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S + Na Na2S Na More Ionic Bonding 2Na+1

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1 S + Na Na2S Na More Ionic Bonding 2Na+1
Ionic bonding involves the electrical attraction of a cation (+) and an anion (-). Charges and amounts of atoms balance to become a neutral compound. Na S + -2 2Na+1 Na2S Na

2 OXIDATION Example: Na0 Na+1 + 1e- By losing electrons
Process of an element becoming more POSITIVE. How does element oxidize? By losing electrons Example: Na Na e- The ionic charge of Na (0 or +1) can also be called its oxidation number.

3 REDUCTION By Gaining electrons Example: S0 + 2e- S-2
Process of an element becoming more NEGATIVE. How does element reduce? By Gaining electrons Example: S0 + 2e S-2 What’s the oxidation number for S? -2

4 Parts of an Equation: Putting it all together
REACTANTS OXIDATION NUMBER PRODUCTS COEFFICIENT SUBSCRIPT Example: 2Na+1 S -2 Na2S + *Cation is always written first! *Atoms combine in simplest whole number ratios to make their charges zero.

5 PRACTICE 1. Write oxidation / reduction equations for Potassium and Oxygen. K0  K e (oxidation) O0 + 2e-  O (reduction) 2. Write the combined equation for potassium and oxygen when they form an ionic bond. 2 K O-2  K2O

6 Na + F [Na]+ + [ F ]- Remember this? Lewis Structures in an equation!
Brackets needed for IONS !!!!!

7 Polyatomic ions Ions can get a bit more complex…….
A group of atoms that bond together to form a larger charged particle. This many atom particle acts as ONE and bonds with other particles to cancel out all charges!

8 Polyatomic ions Formula Charge Name SO4-2 2- sulfate SO3-2 sulfite
NO3-1 1- nitrate NO2-1 nitrite OH-1 hydroxide NH4+1 1+ ammonium PO4-3 3- phosphate C2H3O2-1 acetate CN-1 cyanide

9 Lewis Structures can be drawn for
Polyatomic Ions, also: N H +1 O -1

10 3Na+1 + PO4-3  Na3PO4 The making of Sodium Phosphate:
Why are 3 sodium ions required ? To balance the -3 charge of the phosphate

11 Ca+2 + 2C2H3O2-1  Ca(C2H3O2)2 The making of Calcium Acetate
When multiple numbers of polyatomic ions are needed to cancel out charges, they are put in parentheses.

12 PRACTICE Write balanced equations and formulas for the
following compounds: Aluminum Hydroxide Ammonium Nitride Calcium Sulfite Barium Cyanide Al OH-1  Al (OH)3 3NH N-3  (NH4)3N Ca SO3-2  Ca2(SO3)2  CaSO3 Ba CN-1  Ba(CN)2

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