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Solar Tech Chuck Hess, CEO Jamie Tofte, CFO Christina Cruz, CTO.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Tech Chuck Hess, CEO Jamie Tofte, CFO Christina Cruz, CTO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Tech Chuck Hess, CEO Jamie Tofte, CFO Christina Cruz, CTO


3 “We are a nationwide chain of vineyards, dedicated to producing the only the highest quality wine grapes and wine varieties.”

4 Software Program Needs to Track: Chemical/fertilization schedule Water levels/soil moisture content PH levels Equipment maintenance Budgeting and finances Input/output Questions From Pooginook Is it possible to create a customized program? How does one find a reliable source to develop the software? What will be the cost? Will software training be needed? Pros and cons of a customized product vs. standardized product? Is there currently a program on the market that will meet the needs?

5 Can be compared to Software Engineering Combination of Marketing, and Computer Software Software Requirement Analysis Multiple divisions HR Finance Marketing Crisis Management Etc. “…software product planning is critical to the development success and absolutely requires knowledge of multiple disciplines” -Alan M. Davis User Need Software Product

6 Agile Cleanroom Iterative Rapid Application Development (RAD) Spiral Rational Unified Process (RUP) Waterfall Extreme Programming (XP) Scrum

7 Differing philosophy Differing models for differing projects

8 RequirementsDesignImplementationVerificationMaintenance 3. Implementation 5. Maintenance 1. Requirements 4. Verification 2. Design Steps to implement a Waterfall Model:

9 Testing is inherent of every phase for this method Oldest used paradigm The waterfall method is an enforced discipline approach Inhibits flexiblity It is document driven Customer only sees the working version BENEFITSDRAWBACKS

10 “Lightweight” method Family of development processes

11 Each iteration passes through the full development cycle Lack of documents leads to scrutinizing Emphasizes face-to-face communication Completing in a specific time frame, or budget, is difficult Short time to develop software, incremental BENEFITSDRAWBACKS Video

12 Kent Beck, 1996 Plan the project work based on 3 techniques User stories Time frame Prioritization Build the product based on user stories and show the evolving product to the customer as soon as possible What the customer needs today Codes are written in pairs Shared ownership of the code

13 Stresses customer satisfaction Team work is emphasized Improves software project in 4 ways: Communication Simplicity Feedback Courage

14 “Incremental” method Use of iterations For each iteration, design modifications are made and new functions are added “Daily builds” When to use Most of the requirements are known early, but still expected to evolve Get basic functionality to the market early New technology

15 Develop the major functions first Requires early definition of a complete and fully functional system to allow definition of increments Customers can respond to each build Requires good planning and design Can re-architect within limits to accommodate new functionality May build too many features to use StrengthsWeaknesses

16 Enables programmers to build quickly Uses tools to build GUIs Visual Basic Delphi Does not have many of the setbacks of old

17 Pros Fast development Involves iterative development Emphasis on creating prototypes Facilitates maintenance Compromises functionality Compromises performance Cons


19 Amphora Wine Log Database Reports Charts Container & Vineyard Maps Cross Platform Upgrades & Support Free Trial Version $39.95 for Full Version

20 Other Vineyard Management Software Other Vineyard Management Software CropTrak eSkye Vineyard Management PAM AusVit PremiereVision SureHarvest Tiger Jill / Pocket Jill Total Scout / Total Ranch Vineworks Vingrow Vintner's Advantage The Winemaker's Database VinX2 $350 - $7200 Pooginook should see which program can best meet their needs

21 Easy to Find Development philosophies Explanations of models Available software for Pooginook Relevant videos Diagrams Definitions of jargon Difficult to Find

22 For more information look on our website about avaliable software and software development techniques:

23 ml ml 865 865

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