INTEGRATED SCIENCE MS. WACK

2 Earth Science: The scientific study of the planet Earth
Branches of Science Earth Science: The scientific study of the planet Earth

3 Branches of Science Life Science: Any science that deals with
living organisms, their life processes, and their interrelationships.

4 Branches of Science Physical Sciences
Chemistry: The study of matter and energy Physics: The study of the interactions between matter and energy

5 Model of Earth’s Layers
SCIENTIFIC MODELS Model: An idea, system or mathematical expression that is similar to the idea being explained Model of an Atom Model of a Cell Model of Earth’s Layers

6 Accuracy An accurate measurement is one that is the desired value or is very close to the desired value Accuracy: Measurements are close to the actual value

7 Precision Precise measurements are measurements that are close to each other (getting the same measurements every time) Precision: Reproducibility or Repeatibility

8 What is the difference between precision & accuracy?
Precise measurements do not have to be accurate, but accurate measurements are always precise!

9 SCIENTIFIC NOTATION A number is written in 2 parts. Exponent
The first part is a number between 1 & 10 The second part is a power of ten Exponent Positive exponents represent numbers greater than 1 Negative exponents represent numbers less than 1

10 Scientific Notation To convert a number to scientific notation:
Count how many places the decimal place must be moved to make the number a number between 1 & 10 (the coefficient) The number of spaces the decimal moved is the value of the exponent If you moved the decimal to the right, the exponent is negative If you moved the decimal to the left, the exponent is positive Write: Coefficient x 10exponent

11 SCIENTIFIC NOTATION To convert a number from scientific notation to regular notation: If the exponent is positive, move the decimal in the coefficient the number of spaces indicated by the exponent to the right If the exponent is negative, move the decimal in the coefficient the number of spaces indicated by the exponent to the left.

Express the following measurements in scientific notation. 453.32________________ 1000_____________________ _____________ ___________________ Convert the following to standard notation 3.0 x 106______________ 4.4 x 10-7__________________ 1.49 x 10-5_____________ 3.75 x 102_________________ Perform the following using scientific notation. (9.39x106)x(4.37x10-8) =____________________________ (5.12x103)(8.61x104)=____________________________

13 What do the countries in red have in common?

14 International System of Units (SI Units)
A revised version of the metric system that was developed in France in 1795 and was adopted by international agreement in 1960 There are 7 base SI units All other SI Units are DERIVED from the 7 base units

15 Base Units: The 7 metric units that SI is built upon
Physical Quantity Unit Name Unit Symbol Measured using… Mass Length Time Quantity Temperature Electric Current Ammeter Luminous Intensity Photometer

16 NON-SI UNITS Physical Quantity Unit Name Unit Symbol Volume Pressure
Temperature Energy

17 Derived Units Commonly Used in Chemistry
To Derive a Unit Write the mathematical formula for the quantity. Replace the formula with units and simplify. Physical Quantity How to Calculate Unit Name Unit Symbol Volume Area Density

18 Practice Problems Calculate the area of a space having a length of 3.2 cm and a width of 2.1 cm. A cube measures 0.02 cm on each side. What is the volume of this cube? What is the density of the cube above if its mass is 1 g?

19 Common US-Metric Conversions


21 DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS Dimensional analysis is a method used to convert between units Uses units that are equal to each other in ratio form to convert between units 2300 seconds x 1 minute x 1 hour x 1 day = .02 days 60 seconds minutes hours


23 METRIC PREFIXES PREFIX In 1 base unit there are: Example mega- (M)
10-6 M-unit 1 m = 10-6 Mm kilo- (k) 10-3 k-unit 1 L = 10-3 kL deka- (dk) 0.1 dk-unit 1 g = 0.1 dkg BASE UNIT deci- (d) 10 d-unit 1 s = 10 ds centi- (c) 100 c-unit 1 mol = 100 cmol milli- (m) 1000 m-unit 1 m = 1000 mm micro- () 106 -unit 1 L = 106 L nano- (n) 109 n-unit 1 g = 109 ng pico- (p) 1012 p-unit 1 s = 1012 ps

24 DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS Steps to Dimensional Analysis
Start with what you know (number and unit). Times a line. Add a conversion factor so that units cancel and what you are looking for is on top of the ratio. Check your answer. 1 Base Unit Equals 10-6 Mega- 10-3 kilo- 0.1 deka- 10 deci- 100 centi- 1000 milli- 106 micro- 109 nano- 1012 pico-


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