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Yoni Nazarathy EPPS EURANDOM November 4, 2010

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Presentation on theme: "Yoni Nazarathy EPPS EURANDOM November 4, 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 A bit on the Linear Complementarity Problem and a bit about me (since this is EPPS)
Yoni Nazarathy EPPS EURANDOM November 4, 2010 * Supported by NWO-VIDI Grant of Erjen Lefeber

2 Overview Yoni Nazarathy (EPPS #2):
Brief past, brief look at future… The Linear Complementarity Problem (LCP) Definition Basic Properties Linear and Quadratic Programming Min-Linear Equations My Application: Queueing Networks Just to be clear: Almost nothing in this presentation (except for pictures of my kids), is original work, it is rather a “reading seminar”


4 Some Things From the Past
Israeli Army Masters in Applied Probability High School in USA Software Engineer in High-Tech Industry Born 1974 Primary School in Israel (Haifa) Ph.D with Gideon Weiss Married Undergraduate Statistics/Economics Cycle Racing Israeli Army Reserve Divorced Emily Born Married Again Kayley Born

5 Netherlands (Feb 2009 – Nov 2010)
EURANDOM / Mechanical Engineering / CWI Amsterdam Collaborations: Matthieu, Yoav, Erjen, Johan, Ivo, Gideon, Stijn, Dieter, Michel, Bert, Ahmad, Koos, Harm, Oded, Ward, Rob, Gerard, Florin… Yarden Born!!! Nederlands: Ik dank dat het is heel gezelich om te pratten… Raising young kids in Eindhoven: HIGHLY RECOMMENEDED!!!

6 Pedaling to see the Low Lands

7 Future in Oz… Melbourne

8 Melbourne…

9 Also collaborate here: Melbourne University
Maybe live here Also collaborate here: Melbourne University Work here: Swinburne University Maybe also collaborate here: Monash University

10 Swinburne University of Technology

11 Looking for Ph.D Students…

12 What is driving my travels?? Maybe fears of some things that can kill…

13 In the Middle East…





18 In the Netherlands

19 A slow death…

20 Australia must be a safe place….

21 Or is it?








29 In Summary… I hope to stay lucky, also in Oz…

30 Finally… The Linear Complementarity Problem (LCP)

31 Definition

32 It’s all about Choosing a Subset…

33 Illustration: n=2 Complementary cones:
Immediate naïve algorithm with complexity

34 Existence and Uniqueness
Relation of P-matrixes to positive definite (PD) matrixes: P-Matrixes Symmetric Matrixes PD Matrixes

35 Computation (Algorithms)
Naive algorithm, runs on all subsets alpha Generally, LCP is NP complete Lemeke’s Algorithm, a bit like simplex If M is PSD: polynomial time algs exists PD LCP equivalent to QP Special cases of M, linear number of iterations For non-PD sub-class we (Stijn & Eren) have an algorithm. Where does it fit in LCP theory? We still don’t know… Note: Checking for P-Matrix is NP complete, checking for PD is quick

36 LCP References And Resources
Linear Complementarity, Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Katta G. Murty, Internet edition. The Linear Complementarity Problem, Second Edition, Richard W. Cottle, Jong-Shi Pang, Richard E. Stone. 1991, 2009. Richard W. Cottle, George B. Dantzig, Complementary Pivot Theory of Mathematical Programming, Linear Algebra and its Applications 1, , 1968. Related (to queueing networks): Unpublished paper (~1989), Avi Mandelbaum, The Dynamic Complementarity Problem. Open problems in LCP…. I am now not an expert (but a user) .... So I don’t know… Gideon Weiss, working on relations to SCLP

37 Some Applications (and Sources) of LCP

38 Linear Programming (LP)
Primal-LP: Dual-LP: Theorem: Complementary slackness conditions

39 The LCP of LP Find: Such that: And (complementary slackness):

40 Lekker!

41 Quadratic Programming
QP: Lemma: An optimizer, , of the QP also optimizes QP-LP: Proof: QP-LP gives a necessary condition for optimality of QP in terms of an checking optimality of an LP

42 The Resulting LCP of QP Allows to find “suspect” points that satisfy the necessary conditions: QP-LP Theorem: Solutions of this LCP are KKT (Karush-Kuhn-Tucker) points for the QP Proof: Write down KKT conditions and check. Corollary: If D is PSD then x solving the LCP optimizes QP. Note: When D is PSD then M is PSD. In this case it can be shown that the LCP is equivalent to a QP (solved in polynomial time). Similarly, every PSD LCP can be formulated as a PSD QP.

43 Our Application: Min-Linear Equations

44 Open Jackson Networks Jackson 1957, Goodman & Massey 1984, Chen & Mandelbaum 1991
Problem Data: Assume: open, no “dead” nodes Traffic Equations:

45 Modification: Finite Buffers and Overflows Wolff, 1988, Chapter 7 & references there in & after
Problem Data: Assume: open, no “dead” nodes, no “jam” (open overflows) Explicit Stochastic Stationary Solutions: Generally No Exact Traffic Equations for Stochastic System: Generally No Traffic Equations for Fluid System Yes

46 Traffic Equations

47 Wrapping Up LCP: Appears in several places (we didn’t show game-theory) Would like to fully understand the relation of our limiting traffic equations and LCP In progress paper with Stijn Fleuren and Erjen Lefeber, “Single Class Fluid Networks with Overflows” makes use of LCP theory (existence and uniqueness) I will miss EURANDOM and the Netherlands very much! Visit me in Melbourne!!!

48 The End

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