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A SONG FOR HARLEM Web-quest 4 th Grade English Literature.

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Presentation on theme: "A SONG FOR HARLEM Web-quest 4 th Grade English Literature."— Presentation transcript:

1 A SONG FOR HARLEM Web-quest 4 th Grade English Literature

2 Why…  The novel we are reading, A Song For Harlem, takes place in Harlem, New York, in 1928. Our job today is to investigate the culture that our main character, Lillie Bell, experiences when in Harlem.

3 Goals  By looking at elements that made Harlem have an identity, we can better understand the text we are in the process of reading.  By working as a group, we can make more connections to the time period while making use of everyone’s talents.

4 The Plan  The class will be divided into three groups. Within these groups, you will explore one of the following topics: music, art, or poetry of Harlem.  In the following slides, follow the links for your group to begin the exploration of your topic.

5 Art Group Web Resources  nce.html. nce.html   community2.htm community2.htm

6 Art Group Information  Art Group: use the sources provided to determine what elements seemed most used during this time period. Each member of the group needs to prepare some piece of work based on your findings, and be able to communicate why your art looks the way it does.  *Take pictures of your work, and the process of making it with the camera provided. On the next slide I provide an example of what’s expected.

7 Art Group Example This is my Harlem art. In this picture I used many bright colors that were prominent in artwork created during this time period. My picture shows a grinning face in the red sky. It symbolizes being happy with finally having a place to express yourself. **I expect at least a paragraph written, a Picture of your art, and although I have not Featured this element, I was pictures of your Group creating these works. I want everything Written in a Word document and the pictures Next to your paragraph. All the images Also need to be saved on ONE computer

8 Poetry Group Web Resources  5722 5722  

9 Poetry Group Information  Your group will use the sources provided to listen and read poetry from Lillie Bell’s time. After seeing and hearing these samples, your group will need to compose one poem, and work together to decided a creative way to present it. When writing your poem, write from the perspective of Lillie Bell and some of her feelings in Harlem.  *Type your poem in a Word document. I have an example of what is expected of your group on the next slide.

10 Poetry Group Example  Compose a poem (For this example I took an existing poem)  Poem: America (needs a title)  (Type the poem in a word document)  ALTHOUGH she feeds me bread of bitterness, And sinks into my throat her tiger's tooth, Stealing my breath of life, I will confess I love this cultured hell that tests my youth! Her vigor flows like tides into my blood, Giving me strength erect against her hate. Her bigness sweeps my being like a flood. Yet as a rebel fronts a king in state, I stand within her walls with not a shred Of terror, malice, not a word of jeer. Darkly I gaze into the days ahead, And see her might and granite wonders there, Beneath the touch of Time's unerring hand, Like priceless treasures sinking in the sand.  Claude McKay

11 Poetry Example Continued  Decide who will read which line  Decide if any props are needed  Decide how the group will stand in front of the class  Does the group want music or musical instruments? If so, locate media.

12 Music Resources  http:// 98/jazz/PAGE1.HTM Information Josephine Duke Ellington Louis Armstrong Billie Holiday http:// 98/jazz/PAGE1.HTM

13 Music Group Information  Your group will use the sources provided to explore what music sounded like in Lillie Bell’s time. After hearing these samples, your group will need to determine some of the instruments that were important to the people of Harlem. Then, the group will determine what these instruments added to the lyrical message of Harlem inhabitants.

14 Music Information Continued  The group will type their thoughts to these questions in a Word document. The group will also need to decide on a favorite sound clip. Include the link to this sound clip in your word document. Include why the group chose this clip and what instruments are present.

15 Music Group Example  Our group chose this sound clip (include hyperlink in a word document to the clip) The piano is used widely in this clip and by this artist. Many musicians of Harlem used the piano because it was soulful and a familiar instrument used in the church. I chose this sound clip because Billie Holiday’s voice is strong and beautiful, just like her message. (In your work, I expect at least two paragraphs. One which addresses the musical instruments, and one that addresses the why the clip was chosen.)

16 Time Line  Groups will have 30 minutes to look over their sources. The class period will finish with a group discussion on the direction the group wishes to take.  On the second day the groups will need to answer their questions and/or create what is asked in their slide. All completed Word documents need to be uploaded onto the Harlem wiki space. Make sure they have clear file names that mark them as yours. * On the third day, all groups will present briefly what was asked of their group

17 Once the groups have finished…  The groups will then come together to create a multimedia presentation about what we’ve learned from our research and projects.  We will work as a class to combine them into a presentation.  After this, we will put our creation on our class wikispace to show parents.

18 Rubrics  A rubric is available on wiki space. This rubric outlines what is expected of you and what I am grading on. Do not worry about how many points your accumulate, but how well you work as a group, follow directions, and creatively use the information. And most of all HAVE FUN!

19 Rubrics Continued  On the wiki, there is a second rubric that I want you all to fill out at the end of our project. Embrace your chance to be the teacher! The rubric will ask questions about how you liked the activity. This will be filled out on a separate day.


21 Teacher Standards in this Web-quest  A.4.3 Read and discuss literary and nonliterary texts in order to understand human experience.  Demonstrate the ability to integrate general knowledge about the world and familiarity with literary and nonliterary texts when reflecting upon life's experiences  Identify and summarize main ideas and key points from literature, informational texts, and other print and nonprint sources  Distinguish fiction from nonfiction, realistic fiction from fantasy, biography from autobiography, and poetry from prose  Select a variety of materials to read for discovery, appreciation, and enjoyment, summarize the readings, and connect them to prior knowledge and experience

22 Content Standards Continued  E.4.1 Use computers to acquire, organize, analyze, and communicate information.  Operate common computer hardware and software  Use basic word-processing, graphics, and drawing programs  Create, store, and retrieve electronic files  Access information using electronic reference resources, such as library catalog, encyclopedias, almanacs, and indexes  Generate, send, and retrieve electronic messages  E.4.2 Make informed judgments about media and products.  E.4.3 Create products appropriate to audience and purpose.  Write news articles appropriate for familiar media  Create simple advertising messages and graphics appropriate for familiar media  Prepare, perform, and tape simple radio and television scripts  Prepare and perform school announcements and program scripts  E.4.4 Demonstrate a working knowledge of media production and distribution.  E.4.5 Analyze and edit media work as appropriate to audience and purpose.  Generate and edit media work as appropriate to audience and purpose, sequencing the presentation effectively and adding or deleting information as necessary to achieve desired effects  Provide feedback to (and receive it from) peers about the content, organization, and overall effect of media work

23 Technology Standards for Students All are USED!! In this project, students are required to be creative while collaborating with others. The types of activities within each group are designed to meet the criteria specified by these standards.

24 Technology Standards for Teachers  Student Learning and Creativity  Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments  Digital Age Work & Experience Teachers in this activity are required to inspire student learning and creativity all while promoting digital learning and working with others using this media.

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