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United States Presidents. George Washington 1789-1797 Commander in Chief of Continental Army Set precedents- two terms, cabinet Strengthen new government-

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Presentation on theme: "United States Presidents. George Washington 1789-1797 Commander in Chief of Continental Army Set precedents- two terms, cabinet Strengthen new government-"— Presentation transcript:

1 United States Presidents

2 George Washington 1789-1797 Commander in Chief of Continental Army Set precedents- two terms, cabinet Strengthen new government- use of force in Whiskey Rebellion Kept peace through Proclamation of Neutrality and Jay Treaty Farewell Address- set policy of isolationism

3 John Adams 1791-1801 1 st vice-president; 2 nd president Undeclared war with France [XYZ Affair] Alien and Sedition Acts- attempted to eliminate opposition to Federalist Party- made Adams unpopular

4 Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 Wrote Declaration of Independence Favored limited, decentralized government Louisiana Purchase- sent Lewis and Clark to explore Louisiana Territory Embargo Act of 1807- resulted in hurt U.S. trade

5 James Monroe 1817-1825 Purchased Florida (1819) Monroe Doctrine (1823)- U.S. foreign policy in Western hemisphere Era of Good Feelings (1815-1830)- time of peace, growing nationalism and internal improvements (roads and canals)

6 Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 Hero of Battle of New Orleans (War of 1812) Democracy expanding [convention system] Expands presidential power [spoils system] Closes Bank of the United States Fights against nullification act Forced removal of Native Americans [Trail of Tears]

7 James Polk 1845-1849 Supporter of Manifest Destiny Oregon Country (1846) Mexican-American War (1846-1848) Mexican Cession (1848)

8 Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865 Opposed spread of slavery into territories 1 st Republican president President during Civil War- expanded president’s power during wartime Emancipation Proclamation (1863) Lincoln’s plan for reconstruction

9 Andrew Johnson 1865-1869 Became president after Lincoln’s assassination Disagreed with Congress (Radical Republicans) over Reconstruction Impeached by the House of Representatives, but not removed from office by Senate

10 Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909 Domestic program- Square Deal Progressive president- “Trustbuster”, conservationist, Meat Inspection Act & Pure Food and Drug Act Roosevelt Corollary [Big Stick Policy]- U.S. would act as police force in Latin America Gentlemen’s Agreement Panama Canal

11 Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921 Progressive president- New Freedom- enforcement of antitrust laws World War I (1917-1918)- U.S.entered because of Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare Fourteen Points- included freedom of seas, self- determination League of Nations- Senate refused to sign Treaty of Versailles and join the League

12 Herbert Hoover 1929-1933 Oct. 29, 1929- Stock Market Crash Depression begins- Tried to restore confidence in economy, but did not believe government should become directly involved in economy Bonus Army- 1932, WWI veterans gathered in DC and Hoover sent in army to disperse veterans Took steps to use power of federal government, but lost to FDR in election

13 Franklin D Roosevelt 1933-1945 New Deal –AAA, WPA, CCC –FDIC, Social Security Act, Minimum Wage Supreme Court- tried to increase # of justices Good Neighbor Policy Internment of Japanese Americans

14 Harry Truman 1945-1953 Atomic Bombs- end of World War II (1945) Cold War begins Truman Doctrine- policy of containment Marshall Plan- plan to rebuild Europe Domestic policy- Fair Deal- extend reforms of New Deal Korean War (1950-1953)

15 Dwight Eisenhower 1953-1961 Domino Theory - if one nation fall to communism, others will Arms race - build up of nuclear weapons Eisenhower Doctrine - pledge to help Middle East resist communism Little Rock, Arkansas - sent troops to protect African American students Peaceful coexistence- 1955, relations between superpowers improved Space race - 1957 USSR launched Sputnik

16 John F Kennedy 1961-1963 New Frontier –Peace Corps –Space program Alliance for Progress - improve relations with Latin America Bay of Pigs -failed attempt to remove Castro from power Cuban Missile Crisis - brinksmanship Berlin - pledge support to West Berlin after wall is built

17 Lyndon B Johnson 1963-1969 Great Society Programs –War on Poverty –Medicare/ Medicaid –Head Start Gulf of Tonkin Resolution- Lead to increased involvement in Vietnam War Civil Rights Act of 1964 - turning point Voting Rights Act of 1965

18 Richard Nixon 1969-1974 Vietnam War –Vietnamization –Bombing of Cambodia; protest at Kent State –Withdrawal of troops 1973; War Powers Act Détente with USSR and China –Recognized China –SALT agreement Watergate Affair –United States v. Nixon; president is not above the law –Resignation; public distrust of government

19 Jimmy Carter 1977-1981 Oil Crisis - OPEC raised oil prices Panama Canal Treaty - control of canal returned to Panama in 1999 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan- U.S. supported rebels Camp David Accords -peace agreement between Israel and Egypt Iranian hostage Crisis - failed rescue attempt

20 Ronald Reagan 1981-1989 Reaganomics - supply-side economics Federal budget deficits- cut taxes and increased military spending Hard line against communism and Soviet Union –Renewed Détente in 1985 when Gorbachev became leader of Soviet Union Iran-Contra Affair

21 Bill Clinton 1993-2000 Attempted health care and social security reform Reduced federal deficit NAFTA Peacekeeping efforts-Bosnia, Somalia, Haiti Arab-Israeli Peace Scandals- Whitewater, impeachment

22 George W Bush 2001-2008 Bush v. Gore Tax cuts - led to increase federal deficits War on Terrorism - Sept. 11 th ; hunt for Bin Laden and al Qaeda Iraq War - WMDS; remove Saddam Hussein from power Hurricane Katrina No Child Left Behind - education reform Economic Crisis- Bank bailouts

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